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Alpha of Windows 7.

Greatly underrated.


Oh look, a slide thread

Shit was the best if you had the hardware that could run it. Also the most stable Windows Edition desu.

Not supported anymore, but Windows 7 is. My dad bought me a 1 GB RAM laptop with Vista and it was frustrating. When Windows 7 came out, the hardware being sold was guaranteed to support the software.

better than w*dows 10

I like it. It was ahead of its time though, almost impossible to use outside of specific hardware setups when it came out. Now it's just 7 but without the extra botnet shit, would be the best Winblows OS if they didn't kill support for it.

I miss Balmer.

not as bad as people generally claimed. the big issue was that prebuilts that came with it were still shipping with lithe 512mb ram xp specs

yet XP still ran fine
then again i'm not that experienced in this field yet

failed in the market, much like windows 10

yes, xp still ran fine. older software runs better on older hardware.
What're you getting at?

I feel like running Vista or Windows 7 again, but I don't know if it's worth it.
Do most applications work fine with Windows 7?


It was fine if you had 4GB of ram and a dual core. Any less and it was very frustrating.

Windows 7 beta had less bugs, and performed better.

Windows 7 was much better than Vista. Everybody wanted to dump Vista as soon as they could. Many stayed on XP which to be fair was a decent OS for its time.

No, nothing will run on Windows 7 anymore. It's a deprecated OS that literally can't run any apps.

* Sent from my Microsoft(TM) Surface Pro(TM) running Windows(TM) 10 S


my current thought is "woah OP sure is a flaming homosexual"

I might downgrade then, I don't really need DX12 so I'll be fine.

I heard that dual-monitors don't work as well, and performance on some games is not as good but I guess it's fine.

Only real concern is security.

Windows 7 ia about as secure as Windows 10 as long as it's still getting security updates and you're installing said security updates.
For performance reasons I'd recommend you install Windows 8.1 instead of 7, though. If you don't like the Start screen, you can fix it by installing Classic Shell.

As far as dual monitor functionality goes, DisplayFusion is your friend. Even on Windows 10. Shit, it's useful even with a single monitor.

7 maybe, as long as you're not demanding. Vista has been useless since 2012-13 when most developers dropped support for it since it only had like 1.5% share.

>as long as it's still getting security updates and you're installing said security updates
Aren't updates a huge pain in the ass now?

>For performance reasons I'd recommend you install Windows 8.1 instead of 7, though
No point in going to 8.1, might as well stick with 10. Which also has themes.
(I want to try this but don't know if it would work well)

>As far as dual monitor functionality goes, DisplayFusion is your friend
Do I need to install this or do they work more or less the same as on Windows 10?

Yea, 7 still has plenty of support. I don't do anything demanding besides the occasional game.

>Windows 7 was much better than Vista.
Depends how you look at it. 7 was better at launch than Vista was at launch, but by then Vista had already matured a lot and people weren't trying to run it on their Pentium 3 shitboxes.

Many people stayed on XP because they didn't have the hardware to run Vista, which in turn meant Vista was a generally horrible and unstable experience. Vista was ahead of its time due to its hardware requirements, while Windows 7 was essentially a more mature version of Vista released at a time when those hardware requirements had long since become mainstream.

So while it's true that 7 had a much better launch than Vista did, it isn't really much better if you compare them both in a mature state with the hardware to support them.

>Aren't updates a huge pain in the ass now?
They've always been a huge pain in the ass on 7. Windows Update is a broken mess, good fucking luck with the first batch especially.

>No point in going to 8.1, might as well stick with 10. Which also has themes.
If you don't see a point in going to 8.1 from 10, then you don't see a point in going to 7 either, seeing as 8.1 can be summed up as "Windows 7 with performance improvements and better out-of-the-box support for newer hardware."
Don't see the point in downgrading to 8.1 ? Don't downgrade at all.

>Do I need to install this or do they work more or less the same as on Windows 10?
Works more or less the same as on Windows 10, it's worked like that ever since XP. As I recall though, 10 added some nifty features that you could always get with displayfusion.

I'm actually installing it in a VirtualBox VM right now.

There was no reason for it to exist.

Vista did nothing wrong. People were just butthurt it wasn't an exact copy of XP.

Kind of like Windows 8 and peoples expectations vs. 7.

loved it, remember having a gold edition bootleg for a while, then went with a ripped of dev edition ultimate that i used for years on my normie box.

Absolute madman

Most aesthetically pleasing windows.