Is there any technology that can make me taller? OR at least look taller?
Is there any technology that can make me taller? OR at least look taller?
Other urls found in this thread:
Losing weight
Shoes with like 1 inch soles
Medieval stretching torture devics
heeled boots? stilts? stilt boots?
gentoo make ur dick taller
High Heel Shoes aren't for women.
Stop slouching like a beta manlet.
Elevator Shoes
I don't slouch! I'm 5'6" standing up straight and get mistaken for a girl if I don't keep my hair short! I'm tired of it. I need technology to help me.
I'd be more worried about how to get that IQ higher.
kek. why even live?
become a trap
Thanks for posting this.
i think they can put shunts in your legs now to make you a few inches taller
Seriously, though, do you think being tall will change your life? I'm 6'1" and my 5'8" best friend gets waaaaay more pussy than I do.
Take female hormones and become a trap
works everytime
Just replace being fat with being short.
I'm not fat though, fat people should hate themselves, they can control their morbid appearance but they choose to be fat. I cannot control my height, yet I am persecuted even more than fat people by modern society.
one word for you: negroplasty
im 5'11 and as robot as they come.
I'm not saying average or tall people cannot be robots, you clearly have other problems. I don't. My only major problem is I'm short, and I cannot control it. There is no greater injustice in this world.
checked and kek'd
Height dysphoria is literally being born into the wrong body. Not the same.
>could be born a third world street shitter living on $1 a day
>no greater injustice
I think your problem is that you're a whiny, bitter faggot.
Because you are a manlet. Almost every woman is this tall or taller. I have the same 'height' and hate it.
I would rather be born a tall third worlder than a short 1st worlder.
>Almost every woman is this tall or taller
i'm a leaf and this isn't true where I live
Then you're absolutely delusional. You could be 6'2" tomorrow and nothing in your life will change. It's your personality that stinks and the reason for your discrimination.
>Is there any technology that can make me taller? OR at least look taller?
how about: you could've been 6' with a 6mm micropen0r
Op I understand, I am 5’ 6”, and I have to choose to be a trap, die or be a FUCKIN MAN, it will be difficult, not easy... fight and lose, try to fuck every pussy you see without shame, dont be afraid of ridiculous, be strong, and at the end, your attitude will bring joy to yourself and your ppl, believe me, no glory with all that born with weapon's, you will be fine, don't be a pussy, accept the challenge
You are making all of these false assumptions about me, I don't even know where to start, try again if you want to speak to me.
I have money, what do I spend it on?
Cut your legs, put some thing into it, and weld them back.
They used to do it in india or thailand but it might be illegal now.
No one likes a person with a chip on their shoulder.
>frogposting on Sup Forums on a lovely Caturday afternoon
>don't have other problems
I wasn't talking about success with women. But if your happiness is based on a woman, you've already lost, friend.
I have over 600 frogs saved, why would I not use them to help convey my emotion more accurately?
>What do I spend it on?
A woman obviously. If you have money then nothing else matters to them.
But first they need to know you HAVE money. So, get a status car or something and cruise around.
>not having success with women is no big deal bro
>so what if u never have any intimacy bro what does it matter
>so what if nobody considers you worthy of love bro no big deal
pls leave u fucking normie
>heh, so what if nobody ever loves you, GROW UP MANBABY
haha end your life my man
You'll find someone eventually, and realize that love is horse shit, and that no woman will ever truly love you. You are all alone. It's sad that you have to go through so much pain to see the catch 22, but I hope you find someone to love soon, anons, so they can break your heart and show you what a worthless endeavor it is.
Boots, working out less, vertical-designs on clothing, and a hat.
>working out less
How can I possibly work out less than 0 times a week?
Your only option is yoga, if you want technology there's apps and subscription services for that. At most you'll gain between one and two inches, but it's variable and depends on the state of your posture beforehand.
6'1 - 6'3 is the perfect height, but you'll have heart problems later.
become sikh and wear a huge turban at all times
As a tall third worlder, no you don't. You won't get treated as a robot here unless you live is ghetto level places, but the life style is too poor quality (minimum wage in my country is about 200 dollars a month for example). Most of the things are cheaper, but technology is overpriced as being 1,5 the market value. Come, hell, foreigners are treated cool in college unless you sperg like a ultra turbo autist.
red wings with thick ass Dr. Scholls insole. Not only will you look taller, you'll look stronger because of your manly boots, and you will walk around on clouds all day. I went from 5'10" to 6', fixed my posture, and toned my legs from the weight of the boots. Being skinny helps as well. If you work out, losing mass may be necessary for optimal aesthetic.
I see that you live in Minnesota as well.
Pretty sure big shoes, losing weight, or leg lengthening surgery are your only options OP. Leg lengthening surgery is hella expensive and painful so you really have two options. Do them them both and you'll probably look way better.
reminder that leg lengthening surgery can actually end up with SHORTER legs after the agonizing months long recovery
Mastery of photo manipulation software gives you the opportunity make yourself look like one of us ginormies.
You could also microwave pic related to cause mutative growth.
Microwaving your pituitary gland would kill it, not mutate it. By the way, unless you set up a very expensive concentration setup, you'd cook everything else in your head too.
Where's your source for your info?
I know this works because Yao Ming told me it's how he made him self so huge.
There is no source I could give that is as reputable as the one you just gave me. I resign from the argument.
I'm surprised they haven't figured out how to just break your legs, pull it apart, and insert some metal or something in between the broken bones.
That is possible. But you can only gain so much, and it's apparently a very long and painful process. Usually only done for people who have a significant difference in leg length. The dude from weezer had it done.
>/fit/ actually believes this