Autonomous floor cleaning robot

Do they work?

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If your floor is clean, yeah.


buddy has one for his cats. small space it works.

The floor plans of your house aren't private. Anybody could go to the city and request them, so who gives a shit if the Roomba Corporation knows this?

Yes, but not for everyone. I have 7 cats and it is perfect for cleaning up after them. The downside is the constant cleaning and maintenance of the vacuum rollers since the fur will get tangled. So, those robots are not for old folks, the lazy, of those of low intelligence since the cleanliness of the machine does have to be maintained.

>I have 7 cats
y tho

Wife. Eh, it keeps her happy. And, they're all pretty cool.

Yes its awesome, have 3 cats

My sister has a cat, it likes to knock everything off tables, desks etc.

Chewed through multiple USB cords, chewed through her macbook charger cable, hides remotes under the couch, won't stop pissing on her bed, meows throughout the night, shredded the couch, chewed through the cord for the land line, and bites people when they try to pet it.

is it a kitten?

My cat used to chew up my earbud cables when she was a kitten, but she stopped doing that eventually.

No it's a almost 2 human years old, it's male, and neutered. Some times it just runs out from behind the couch pounces on someone's leg and starts biting.

Rent one and see for yourself.

I find they're perfect for picking up hair from my cats and gf

I have a dumb roomba that drives around while I'm at work

It always has a lot of dust by the end of the week but it tends to get caught up on random things around my house about a fourth of the time.

tell your sister to watch jackson galaxy vids or read a book. According to /an/ this guy is the opposite of cesar milan in that he looks like a freak but he knows his shit and the methods are legit.

>autonomous floor cleaning robot
That actually reminded me of that one robot that was powered and controlled by a rat's brain.

Tell me how a device that's not networked or able to be networked is a botnet.

Got one because my wife is Asian and I was tired of her hair everywhere. I was sweeping almost every day. The Rovio works great. Picks up her hair and also dust and whatever dirt there is. We even end up having to mop less than before because of the dust and dirt it picks up.

I looked into the mopping robots and they're not ready yet. The skooba scrubbed the floor but their new one just pushes the dirt around with a pad.

Your life makes me sad.

Some have Wi-Fi.

They aren't bad.
I have a cat and a dog and I pull a ball of fur and dust out of the robot's bin daily.
That shit would have been on my floor otherwise until I wiped it.
Draw your own conclusions

It's like getting a raspberry pi
If you have a reason to get one, they're great.
If not, they're a complete waste.

>Do they work?
Yes and No. You will still need to vacuum once every 3-6 months, but that is when you DEEP vacuum your whole house and scrub everything clean, aka "spring cleaning."

These robots serve as a daily little clean up, you be surprised how much BS it picks up, even if you think you are clean, and have no pets, there still be plenty of dirt.

It comes down to 2 things, do you want to manually vacuum once a week/bi weekly forever, or do it once every 3-6 months and have the robot keep the house clean.

Had mine for 2+ years, regular maintenance and clearing the chamber is all that is needed.

They are extremely loud and can't hold anywhere near as much filth as a normal vacuum. Not to mention how often they get stuck in simple places like corners, and the fact that they tend to miss spots.

Stop being lazy and just get a normie vacuum.

Works but you need to make sure your corners and shit are easy to reach for the bot. Keeps your floors clean enough for longer, and beats mopping every week.

WiFi on these is pointless, save yourself the $100-200. Also, botnet.

Even making one that is less loud would be an improvement.
Also my dogs sleep on the ground and the robot bothers them


But the arrangement of your furniture and what furniture you own isn't public

>Do they work?
Yes. I have one and it works well and saves me a lot of time.

>I have 7 cats
You need the barking module...

Why even have such a cat?