What colour scheme do you prefer when working?

What colour scheme do you prefer when working?

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it's called seahorse iirc

I prefer darker themes usually, but every now and then if I get tired of it I switch to a white theme- and then I get tired of that, and switch back to dark.

The cycle continues.

Are you me?
I usually go with a dark theme for my IDE, but I switch to a light theme once in a blue moon. I feel like light themes are more readable while dark themes make colors pop out more. My terminal is always dark though. Yellow/green/red text on a white background is barely readable.

Still waiting for a natural day cycle (or customizable) to be added to all ides so I don't have to manually shift.

nofrils mustard race

Gruvbox, Solarized if I can't have that.

solarized light.

dark themes are a meme.

Hi Mark

Monokai or w/e. I really like github's too for a light theme. Been down the custom theme road before and it's never particularly fun as there's never an end in sight.

Brogrammer for Sublime 3

"morning" from standard vim

alot of you would find it ugly or too bright, but I fucking love the creme background, the red and blue on it.

Memes aside, I really like the gruvbox dark colorscheme, its really comfy

I use pywal to generate a colorscheme from my wallpaper.


My own light coloured theme based on tango colors in Vim. It has off-white background and dark grey default font colour to reduce contrast, so it's very comfortable for my eyes.

that looks neat and useless.

font name?

exclusively light

It is called moe-theme, I modified it a little.

Noctilux (for Emacs)


Why does it matter?
An editor is an editor.



I ported the light version of owickstrom/vim-colors-paramount to PHPStorm (because ~work~) and changed the purple colour to green (which I found easier to look at for 8 hours). Pretty comfy.

Also the code is rubbish but I didn't write it and it was the first code I saw which didn't have references to the product name, which I probably shouldn't be showing off.

Solarized dark treats me well (not my screenshot). Sublime text is cool too.

Light is right

solarized dark is the standard theme

vim basic colorscheme 'elflord' is top tier

I use either sublime 3 or visual studio (the real deal, not code) for projects, both with Solarized themes: sublime 3 has the boxy theme (dark and light). Visual studio has them in it's theme extension package. I alternate light and dark depending on night/day

dark themes are overused but have their place
I use solarized dark in the night so I don't strain my eyes

Default for what? Sublime's default is monokai.


Dark (Visual Studio) on VSCode

morning is a go-to for me, with evening as my backup choice

>not using monospace

Another fan of Solarized. I prefer a blueish background for coding rather than a blackish one, seems easier to focus on.

Cobalt2 is another good one but Solarized is available for literally everything so I stick with that.

People say dark themes are a meme but I use it because there's much better contrast between the different colors on the screen when you have a darker background. Reading black text on a white background gets exhausting after a while, and yes, I do sit in a well lit room and use F.lux.

I like Solarized Dark and Monokai Dimmed in VSC, still haven't really settled for one.