The current state of Linux gaming

The current state of Linux gaming

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looks better than the shit being released nowadays desu

That game is actually pretty comfy


video games website

TBC works on Wine, that's all I need desu

The current state of windows gaming


>look mom, I posted it again!


Tux Racer is the greatest racing game ever made.

This is the current state of linux gaming

Looks like dogshit

>I rate Computer Systems based on their ability to play games
>"W-what do you mean you can do other things on them other vi-deyah?"
Holy shit, talk about a onetrack mind. I bet you accidentally refer to novel and movie as "games" all the time too.

Obsessed freaks

Gamers don't read or they'd have realized how bad videogame writing is

The new hitman just got ported to Linux

>that pic
Glad BSD doesn't have this problem.

comfy, desu, whats wrong with you fuckin teens?

>whats wrong with you fuckin teens?
Video game obsession


>being this new
Holy shit, reported.

but i'm not the one playing video gaymes :^)

The current state of Linux gaming

This. I remember when TLoU came out I was watching a friend play it, holy shit I can't believe he said it was a masterpiece because of the story. It was honestly Twilight levels of cringe and people were praising it, most generic and predictable characters can't be written. The gameplay was meh 3rd person shit too to make things worse. I've come to the conclusion that games that focus on the gameplay without a plot is the way to go.

>he doesn't game on plan9

BSD is a meme, just like anarcho capitalism

The fact that people still use nigger meme speak despite the fact the filter has been in place for so long is far more embarrassing.

That was one shitty fucking port. It was dipping to the 40 fps most of the time on Linux, while on windows it was 100 fps at the lowest.

Fuck off. Gaming on GNU/Linux is perfectly fine.

Is that a N64 game?

No it's Urban Terror, originally a Quake 3 mod

I'd say more accurately you have to force shut down your computer because Fallout 4 decided to break the video driver when closing the game.

That's because it's the Windows version wrapped in EON.


IDK looks like fine by me, are you autistic, OP?

Wesnoth is actually pretty fun.
This theme
This map
This game

That reminds me of Quake 3

Is that nexuiz?

Free as in freedom quake-like.
sudo apt-get install xonotic

Nice installing it right now

>It's in the repo
kek I'm installing it

Footage is the instagib mode.
Almost purely the reason I play it.

Runs even on Intel HD 3000 and has sensible hardware autodetection.

Hardware is never a problem, at least for me. I hope they make a port of DOOM3

AYY LMAO The game is fucking dope

>hating on tuxkart

were you not loved as a child?

This looks a lot like Nexuiz

I think that's tuxracer.

alientrap stopped developing it, so another team picked it up and called it xonotic.

I used to play that on my Nokia N900 some years ago, pretty comfy game

Is that still an issue for them? Haven't heard shit about it.

This thread again!!!!
Its a great game isnt it!!!!!!!

m8, this game is 10/10

Its in a better state than ever.

Stories in games have always been a vehicle for the gameplay. The only thing games do well is exposition. You can create a world as complex as you want, with details hidden all over the place. But don't expect a good, classic story like you'd find in a book or film.

no mane

the same team continued to develop it after they were cheated by the faggot selling the game nexuiz so they forked it rename it and made sure no such shit would happen again

sheesh you kids can't even read google results


The current state of Sup Forums memes

80 out of my ~200 steam games work in loonix out of the box, without messing around with wine

>things your mother said when she saw you the first time

desu desu desu desu desu desu desu


Yeah, if you're retarded that is.

My smartphone has better graphics on games.

>AYY LMAO The game is fucking dope
>No players
>This is fine for the average linux shitlord who cannot even be around people in an online game because muh autism.

>plot twist
>he's actually Indian

faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot

>being picky about games
lol neckbeard

>waah I have a superior taste in video games pleb stop liking what i don't like
Peak autism. Get out of your basement, fat fuck

True Combat Elite was definitely a better game

I don't know desu baka senpai


Enjoy being cucked by your anti-privacy device, basic phones ftw

bark bark bark bark bark
