Windows 10 LTSB

Does anyone on Sup Forums use this on their desktop?

yes, it's the only reasonable way to use windows 10

still not as good as 2000, XP, or 7 though

Nah, I use Thin PC which is basically Embedded 7 but supported one more year than Windows 7 (2021).

Windows 10 a shit

I use the regular LTSB 2016.


No. I like getting new features even if they are buggy, otherwise I'd still be on Windows 7.

Ah, the glorious LTSB meme.
Great choice OP, better version of the BotnetOS.

What does LTSB stand for and what is it?

long term service branch
its windows 10 without any bloatware and has alot less botnet(still has botnet tho)

Little Tiny Slice of Botnet

I see, I'll give it a try, is it more expensive?
I don't really care about the botnet much.

No x64 version. Maybe POSReady 7 might work

You cant "buy" it. It's Enterprise, so you can only get it if you acquire like 2000 copies of it.

i'm running on it


TPB has a torrent for this by Generation2. Is this good/safe? Would it receive updates?

this, it also runs many programs flawlessly. currently playing total warhmmaer


Nah, get the original here :

>on their desktop
I use Qubes OS so I am able to have multiple operating systems, including Windows 10 LTSB without the hassle of manual configuration 24/7. To answer your question, yes, I do. The only secure Linux and Windows operating system is Qubes OS.

but how do I use it for more than 90 days? KMSpico from MDL?

To bad it doesn't have all the updates already installed. Shit can be a pain to wait on versus getting on with them all installed

>afraid of botnets
>Uses convient OS made for anti botnetters
>This won't have twice the targeting as the normie OS
>Seems legit

Yes, I dual-boot with Gentoo. Though I really only start up the Windows 10 partition to do some stuff in Visual Studio.

Just keep using it, it's like using WinRar trial edition.

if you're in the EU you can buy a legit used key on ebay because the EU court ruled software sales to be permanent and resellable.

Only acceptable Windows 10 version to use desu

Nah, regular Enterprise 10 is the current version you should use since that's the closest thing to Windows 7/Enterprise.


Are there any EU sellers though?