Devuan sucks

Devuan sucks. The packages are old, and upgrade to ascii (testing) DOES NOT WORK!

Fix it or flush it.

Install OpenBSD.

>The packages are old
Perfectly understandable. I respect your opinion and--
>upgrade to ascii (testing) DOES NOT WORK!
Oh. You're just retarded

Install TempleOS

Install systemd/linux.

What about stable Jessie?

What's the best way to have a systemd free Ryzen OS

besides gentoo

trips of truth
dubs of deception
openbsd has shit driver support and runs generally slowly on my x220

installed OpenBSD on laptop
wifi doesn't work during installation because non-free firmware
installed wants me to just hit Enter ten times to confirm totally reasonable defaults
first boot installs that firmware automatically
just setup doas and ksh, Xorg already there
only have Intel HD, so no issue with graphics
wtf there is no gui network manager
wow so many packages in repo (mpv, iridium there), new versions if on shapshot
function keys work (sound, brightness, wifi card)
enhanced keyboard layout with Meta key for accented and special characters
in-house wm, editor, great monitoring tool (systat), tmux, xterm (meh but has pledge and other patches)

Many things are confusing, but it looks really good. Going to try how Gnome works. Still afraid of when moving between wifis. And utter confusion about how ports work. Also battery sucked as quickly as with Ubuntu, are there some tricks like cpu frequency scaling? (FreeBSD has that afaik)

Fix it yourself, or STFU.

Tried twice, verified. So let me repeat.
upgrade to ascii (testing) DOES NOT WORK!

Got it?

>installs secure os for servers
>installs a de

>a tripnigger actually thinks we would take him seriously
while we are on the topic of anecdotal evidence OpenBSD on my x220 runs perfectly and is the smoothest OS I have ever run.

> verified

why do you want testing, specifically?

I upgraded to ascii no problem. What documents were you referencing when upgrading?

Nice trips again same number as op. saying STFU makes me think you are new though.

Because Howard Carter found the packages.

This, i have to agree.
just use parabola or void.

It was weeks ago, after 1.0.0 just came out. Did it just like Debian.

1. edit /etc/apt/sources.list entries from jessie to ascii.
2. update
3. upgrade
4. dist-upgrade

Am I retarded, or just autistic?

someone posted that you can could just run debian without systemd, anyone save the post?

And you believed it?