Post your ((((comfy)))) set ups here

Post your ((((comfy)))) set ups here.


v comfy

stop making these threads, there's literally no discussion other than the illya shitposter arguing pedophilia semantics

anime website

>that resolution
>ever comfy
back the fuck off




the handful of 17 year olds that browse Sup Forums need something to post.

I'm actually 12


Hi. Go to hell.

anime website


Is this a meme at this point?

Meme or not, anime wallpapers look like shit no matter what. Just as tacky as car and Playboy model wallpapers.

>Browses a teen imageboard.
>Complains about lack of quality.

I wonder why

just gnome with arc for teh gtk

anime is super fucking gay

its a mess right now but im epic and all of you are gay dweebs

have no money for new hardware

delet this right now


James Damore is the hero we need


I should into irc, seems comfy.

b8 was almost good


Some faggot got me a ip range ban.


I would recommend it

Try #Sup Forumstechnology on or something

I'm usually on #homescreen

ay, seems pretty inactive since it's late right now though

>fanservice for male audience in every anime
>anime is gay

>hates anime
>uses an anime website that exists because of anime


What is that article being read on? Looks comfy, I could use it.

Wouldn't consider it comfy, but it works for me and I'm pretty picky

can you post your wallpaper, please?

Why do you macfag retards ALWAYS have Illya wallpapers? Legitimately puzzled here

Can you post the wallpaper?

your dumb

Goddamn it Vaporeon.


my what?

just me, my waifu and my games.

Sorry, no anime.

My setup is too comfy to learn python


whoa you can do a print!

what pdf reader is that?

whats that on the midle?

I am really liking Ubuntu MATE

Wrong picture

I would like to know too.

Ayy, desktop thread, my favorite thread sweetie.

all these single screen low res setups. gross





GNOME is next level /comfy/

Is that the Anti-Spiral from Gurren Lagann?


im almost sure that this is a bot. always same image and always first reply.

I like it.

Good job

>always same image
>screenshot was taken not even 20 minutes after this thread was made
baka baka baka

What reader.

it will always look like this.

>Ubuntu mate

my nigga

user pls. No fetö in the thread.

isn't Tumbleweed a meme? I thought of switching to it from Leap but I heard that TW is too unfriendly to proprietary drivers.

And got a 4:3 monitor to the left pointed towards me at an angle for extra space. I turn if off when I'm not using it. It's nice enough.

i havent had any problems with it but the x220 does not really need proprietary drivers so it might be different for you.




neye güldün?


>ilahi gibi bir şey çalıyor
>Sup Forums'yi geziyor
Neye gülmeyeyim ki?

İslamcı terörist falansın herhalde.

Ur cute

>ilahi gibi birşey
>neşid ne bilmiyorum

islam devletini destekliyorum da alakası ne anlamadım şimdi?

Senin gibi pislikler ülkenin içine sıçtı, siktirin gidin buraya da sıçmayın.

benim gibi ''pislikler'' ya hapiste ya mezarda ya da cihat alanında koçum. kafandaki karikatür tiplemeye oturtmaya çalışma beni. keşke benim gibi ''pislikler'' yönetse ülkeyi Allah'ın kanunları geçerli olsa. ama emperyalistlerin uşağı laik bir firavun yönetiyor ülkeyi. kamal atapiç gibi.

This has been my comfy home ever since the REAL Jordan pass away. ;_;

Umarım yakında mezardakilere katılırsın da götüne domuz siki takıp köpeklere yediririz seni, orospu çocuğu işidci.


>tfw forever stuck with shit font rendering and shit aesthetics cause you're a windowscuck
I'm sad

gitmeden önce yanımda da götürürüm yalnız kabul mü ? :DDD

As a Turk I gotta say reading this exchange is fucking hilarious. I'm actually eating popcorn while I enjoy it.

evet milletin de çok umrundaydı senin gibi boklu üçüncü dünya vatandaşının fikirleri :DDD

ISIS pls go
Just not here, to America, the literal first world.

You are on an anime website. People have been permabanned here before for complaining about anime (see image).

This is an anime website and even though this anime board is technology themed does not make it any less of an anime website. So go to plebbit with that shit instead of shitting up our anime website.

ingilizce yazmayı öğren sonra bakarız :DDD

pls share Sup Forums css


Comfy as fuck

I'm new to GNOME, and desu, Linux in general. Any recommended tweaks to get? Any advice?

Many thanks in advance.

Of course I forget the picture. Why wouldn't I?

That was the right picture, my sides

>17 hours past
>people didn't take precautions
seems like that handful of 17 yolds don't really like their mothers


why not windows

dash to dock is comfy