Tell me Sup Forums, will this ever catch on? Surely it will do better than Juicero, right?
'A Keurig, but for food'
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"the ____ of _____" is code phrase for garbage.
nigga its a microwave
poorfags out
So, this essentially reads the package instructions ("cook x minutes at y degree") for me?
I mean, I'm still doing most of the work. I unwrap food, put it in the thing and later arrange it on a plate. All it does is using the right time/temperature without me having to read a package description.
And it does so by using the internet.
Money and resources being wasted on solving non-problems.
Why. What is wrong with being fresh ingredients and cooking them...its not like its hard.
>Uses a shit load of plastic packaging for overpriced food
>Is essentially a smart microwave
At least it's programmable, making it not a total waste as long as you don't buy any of the pre-packaged garbage food they're selling you.
Funny that the foods that they used to demonstrate the product are trivial to make. Broccoli, rice, and salmon. You can make the first two parts without much effort. Stick in boiling water, wait until done. Salmon isn't too difficult to cook either, though it requires a little more attention.
Anyone who is poor or middle class will find that $12 a meal is outrageous (at that price range, you could be eating out) and the device for regular cooking is likely outclassed by every other appliance in their kitchen. Rich people on the other hand, have better solutions to not wanting to cook, and the carbon footprint of all of this packaging is not going to make them look good for their peer group. I can't see this catching on very well in any market.
>Money and resources being wasted on solving non-problems.
Can you think of a better way for rich people to launder money?
But we already have soylent.
Price/packaging aside I kind of like the idea of ingredient delivery services particularly for rural areas. But the device itself is just no
That's not a microwave you dumbasses, it's a toaster oven.
lol that's not REAL FOOD
>some broccoli and slice of fish
>a meal
Nigga I need 4x that just to get full
We get it, you're obese. No need to imitate mcdonalds and advertise.
the netflix of food!
Of course it will, normalfags are a half step above the actual drooling retards.
It's not even about being poor, I can go down and get a fresh salmon from my local meat market for $5, why would I want some frozen shit that has to be shipped to me instead?
>why would I want some frozen shit that has to be shipped to me instead?
Because people are autistic with packaging.
why would you eat MREs if you have the constitutional freedoms of being a citizen
pre-portioned meals means less waste (ignore the 5 pounds of aluminum and plastic)
MRE are packaged, interestingly even if the food is meant to make you fat. If it had smilely anime girls most people would buy it here because no clean up.
But it's a pretty apt comparison. Especially when you consider the effect that those shitty plastic Keurig cups have on the environment and compare it to those stupid, proprietary juice bags. You think recycling facilities are going to waste the resources removing the organic matter from those bags, washing said bags, and then repurposing them? Those things are such an abomination it would literally be better for the environment to just throw them in a landfill rather than expending the water and energy necessary to recycle that shit. Fuck Keurig. Fuck Juicero. I hate anyone who patronizes them equally, and I hope they both get hanged.
"hydrate, level 4, please"
$36 a week for three one person meals?
That is such a waste of money. You can practically eat out for the same amount.
As someone who eats miso glazed salmon maybe twice a month at school I can tell you that miso glazed salmon looks like crap.
Based on HN it's part of the "I'm too busy killing it with my fifty side hustle" wanker crowd that feels the need to outsource everything down to chewing (juicero and soylent). The irony being if they just their chores themselves they wouldn't have to work 90 fucking hours for some bullshit startup
Because they're NICE.
>having to say "please" to a machine
Truly a dystopia.
>Americans are too dumb they can't begin to cook a simple meal
É mesmo.....
It won't catch on because Keurig is a well known scam that has some niche applications in areas where people don't care that it's a scam. Food isn't wanted in those same areas and people aren't going to fall for it twice.
MREs are delicious you heretic.
so it's a combo toaster oven/microwave.
It's slightly less idiotic than the Juicero, slightly.
I need to figure out the right combination of buzzwords so venture capitalists will shower me with money.
I wonder how much they managed to scam out of investors for this.
Successful products were created because their inventors had a pain point to solve. If a product description is "the .... of ...." the inventors were just desperately brainstorming for an idea to jew some money out of the startup bubble.
everyone knows amazon is about to crush all these stupid meal delivery companies
I feel bad that some trannies are using this movie to spouting their bullshit.
Well, I feel bad, because Back to the Future was perfect as it was and didn't need a sequel.
I don't. What is Amazon going to do? Deliver self warming meals to the USA, Europe, Japan etc?
"the ____ of _____" worked so well last time it was tried.
thats a can opener look closer dumb bell
>You think recycling facilities are going to waste the resources removing the organic matter from those bags, washing said bags, and then repurposing them
Worked at a recycling plant for two years. Any shit you throw into the recycling that you have not thoroughly rinsed out first will be rejected at the plant and end up in the landfill anyway.
That's because they're packed with sugar and fat since they're meant to be eaten by soldiers in combat who typically burn a lot of calories.
it is dead right? they are on the verge of bankruptcy right?
>Company raises $120 Million in funding to create a smart juicer+monthly juice subscriptions.
>Videos of people "hacking" their juice packs start to surface.
>CEO begs people not to simply squeeze the juice out of their juice packs.
>Old CEO is booted from the company.
>Company slashed price from $700 to $400.
>Company fires 25% of its workforce.
This is all within the span of 6 months.
No, because Keurig tried to do literal DRM.
> Read it
> Think it's 36 bucks a week for three meals per day so 21 meals
> "Wow this isn't such a bad deal"
> Read it again
Fucking kikes
They could have had more success by just selling these fruit packs and marketing it as some futuristic super-food
Reminds me of my grandma's Meals on Wheels
What the fuck is a Keurig?
Something like Nespresso
This already exists. It's called Blue Apron, and you don't even need to waste 400 bucks on a toaster
Even that is a waste of time. Squeezing a big old pack of mashed up fruit to get an itty-bitty little glass of juice, instead of just selling it in a bottle.
A shittier version of Nespresso. Perhaps they're aware of the inherent crappiness of their brand.
Anyway, Nespresso, now there's an actually useful device.
>>Company raises $120 mil
jesus and I'm here still living with my mommy being poor. can I get 120 mil like them?
>all that burned shit
Well good thing it was never intended to be a useful product, but more like a sink for VC and such. According to AvE they are bankrupting themselves with the $400 tag as it probably costs nearly as much to get one of those bastards to a store.
autistic "future" coffe maker
don't know what that is, either
I thought this was a troll pic but it's actually burned. And then they say it's cooked "perfectly".
It's the inkjet printer of coffee.