Why do Americans and Indians make such bad programmers?

Is it because they are dumb?

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Nogs and Dravidians


>invented every single thing on the internet

>ranked 28th

>>invented every single thing on the internet
So this is the power of American ``education`` system

>invented every single thing on the internet
This is what Americans actually believe. Like some even believe they won the war in Vietnam.

>ranked 3rd
>be from Poland
>be good
>only a junior tho
>earn 3k PLN/month working full time
>It's less than 1k$
>feels bad

not bad

>France is eighth
I thought we were shit.

It was a conflict, not a war.

>tfw #31

And the mental gymnastics award goes to....

Those aren't mutual exclusive. It was a conflict and more specifically and armed conflict AKA "war".


>Pakistan at bottom
At least we made it in I guess

Ah, so the U.S. ''education" system switched from lying to just downplaying. Interesting.

But the us government did create the Internet, they funded people but it was still them , it's okay to be jell and go by a chat that is call hacker ranked lel

keep them (you)s coming, I have kids to feed

Our culture mocks overt enthusiasm for education and glorifies the poor and criminals. This probably has the affect of our colleges pumping out second rate professionals.

World wide web was created at CERN.

Americans did nothing more than connect computers with wires. I could connect cups with string, doesn't mean I could call myself the inventer of voicemail.

Because we're too busy having fucking jobs and contributing to society to spend time on fucking hacker rank

>Our culture mocks overt enthusiasm for education
Yeah this is true. People that are willing to learn and explore the deepest corners of science are now "fedora tipping autists"

>implying the WWW is shit without TCP/IP

suck a dick, fucking commie

>he thinks the internet = www

>10 position
I guess we're good at making spaghetti code

Sure kid

>2. Russia
>3. Poland
>5. Hungary
>9. Czech
4 out of 10 best nations are Slavs. Why are Slavs so good at software engineering?

Well, at least we're better than Argentina though, that's a relief...

the cockroach worker mentality of Asians plus the whiteness of westerners

cute snek

>invented every single thing on the internet
Half of the important stuff is from Europe.

I think they have a better maths curriculum overall.

It's not just the teachers, most of the pre-uni teaching materials I've seen in Western Europe and the USA (arguably I've not seen them systematically) were quite garbage.


אוי ואי ישראל רק במקום ה35? גוים רעים רימו.

Post the Declaration of War. I'll wait.

> 4. Switzerland
> Discipline
More like knowing what you want and how you get it in our case.

Not regardless of one's desires, but just in pursuit of one's desires...

>coding "slav magic" is actually fucking real

I've been saying it for ages as a half-joke, but goddamnit, it's fucking true

>Half of the important stuff is from Europe.

facebook, google, instagram, Sup Forums, reddit, yahoo, youtube, wikipedia, amazon are all from the US.



You mean the thing that's full of security flaws?
And on its way out?

>being this retarded
Checks out.

>Implying any if those is important


Actually it's the National Science Foundation but don't let facts get in the way of your opinions.
>The NDN effort has been backed in large part by the National Science Foundation, which has put more than $13.5 million into it since 2010. Since that time, participating organizations have somewhat quietly been working on new protocols and specifications, including a new packet format, that have been put through their paces in a testbed that spans from the United States to Asia. Their aim is to put forth an Internet architecture that's more secure, able to support more bandwidth and friendlier to app developers. Cryptographic authentication, flow balance and adaptive routing/forwarding are among the key underlying principles.

my opinion is we will still be using freedom tech

>Americans think making websites is inventing

>sour grapes

Americans : laziness, elitism, being raised sheltered, too much 'feelducation' over learning facts.

Indians : quantity over quality, with so many of them graduating with CS degrees, its basic probability that dictates most will be shit, yet also giving a higher probability of god-tier programmers as well. In terms of the pure number of good developers, India is up there with China and Russia.

Making a 2chan clone is not invention, dumb burger muncher

I didn't shit on your face, it was "facial defecation"

still waiting

>You're posting on an American website
I'd bet good money you've seen that typed out by burgers on more than one occasion. They really are a strange bunch of people.

Too busy survivng to care about diversity and niggers.

this. other countries waste time on unimportant bullshit theory. americans get shit done.

>You're posting on an American website
in an*
Jesus Christ is your education system THAT bad?

>I think they have a better maths curriculum overall.
True and the ridiculous thing about it's it's thanks to communism.
Commies put stress on muh sciences because they believed reducing the role of humanities will turn people into drones devoted of nationalist sentiments.

That can't be right, commienism only brought death and suffering

Death to loudmouthed idiots? We need that back.
Suffering? I don't think my parents with a state gifted apartment, free healthcare, 13 paychecks and good local crime prevention would agree, in fact they say it's far worse now.

Best of all no LGBT subhumans.

It works in Denmark

Bring Tito back.

At least brazil is better than argentina on that.


Shiiieeeeet just imagine how Pakistani guys get their shit done


>which countries are the best at cheating

Course it's not free. But they get good value. How much tax do americans pay, and the education is still awful, the police are brutal shitlords, the roads are full of holes, the internet infrastructure is garbage, and you still have to pay for healthcare. "Muh insurance" doesn't count when there are clauses in it that literally say they don't have to pay you for your healthcare if you meet one of a million little sideclauses, one of which is being too expensive to treat.

because eastern yurop is europe's china
you must be the best of the best, work unpaid overtime and get paid slightly above minimum wage, plus go in during weekends

How many anti-depressents does it take to be happy in the """""best""""" country?

Please tell me more about my motherland, I wanna hear more stereotypes.

Nah, it's mainly what said. Pretty much all of population is white, and is in a couple of ways fairly conservative, even the far left. There are no diversity quotas to fill, no blacks to use welfare, no getting sent to prison or fined for being 'racist' or 'misogynistic' like in some west countries or burgerland. Also, the feminazis are quickly shot down by actually successful woman in high positions in academics as well as big companies. We do have our share of problems though, especially with the current governments trying to shit over us, but still, I prefer that for 2 more years till the end of president's term than living in burgerland.

>hurr it's aint really free
Everyone knows that it's paid for by taxes shitfuck. Denmark is still a sensational place to live and do business and if paying marginally higher taxes creates this paradise then sounds like a good reason to raise taxes.

yeah it's the Mississippi of Europe, sans niggers

We pay 8% tax on everything.
Then we have a deductible minimum which we can increase in many ways.
The money you earn above this is taxed by 38%.
If you make a lot of money, they tax the top of your income further.
But you can just increase your deductible minimum if you want to evade this part.
So most people pay 46% of the majority of their pay, but they don't pay 46% of all their income.
When you buy stuff, there is a 25% VAT, but that just means everything is expensive.

As for "everything is free", it sort of is.
When I was 21, I decided to quit my job and get an education.
My parents didn't have money to help me out and I couldn't work very much while I studied.
I lived on my own in a small apartment I rented. I had no savings.
6 years later I now have a masters degree and a city that is begging me to work for them.

I have no debt. I got money to study, which paid for food and a place to live, I worked full time during summer breaks and part time for the university during the semesters which is why I have enough saved to make the initial payments for an apartment as I want to buy rather than rent now.

And if that means I have to pay 46% taxes now that I am done, so be it.

sure, be a long-term wageslave instead of a short term borrower, take your antidepressants today, Hanz?

The absolute state of Debtistan.

It being an unconstitutional illegal war doesn't make it better, user.

still waiting


the ranking is literally meaningless. it's a site meant to help you practice interview questions. the countries with high scores are probably trying really hard to get a job in and move to the US. makes a lot of sense for china to be first then.

Americans are more concerned about nonsense like gender equality, racism and diversification while Indians are too large in number in IT so the average is down, they're also stupid but most countries are like that

Apply for other jobs, especially remote ones (like on Remote.com). Salaries there might not be as hot for a US/UK developer, but for Poles it's fucking skits.

Trying to find one for myself. If you know your shit and can document it in any way, you shouldn't have much of a problem finding one. Probably you'll have to become self-employed and be a VAT payer, but even with having to pay small accounting company and ZUS every month you'll still probably earn shitton for a Pole.


Maybe it's because only communists are so stuck in the 1980s that they don't have "new" technology like digital cameras and still use film.

FYI Hungary is one of a kind, not even close to be slav.

ill pay you to install Gentoo for me

Hi I'm jack from the USA and I can only agree with you. We are stupid and the inferior country.

>want to replace TCP/IP
>when we haven't even migrated to ipv6

IPv6 is still TCP/IP.

God damn I'm sick and tired of the demoralization re-education program churning out a billion shitheads like you.

The Vietnam war was politically clusterfucked due to the bleeding heart fucksticks convincing their representative politicians to take away financial support. There was a massively vocal minority, much like we see extremist "SJW"s or "Alt-Right"s today.

Stop being jealous of whatever it is the USA makes you jealous of, grow a backbone and live your life positively.

>you'll have to become self-employed and be a VAT payer
Czy to jest tego warte? t. polski programista na umowie o dzieło za komfortowe 8k netto miesięcznie (a pracuje w tej firmie dopiero pierwszy rok), dobrowolne ubezpieczenie zdrowotne i jest fajnie wtedy. Warto zakładać działalność i bawić się w ZUSy, inne podatki, księgowość i cały ten jazz dla paru k więcej, odliczenia VATu i możliwość leasingu?

>they are
it's they're...

Funny, I don't experience any of this. Unless you think all we do is gamedev. In that case, look at every other country with gamedev market, cunt, and show me any that's different

Wszystko zalezy od sytuacji. Niektórzy są w stanie wyciągnąć dzięki temu efektywny podatek 15%, a przez pierwsze 2 lata masz circa 200 zl ZUSu. Dosc czasu, zeby zalozyc spółkę zoo albo ekwiwalent za granicą i mieć bufor finansowy, gdyby np. fiskus chciał położyć łapy na Twojej kasie. Plus dostajesz pensję w euro/funtach/dolarach, stabilniejsza waluta od złotówki.

And mate, it's an english board, let's avoid using any other language.

It's well known that the US has thr best and worst of everything. We do poorly at averages, but the mean deviation is extreme.

You're the best at bad things and the worst at good things. So you're technically correct. You can't get your population basic healthcare but you can have the universal high score in incarceration rates.

Working life is also pretty good.
We have a 37h work week, 6 weeks paid vacation plus holidays and if you get laid off, you get about half your normal salary while you are looking for work.
If you become a parent, you get time off for that as well.
I don't see how this is slavery.

You're automatically not free if you live outside of Burgerland

>HackerRank challenges

whatever those are

None if you ignore the state and become a criminal. They only catch the low hanging fruit, anyway. Cops are fucking retarded.

American/British/Indian programmers actually have jobs and don't spend all day farting around on Pajeet recruiting sites doing programming challenges

Nie. Ten board służy do postowania anime.