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Technology #618
Anonymous takes over white supremacist website
Why do things run great on Intel CPUs?
Poorfag laptop
Vega reviews
Why should I choose Arch over Debian, Sup Forums?
Google goes into Apple
Tfw I spent all my life dreaming of working at google and admiring the company
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - GOUGED edition
Ubuntu 17.10
Remote vs Office
Sup Forums horror stories
Bitcoin just surpassed 4000 usd
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Stay mad Linux cucks
Whats the best webmail right now? What are you using?
The macbook air is the ultimate Sup Forums machine:
What is the best linux distro for daily use, and why? What distro have you got installed? Let's do this Sup Forums
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Explosive Redmi Note 4 Edition
Iphone 8
AI anime girl generator
Is this /ourdistro/?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
What i should choose? Mint or Ubuntu?
Is LaTeX actually worth learning or am I about to fall for the meme...
Gemini PDA
People of Sup Forums
What will humans do when robots/AI/Machine Learning replaces all our jobs and functions?
By combining iridium browser and using duckduckgo as my search engine...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Where do i get a programmer gf
Wake up in a pure white room
Do you use phone case? Do you have the trouble that dirt often gets in between phone and the case?
What is the best cloud service where I can store my files (photos, pictures)
Guys I'm freaking out here. I'm using dban to wipe my hdd but it's taking 12 hours. Is there anything quicker...
Wat do?
Credible news gathering
What keeps you awake at night Sup Forums?
How to improve Sup Forums
What's the best Web Browser?
What is your current graphics card? Are you happy with it?
First Vega Review
Why do people still buy this piece of shit OS?
Is this what our highways will turn into once we have self-driving cars?
Even Vega 56 is a housefire
What new technologies do you see coming into fruition in the next 10 years?
Majority of highly recommended CS books are 1000+ pages
What are your thoughts on Pale Moon?
What is the best desktop operating system currently?
Holy Christ what an unusable browser. Sure, tell the normies that GNU Icecat is somehow a replacement for SJW Firefox...
Why does everyone else get this wrong?
Why does no one use herbstluftwm?
Boot into Fedora (Korora) MATE login screen
How do I run face recognition on all of the pictures taken at the Charlottesville neo-Nazi rally and link them to...
Lazy Paywalls
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General:
Battery thread!
Money Issues
Jacob Appelbaum
AirDropping penis pics is the latest horrifying subway trend
Apple makes the best personal computers
Is the Cooler master 212evo good enough to cool a i7 7700k?
Homescreen Thread?
How did a literal Chad managed to run the most successful deep web market?
What went wrong?
Sup Forums constantly shills firefox
I know half you fuckers don't even program, but to those you do, I'm curious: What is your development workflow like...
Windows 10 ltsb or Windows 7?
Decide to use Brave browser
Why aren't you using Gnu/Linux on your phone?
/wt/ - watch thread
Why are apple products so premium and superior?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - Choose One Edition
How can we make women better coders...
20 cents of silicon
I made a german anonymous online bullying site
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
RPi3 as a media server of sorts?
Why aren't you using discord?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Are humans technology?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Install this if you don't want to be part of the botnet
ITT ideas we wish major tech companies would adopt
Vega56 VS GTX 1070 benchmark
Why does Sup Forums hate Slackware Linux?
Its been 7 years and I still want one
Composition vs Inheritance?
Why have you abadoned me, Sup Forums?
Here's the fix ;)
Photo on resumes
Can you tell me why is this piece of shit so fucking expensive?
KDE is sexy
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions General
I'm the admin of a twitter bot that tweets when a happening thread gets posted on Sup Forums
Is a Mineral Oil Submerged Computer a dumb idea?
Stop underestimating the danger of hard AI
Ylyl Sup Forums humor thread
High End Desktop
Can I have 4TB of disk space in this thing?
Leaked Vega Benchmarks
How long can a computer really last you before it's obsolete?
How long until technology starts integrating with the human body?
Are there any legitimate uses for TempleOS?
What do you need 16 cores for
Mozilla pajeets will try to censor this thread because they now can't deny their so-called ''free''...
Hey Sup Forums
/twmg/ - Tiling Window Manager General
Anti Google thread, remember when we prank iPhone user ? and we called it Apple Wave? How bout we do the same to google...
Sup Forums loves to say they are against botnet
You have 0 (ZERO) seconds to explain why you use Windows
Installing Win10 on an old laptop (2ghz T7200, 2gb ram, 100gb 7200RPM HDD), I opted for the 32bit version
Systemd is an exploit kit just waiting to be activated. And once it is active...
Use Thunderbird
Is there any worse technology this century than self checkout?
MacOS General
What Kind Of Programmer Are You?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Hpg (non shitheiser edition)
What will replace SATA and when?
Guitar and Bass Gear Thread
Sup Forums should ditch recaptcha
/vpn/ - Best VPN
Sup Forums meta thread
Firefox is getting fucking ridiculous...
So, why haven't you gone full minimalistic, user?
Rate my butthole cleaner
I literally can not
Worst CEO in tech?
Sup Forums, Since Google has proven its self now to be the most evil company on Earth...
So after the disaster that was Ryzen and it's shit IPC...
New Logo FF Nightly
You ARE using her environment, right?
Sends your IP address to the websites you visit
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Oop vs fp
What chair does Sup Forums sit on when technolo/g/ing?
78.14% of firefox users have a 64-bit OS
Why does a street light needs camouflage?
Not generating your waifu with GANs
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Square brackets
Bidets are technology
The God of Browsers
Post Android security patch and version
Why is MacOS so perfect?
But, but linux is easier on resources
/bst/ - Battle That Station
>tfw cant even into linux
Give me some reasons to switch to GNOME
Post your speedtests
Name ONE person that did more harm to the Linux community than this globalist scum
The Suckless Distro
Paying a company $9 a month to botnet yourself
Cinnamon VS KDE
Is wireless changing actually good for anything? I'm convinced it's a shitty idea with no reason to exist
Why is mozilla digging its own grave by removing support for most extensions...
How fucked are Androidfags when most phones don't have security patches? Should they be worried?
People literally believe it is okay to own a smartphone or use chrome as long as you ''tweak a few settings or install...
What are some Sup Forumseek youtube channels?
How did this meme become so popular?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
My employer is going to force me to use an iphone at work within a few months...
Why is this guy winning at youtube and logan is losing?
React vs Vue
I want to create a database for stock pricings, should i use nosql or regular sql
Just a quick reminder that macOS and FreeBSD are the only OS's that actually have a up-to-date filesystem
Euhmm... Why exactly can't we use a VPN on 4 chan?
Remember when people had default profile pics but edited to have a fly over it so people would think there's a fly on...
Duckduckgo love thread
Thoughts on icecat? Be honest is it good or shit?
Hi, I'm the best smartphone released in 2016, say something nice about me
In all honesty, realistically speaking: Why is Sup Forums always so racist towards Indians?
Stratification of culture
FACT: nobody needs anything more than a $250 used thinkpad
Ryzen for Laptops
Tabs versus Spaces
You're at a cybersecurity conference when this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass
ONE REASON why pale moon isn't superior to firefox/waterfox/seamonkey
Why you should buy x299
What Linux do I use if I don't want to tinker with anything and want everything to work out of the box?
Why don't right-wingers make their own tech company to compete with SJWgle?
Is this just a MEME or is it a better browser if you care about privacy and like firefox addons?
Which linux distro do mexicans use?
What does Sup Forums think of 8BitGuy?
What's your "Go to" album to test your headphones?
Ryzen5 1600x w a asus strix rog gtx 1080? Did I do good?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What was the last comment you downvoted on Reddit?
I love Vim but they make it hard to stay faithful
6 Billion fucking dollars for what?
Out of morbid curiosity, what does Sup Forums think about Debian?
How the fuck do you develop on Linux without the convenience of an IDE like Visual Studio?
Are standing desks just a meme or is it actually recommended to have one?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
RX Vega Dead on Arrival
Even before this I was suspicious about Mozilla and their google analytics...
Times you listened to Sup Forums and it backfired on you
Daily reminder that AirPods are not just a gimmick, but an amazing piece of forward thinking utilitarian technology
Reverse proxies and the future of adblocking and other user controls
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Does this proceed?
Your smartphone is only as good as the battery it was soldered with
/csg/ Chink Shit General
ITT: Comfy ports
Anti-diversity Google guy
Elon Musk and the dangers of AI
/Speccy/ thread
This is by far the best browser i have ever used. Its fast, its clean. It even has the best logo imo...
Why is Fedora so anal about multimedia codecs?
What do you think about F-Droid?
/flt/ Friendly Linux Thread
Are you ready Sup Forums?
Maid Robots
Nixie Tubes
/wt/ Watch Thread
Best torrent client?
- /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What's a good reason for brands removing the 3.5mm port from mobile phones?
Holy shit this is retarded
Why aren't you using a password manager?
Source code leak
$45 ODROID-HC1 has SATA port and Gigabit Ethernet
Fuck windows 10
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Macs are expensive
Let's have a Calculator thread Sup Forums
Name a flaw
2017 Sup Forums Summer Cup
I have a question about Net Neutrality...
/nrg/ - Nyaa replacement general
First 15 threads are all generals can you guys stop it thanks
Google open source repositories by gender
Germany -> Guam == gateway geo-ip filter alert
Emacs Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What are they trying to say? It's not an anniversary that's divisible by 10 or even 5
Help programers faggots
Post your gentoo card or get out
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Stop ricing your desktop
Be Brave
Wtf I love Project Jigsaw now
Any French anons?
R8 & H8
Rate my setup?
Anybody want to join me in my app/business idea?
Claims to do graphic design
The Absolute Current State of Apple
Trying to paste something into google docs
Woke up found this. What do?
Stupid Questions Thread
Home Server General /hsg/
Sticker thread
Why is this steaming pile of shit so popular? It's the slowest editor I've ever used
What is this called?
He doesn't use windows to program
You won't fall for the ryshit meme, will you?
Is there a windows program that will download and sync a thread (viewable as html) to my computer until the thread...
How will amd ever compete!
State of (((Mozilla)))
Should I do it, Sup Forums?
Did anyone else using Nightly just get this fucking Calvin and Hobbes Nightly icon? Wtf
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What music do you listen while coding?
Alright Sup Forums tell me what you think this icon means
750W PSU
B-but muh resale value
Make six figures
Sup Forums is a top 100 website now in 4 countries
Linux Speccy Thread
Radeon RX VEGA 56 & VEGA 64 Unboxing
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
It's over, isn't it?
Eye tracking as a cursor
What are some affordable exotic unix workstations? I'm looking for SPARC, risk, mips based workstations
Scrum standup
Should I learn C# even if I'm not using Windows?
Firefox is now officially kill
Devastating test results for Intels new Core-X pro desktop platform
Why the shit isn't x64 applications standard yet? Why does x32 still exist...
Tfw KDE is so bad but KDE apps are so good
What's the best IDE for C++ ? Has to be free or freeware. Not necessarily for Windows development
Why do AMD fanboys get so massively angry when you tell them you accept Ryzen is good...
ITT: Recommend technology podcasts / jewtube channels / websites
What did Apple users mean by this?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Not using the best operating system
What went wrong?
If napster were written as open source, no authors attached to the software...
Caturday thread
RTG finished and bankrupt. AMD's Lisa Su ready to cut loose RAJA Koduri and his shit GPU division
Have a homework assignment (API test) i was given after the interview on thursday
Well, well, well, well
How can ISP's get away with this
Serious question here Sup Forums
Chrome is now /our browser/
Search Engine
AI destroys world's best players in competitive eSports
If CP is immoral because it finances the production of CP, then pirating CP must be morally permissible
Well sheeit. Guess I am being forced to join the botnet bois
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Recommended Sup Forums youtubers
Who here digitally hoarding? Torrenting will be almost if not completely dead soon...
You have exactly 29 seconds to tell my you are not using Pale Moon
What will human bois do once robots, AI and machine learning take over all our jobs?
Does anyone here actually use IPv6?
I'm stuck and looking for advice
Is it possible to 3d print a drone gun for a one time use...
Why do gaming laptops look like shit?
Have you started ditching Google products and services Sup Forums?
My Legal and Ethical Aspects of Engineering teacher is demonizing Julian Assange. What do Sup Forums?
The absolute state of Microsoft
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Tor Enables CP
/wt/ watch thread
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Just found out my parents unironically bought one whole Buttcoin for ~3500USD right under my nose
ad agencies are now sending DMCAs to adblock lists to get removed
Common sense browser general
Out of this four, which do you think is the best?
Is it possible to run a current version of linux without systemd botnet?
Hello Sup Forums
Why did the technically superior site fail, Sup Forums?
What's the Sup Forums preferred python ide?
Will six-core i5 make Ryzen 5 irrelevant?
Daily reminder that all image boards and social media are bad for you
Buyers remorse thread?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Desktop Rice
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Best laptop for college?
Once again Sup Forums proven to be easily baited and completely incompetent
Where the fuck do I buy a formaldehyde-free desk that doesn't cost an eye and a testicle?
Sum Sup Forums up in one image
Explain to me why this browser is a meme?
Software only you use
Irc has been replaced with discord
Threadripper and future processor advancements
Get to it whiteboi!
How do i improve my typing speed?
Apple vs. Mac OS
Why the fuck you don't have a YubiKeys Sup Forums?
Where were you when google did the right thing and fired that bigot?
Flips router over
Thoughts, Sup Forums?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
CRT monitors were routinely ran at 75-85Hz in order to prevent eyestrain
Im afraid of linus' death
I want to buy my mother a used laptop for casual internet use, PDFs, documents, book reading, YouTube...
/flt/ - Friendly Linux(+UNIX+BSD) thread
Why isnt anyone talking about this?
Why do you guys hate python? It is a very powerful scripting language and it's great for plotting shit...
I want to use a computer as if it's the year 2002
Why did linus get so fucking cringy lately?
Just got myself a Raspberry Pi 3. It's perfectly usable as a Desktop browser
Why do apple ios devices have glass screens? they crack a lot and its getting expensive for me to keep repairing them...
Can someone explain why Sup Forums is so hyped about threadripper when it's not even a consumer-grade cpu?
Updated the browser tier chart Sup Forums likes to throw around because of how ugly the old one was getting
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Sup Forums, I need a nice new desk. The one I have right now is tiny as it is...
Invented void linux
/mpv/ player general
Talos II - POWER9 motherboard
Duckduckgo, startpage, searX or bing?
A E S T H E T I C - Edition
Why are PCI-E x4 and x8 graphics cards so rare? More bandwidth makes little to no sense even on top-tier cards
Brian Kernighan
Discord begins testing video chat and screen sharing
Has your company joined the growing number of companies who are migrating their clients and services away from Google?
Floppy disc called "nothing"
Why are you not using the most advanced terminal emulator to date, Sup Forums?
I9 Speculation
The state of Linux printing
How do more secure wondows 10
Long story short, I had +500 tabs open in my shitty win xp laptop browser, and a lot of them were really important stuff
What computer chair do you use Sup Forums
Is Go bad?
Apparently Apple's incompetence in cable design is now Greenpeace's fault
Dummy die
So what's the best terminal out there? I used to use terminator but I feel it's a bit bloated...
PM'd you the fix ;)
Macs really are the best and most reliable
Do you like browsing the web on a smartphone?
What useful sites do you know?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General - Your all boring edition
Most of the time I put my thinkpad to sleep it won't start back up
Absolute state of Google
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Who /ready for 57/ here?
2 days after discovery of critical git vulnerability
Fucking help me not kill my cat
Where the fuck are the ultimate ZEN+VEGA laptops AMD?
Was the internet really better before 2007?
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Surely Apple doesn't set the trend
How many of you actually write nontrivial code?
Garbage technolo-Sup Forums that should never have seen the light of day
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Post your cute terminals
Why are mice so small
The purpose of this general is to provide alternatives to popular and common Google services in an effort to avoid the...
Ad blocking is under attack
How important is descrite mathematics or "math for computer science"...
Case doesn't have an optical drive
What hostnames do you give your machines? Do you have a scheme for assigning IPs to them, too...
I curently have comoodo avast and avg install. are there any other good ones(free)...
Thinkpad T420 - Docked - running Linux
Covfefe in Chief
Best free hosting?
What do you think of Brave browser? Is it a good alternative to Chrome?
Does Sup Forums approve of my WINDOWS rice?
What's does your partition layout look like?
OLPC thread
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
People pay 100$ for a shitty membrane keyboard which has flat keys for some fucking reason
What language does Sup Forums code in?
What do you guys think about Signal? Is it any safe to use or is it just a renamed Messenger?
Git repo hosting
MacOS General
Free of telemetry
Just nvidia and amd things
Prove me wrong
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Introducing: Windows 10 for Workstation
Testing a low quality game on a 16 core CPU
Dawn of the planet of the sexbots?
Its all about ships and other related stuff
If you had one of these growing up, your childhood was awesome
Do you tap or press your touchpad in order to click/right-click?
Winter PC build
Even Microsoft is calling it Linux, why do so many of you still ride Stallman's cock?
QupZilla is moving under KDE and looking for new name
Why haven't you librebooted an x60?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I'd rather use a furry browser or google botnet than this shit
Unreal or Unity?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Linux Distros
Hey goys, help Mozilla to make internet safer by reporting misinformation
Dell XPS sucks
Nuke goes off nearby
Sup Forums humor thread
Firefox essential config + Poll
Can we give a small shout-out to brands who have yet to cave in and do the 3.5mm port for no good reason?
AMD wins again!
Reminder that conservatives killed Alan Turning, and would've killed him sooner if given the chance...
ITT: Tech celebs/journalists/developers/entrepreneurs who deserve a career threatening and/or potentially life...
Windows 10 Update
Hi Sup Forums should i buy a Kindle reader? are they worth it?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
7 repositories
B-but Mozilla is not SJW! b-but Mozilla is better than google
What browser do we have left?
Putin Bans Bill Gates From Russia Following Removal Of Microsoft
Lmfaoooo AMD is a joke
Year 2017
Bought a new macbook only 2 weeks ago
Who /works at a major tech company/ here?
ITT, people that think python is a programing language
How did people create group chats in 2007?
CNET now reporting on the lawsuit and accusations by fired Google employee about their toxic work environment and...
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
James Damore did nothing wrong. Shills are sliding this hard. Keep this shit bumped
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Does anyone know how to bypass a protected WinRar file?
Why didn't smartwatches catch on?
Battlestation thread /bst/
/wt/ watch thread
Google's Women in Tech
/cyb/er/sec/urity and cyberpunk
MP3 Players
Consumer Reports: Microsoft Surface is Dead Last for Reliability
ITT: neat shit you want
Why are we trying to keep this piece of shit format alive?
What smartphone can I buy that won't be giving my shekels to SJWs?
Holy shit...
Why does Mediatek get so much shit as a smartphone SoC maker?
Which one Sup Forums ?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Linux Distros
I want to punish Google as much as possible for firing the diversity memo guy...
/udgg/ - Unfriendly DeGoogle General
Firefox teams up with Soros
A good alternative for Mac book pro
Razors are technology?
Shot this drone down. What do now?
IOS 11
Good cat finding drone
What's stopping me right now from installing Linux Mint on my main desktop PC right now...
Based Apple
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
With qBitTorrent and Deluge sucking so much ass they're practically unusable...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Poojit Pai says you don't NEED fast internet
Selling my computer for a new one and was wondering how to fully wipe my two HDD so no one can ever access my old...
Is he /ouguy/ g?
Alternatives to LastPass
Threadripper 1950X and 1920X Review
Level1techs is the best tech news source on the internet right now. Proof me wrong
Why is MacOS the least shit Unix desktop?
Happy birthday floens
Its almost 2018
What does Sup Forums think of Brave?
What text editor does Sup Forums use? Be honest
Most modern Linux distro + DE
Opera 12.15 Source Code Discussion
Floens, I need a (You) counter
Could a Sup Forums meet up ever work?
Why aren't you running UNIX?
Where does Sup Forums hide their tech? What are good ways to hide stuff like this?
/tog/ TempleOS general
You can't really have high yields on such a die with a interposer, probably around 60%, which is still respectable
Buy 8TB hard drive
What went wrong?
New mail from Firefox dev mailing list as a heads-up:
What is the best browser and why is it Indian Browser?
What is the worst programming/software related incident you've ever experienced?
Where was Sup Forums when Vivaldi updated?
He doesn't clean his monitor with a soft microfiber and distilled white vinegar
Typing test
ITT: Reasons we haven't moved to Linux
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
YouTube roll out in-app video sharing and messaging to users worldwide
Tfw finish my simple home automation project
Well now that the Threadripper benchmarks are out and it's a huge piece of shit for gaming...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Should I download Arch Linux?
New Comcast Box?
NEW Radeon RX Vega 64 3DMark Performance
The most secure reasonable browser config
Daily Reminder that Skylake-X is a self-combustible pile of overheating lava garbage
Whats his name again?
/dpt/ Daily Programming thread
What does Sup Forums think about hackintoshes?
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Is nobody making normal cases anymore?
Techradar went full intel and nvidia slides
/dgg/ - DeGoogle General
Intel has been absolutely blown the fuck out of the CPU market. It's dead, burry it. Consider this mercy
Now this is a real nice feature that you can adjust for your workload
Returning user here...
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Why would anyone buy an i9 or threadripper for playing video games?
Daily reminder
What's the largest drive you'd safely buy? Are 4tb drives stable yet?
Threadripper is slower than Ryzen 7
AMD's $1000 1950X ThreadRipper outperformed by a year old 4 core Intel i7
Free monay
Fucking laptops and microshit and applel
Spend over 100k on a cinema grade 8K camera for youtube videos
Who else is blind as fuck from staring at the computer screen all day?
Free software is degenerate
Every debian firewall I find is meant for a server so I ask on linux forums for a personal firewall that can block on...
Bravo Intel
Who says more than 64GB of RAM is a meme on a desktop?
Rust will rape C in the future
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Too dumb to code
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Breaddipper NDA lifts in a few hours
PC became phones
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Glofo detailed their 7nm process
Are ultrawide monitors 21:9 some niche gamer shit or actually the future for pcs?
And they'll still sell out their stock
What are the advantages of this? If I am already running arch what would be bonus of running this...
AMD is trying to sell Radeon RX Vega 64 at a higher price
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Women in Tech
Do you guys realize that Intel makes better CPUs because their per-core performance is miles better than Threadripper?
So there is this program, it is specialised for my field of work but it's very simple...
Women are Better Coders than Men
*fetch thread
WTF I HATE Apple now
Windows is losing in phone market
Are you a top or a bottom?
Play video in web browser
Why can't /g finish a distro
Python?? :c
Question time, does Sup Forums use dvd drives?
Sup Forums posts on Sup Forums asking if it's possible to embed CP into pictures
Ryzen will fall soon
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
Should google return to the old logo?
Why did we skip IPv5?
Hey user. Hope you dont mind we took a look at your computer. What does this thing do?
Calls himself superior
/wt/ watch thread
Linux noon here. How do I install? I made a live boot USB and flash? The iso to the USB...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Reminder that Euclideon's unlimited point cloud dartar graphics were never a scam
What's better dvi or hdmi?
/pcbg/ PC Building General - GPU Passthrough Edition
Whoa, all these guys actually use Linux?
Technologically induced mental disorders
Code Leak?
Nvm solved it
/dgg/ - De-Googling General
AMD R7 owners:
What does Sup Forums think of this new censorship AI
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Window 10 updates
Poojit Pai says you don't NEED fast internet
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What keyboard do you use Sup Forums?
I installed KDE because GNOME wasn't being nice to me with all the crashing and stuff...
Will there be a technological singularity?
/ggg/ Goo Gone general
Today pre-ordered asus zenbook UX310UA. But i'm worried about the quality this zenbook. Because it's ASUS...
Your travel tech essentials, a personal blog made especially for you
There are literally no good reasons to use any other programming language other than C++
Onii-chan, what's that in your pants? i-is it a terminal?
What is the AMD equivalent of i3-6100?
If Verizion(Fios) sold my debt to them, can I go back to them without paying it?
Does anyone use Linux in just pure command line as a daily driver?
Trying again with a worksafe pic. Assuming I don't have MacOS...
Been using *nix for over 10 years now... only today have I decided to give a shell other than bash a go reeeeee
My work wants me to install this on my phone
If you own any of these products, reevaluate your life
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is there any advantage to being forced to use a dongle to listen to music on the phones that have been coming out...
Makefile doesn't support make uninstall
Hey Sup Forums, what DNS servers should I be using? Which are the best?
DVA is shit
Ruby Programming
Hello, Sup Forums. I am a filthy newb when it comes to programing things...
De-Google General
Why is Sup Forums think that macOS is gay?
Got memed
Jumping off of Google's dick because they fired someone who offended leftists
This is literally how iFags dual SIM
I really hope you guys aren't biking near Google's self-driving cars
What is IQ, and why does it matter?
Hello Sup Forums! Some "hacker" ( tryed to log into my LogMeIn account. Can you give me some of his info...
Mechanical Keyboard General - /mkg/ - Thread For Posting Keyboards
Itt: brands that people say suck but actually don't
What's stopping you from installing it?
So what are you doing tonight, Sup Forums?
What kind of tech youtubers do you watch Sup Forums?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Screenfetch/neofetch thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Wifi Card in M.2 Slot
How do i stop myself from distro hopping?
Americans fucked even harder
Mark Zuckerberg Has Made More Money Than Anyone Else in 2017—Even Jeff Bezos
Name one thing Linux can do that Windows can't
How does this make you feel
Remember back in April 2014 with Firefox 29 when Australis came out and so many people here were panicking and saying...
The Threadripper will arrive at your house in 2 days. What case will you buy?
I wanted to abandon Google completely and even installed Pale Moon instead of Chrome but it so slow and laggy to use
/trv/ laptop
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Hello Sup Forums... umm... do you know any good girly voice morph programs?
Oh hey guys how accurate do you think this xkcd comic is?
Make Sup Forums Neutral Again
Ryzen + Vega thinkpads when?
Let's talk about Chrome
What can we do about the web bloat menace?
Go to germany for grad school
ITT: Smart people using Macs
The KikeRipper NDA lifts tomorrow...
Windows fags will defend this
Official new king of Sup Forums
I want to go full libre freetard. what search engine should I be using...
Are there enough women in the tech industry in your opinion?
The state of apple
Being a Public Tracker user who seeds older files is like being a cuck
What languages do you know and how much time did it take for you to learn them?
I think someone knows something about RX VEGA that we don't...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
On a scale from 1 to 10, how hard would it be to Frankenstein a desktop graphics card unto a notebook motherboard?
How did AMD manage to make such a huge piece of shit?
What was the most difficult interview question that you successfully answered?
Windows 95
Where the fuck is James Damore Support Movement...
Atom 1.19
Our relationship to computers has changed, instead of programming them we now show them and they figure it out...
Passwords With Random Characters Are Not More Secure, Says Man Who Said They Were More Secure
Who /devilish/ here? Post your /devilish/ stories
Alright. I need to know. What's the best android browser?
C, or C++ Sup Forums?
Daily reminder that google has gone full SJW
Why do Americans and Indians make such bad programmers?
Who here /Ivy Bridge forever/?
Sup Sup Forums
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Mfw Bing was the superior search engine all along
Why is Mozilla killing off the only thing that Firefox is good for?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How to improve the GNU/Linux desktop market share thread
/mpv/ - the Sup Forums media player
Lifelong firefox user
I refuse to use a MacBook because Apple's CEO is a homosexual...
How do I leak source code the best way?
It's brilliant!
How stupid is it to use model m for gaming?
Do you play video games? or did you stop at pic related like sensible people
Is she right? IN response to the Google firing incident
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Anons don't recommend you php
Fx 6300 with 1050 ti or 1060
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Good, accurate results
When are we gonna make these into one device
Why aren't you using the Void GNU/Linux distribution Sup Forums? Do you enjoy the systemDick?
AMD 1950X OCed To 4.1GHz On All 16 Cores - Delivers Otherworldly Performance
Do you peel these off? Why or why not?
An user on Sup Forums has been claiming that there is a coordinated campaign of cyber hackers that are embedding...
Sup Forums distro official score
/flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread - You wouldn't wanna be hopeless in your parents' basement edition
Post your ((((comfy)))) set ups here
How did Sup Forums start learn programming?
Google Memo: Fired Employee Speaks Out! | James Damore and Stefan Molyneux
Reminder all California residents must register their bullet button assault weapons before July 2018...
Sticker thread
How much do you sleep?
Google style guide bans map, reduce, and filter functions
Search catalog
Primes under 2000000
How many bits of information can you store on your hands?
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
There are 0 (ZERO) Linux distros that can normally adjust cursor speed
You walk into the computer store and this guy slaps your Thinkpad
Looking to get one of these but before I take the plunge want to hear what you Sup Forumsuys think
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...