Why do windows 10 users always get so triggered by linuxposters?

Why do windows 10 users always get so triggered by linuxposters?
If you don't need your privacy why do you need to prove yourself user? Do you, may i dear to say it, have some dignity left that is... somewhat intruded?!?! :o


No games on linux.
Get rekt linux fegits

I use Linux for some stuff, Windows for other stuff. For me, it's because I know a guy who is an enthusiastic Linux advocate but he uses a smartphone and he has a Facebook. So really I guess I'm more angry at the hypocrisy of it all.

> Linux sucks because it can't run Call of Dildoes 7: Modern Cuckfare. I don't care that Windows spies on me or makes changes to my computer without my consent. Or that it's plagued by malware and viruses. All that matters to me is playing games with angry 14 year olds

Winfags pls

Why do Linux users always get so triggered by windowsposters?

Why do linux fags get triggered by BSD? Don't you care about freedom?!

linux users are arrogant assholes, windows users are always triggered and apple users are fags screaming about being rich to satisfy their huge minority complex

>don't like what I don't like
The post.

sad thing is with all his shilling he's pretty accurate

>use Windows 10
>complain about the botnet, forced updates, and every single terrible decision by Microsoft
>make more threads complaining about it
>still use Windows 10

Some people are not good with computers and are forced to use windows 10


Not really..

I use linux and I have a smartphone. I don't use facebook though. I see linux as a good system for my pc. My phone uses a version of linux and it works well with my pc. I guess I don't see the hypocracy unless you enterpret some ideology a certain way. Maybe you see it as a vegan somehow causing more animals to dye by some vegan practice. Who knows? If you use facebook it would be probably be a good idea to be using linux as your system is less prone to malware.

This is certain as I am a linux user and also an arrogant asshole. Your statement and the reality that I just described combine into unshakable pillar of truth.

It was (((free))) so few monkeys may think they must (over)compensate somehow for the latest corporate garbage from Redmond.

>Call of Dildoes
The redpilled are always intolerant.


>may i dear to say

Linux is still bad on the desktop because there is a shitton of boring work to be done, and no one but really gay politically motivated assholes are wiling to do it.
Everyone wanna be the kernel guy, but not many want to be the GUI guy.
Emulator projects work much better with Open Source, because its 2% GUI shit, 98% glorious reverse engineering, dynamic recompilers and graphical translation

Why's so fun abour kernels versus GUIs?

First, and most important, when it works you know it works.
Then there is the whole badass status, and not having to write a large volume of brainless code that never actually gets good enough.

>tfw still using Windows 7
It baffles me why people ever "upgraded" to 10

Tricked. Out of curiosity. Promises. Peer pressure. ETC