Edge/chromium video playback

things that really make you think

Wow you mean the browser programed for use with the OS works better? What's next you'll tell me safari is faster than other browsers on IOS? WOW REALLY MADE ME HAVE A FUCKING THINK YOU FUCKING DUMBASS.

god when the fuck do the summerfags leave.

Chrome is shart in binary form.

Microsoft always had better engineers than basically everyone. They're just too wrapped up in red tape and legacy to fix the big problems (Windows).

If a good exec consolidated a few teams and had them make a new OS they'd probably knock it out of the park and shit on everyone, but they're always tied down by the noose that is Windows

Edge is unironically the best browser around right now if you don't care about the botnet (and you don't if you're using win10)

prove that safari is better than chromium at decoding vp9 videos on macos, until then damare

chromium doesn't even run on IOS user. I think you kinda missed his point.

the thing is the browser made to work with os doesn't even decode vp9 whether it is macos or ios

They have the worst. Besides their os being shit tier, zune, Xbox, silver light, edge, IE, xna, dx being garbage compared to Vulkan, you could go on all day with the failures. Not to mention Microsoft engineers are so shitty that they had to get Sega to design their controller and overall help on OG Xbox. It almost failed to launch

Remind me why I should care that my CPU is being used?

>Not knowing or caring about energy efficiency

They were marketing or licensing failures not bad hardware or software
You're going to sit there and tell people that the fucking Zune was bad? And d3d is just outright better than opengl. More than a few devs, including Carmack himself admitted DX was ahead of the curve with dx9 and dx11 AND easier to implement than opengl. XNA was great and helped kickstart the indie scene at a time when it was nearly non-existent. It's not around because they dropped support while newer and better competitors came out but that doesn't make it bad

you're the one that needs to leave as you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Proper hardware video decoding isn't some magical thing only Microsoft can access. Launch the same video with a desktop video player like mpv, with hardware video decoding on, and you'll get similar results as Edge. Fucking retard.

>programed for use with the OS
kek, this isn't a YLYL thread

Microsoft is full of amazing engineers struggling under the weight of past mistakes and corporate bureaucracy. Corporations are just horrible at fostering cooperation and progress period. See: Red Hat. Special interests, attaboys, nepotism, sociopaths, and Dunning Krugers fuck things up.
The engineers behind the product are generally brilliant and highly productive people, and they only deal with such bullshit because they're paid in large stacks of cash.


Google is sending VP9 to Chrome which is not hardware decoded on outdated Sandy Bridge shit while Edge is getting H.264 which is hardware decoded


>using Chrome
>being an intel corelet

>Using Windows
>Using MS anything
>Not using Qutebrowser
>Not mapping a single button press to open embedded videos in MPV


So Edge is doing the correct thing and OP it's right.

I think everyone at Sup Forums knows which company has the best engineers. pic related.