The 2DS XL has the cameras on the bottom of the handheld


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Why even bother with 2 cameras if it can't do 3d?

Presumably that allows for it to be used as a P'n'S camera while folded closed. Pretty good development if so.

Who cares. Why would you use the cameras for anything? They're only included for legacy support anyways for the whole 2 games that require them.
It doesn't take pictures when closed. System just goes to sleep even if you have the P'n'S camera open.

ok, and?

>cameras on the bottom
>it is now a P*n*s camera instead of a face camera

what the actual fuck, are nintendo designers drunk or something?

that's a great question. I guess they decided it was simpler to keep the camera software needing 2 cameras than rewriting it completely

Sounds stupid. Doesn't Nintendo still use dogshit screens on their portable consoles?

>chin cameras are now on consoles too
also >>>v

they use Sharp screens. Shitty resolution but excellent quality.

The opposite can be said for the vita
You're kidding right? There was always a huge lottery on gettings IPS vs TN. At least the new Vita is all IPS and the old Vita all OLED. You nintendo babies need to fuck off back to


>implying the panel type is all that matters

>2 cameras
For what purpose?

>camera only used for AR
>Position makes better sense for AR

Both Vitas have excellent screens what the fuck are you on about.

Jesus christ dude. TN = shitty colors. We're not even mentioning screen resolution which Nintendo has always been utter shit at. Also
Just kill yourself.

>cameras on the bottom
>used to detect if you have a boner

For the 3 people on the planet playing with AR

>2 cameras can only see in 2d

please tell me you are trolling and no seriously this stupid.

>that's a great question. I guess they decided it was simpler to keep the camera software needing 2 cameras than rewriting it completely
So they are still compatible with a 3DS.

Fucking retards, you guys should go to Sup Forums.

There are games and programs that use the cameras.

if you need two 2d cameras to see in 3d could you get 2 1d cameras to see in 2d?

does anyone use the fucking cameras? they are god awful quality.

so if you had 4 cameras you could see on 4D?


AR games. Taking photos that can be viewed in 3D on 3DS/N3DS. Shits and giggles.

You're actually the retarded tho user, the other user is asking why have 2 Cameras when the 2DS can't actually view 3D photos in 3D.

I bought a 2DS XL to play Animal Crossing. Feels like garbage and the screen is terrible. But it has a nice texture and seems somewhat child resistant.

Is the 3DS even still a thing? I don't follow consoles at all, but it seems like the 3DS would be well passed its life expectancy at this point.

It's way cheaper than the 3DS XL so I don't really care.

How is design of tech that happens to play videogames not Sup Forums related?

You guys know what would happen if this thread was posted in Sup Forums right? Nothing but console wars

Late 2017/early 2018 will be the end. This puts it in-line with the GBA and DS (who had overlapping game release periods). At this point pretty much every great 3DS title is out, and I think it's a great time to get into the system if you still enjoy vidya.

I only play games released prior to 1999. Everything after that is shit.

I'll take the OG Vita's screen over any Nintendo handheld's

>There are zero good games on the PS2

I'm glad you realize it.

Are you trying to argue that the Vita's OLED is worse than the DS screen?


This nigga ain't seen the burnout 3 light


Stupid normies...

For compatibility. Games look for the stereoscopic image, and other systems can still take the images shot from the N2DS and view them in stereoscopic. How about you use your fucking brain, retard?

>Excellent Quality
Nigga Nintendo can't even match the type of panel in half of the fucking 3DS systems sold, and they all look like fucking garbage.

The only shortcoming of the Vita 1000 screen is that it can suffer from burn in. I want summer to end so the Nintenkids go back to fucking school.


Yeah, pretty much. But you definitely would need more than 2 1D cameras.