AMD is trying to sell Radeon RX Vega 64 at a higher price

Repeat after me:
1080Ti pricing

Other urls found in this thread:

You can thank the memeium miners for that.

nobody cares poorfag.

is AMD officially dead in the consumer GPU space?

That shit should be illegal.

If I tried to create my own fucking money and started the same goddamn stupidass pyramid scam to try to make it happen, my ass would be in federal prison right now.

But apparently this buttcoin bullshit which is the exact same thing is legit. Holy fuck, people are stupid.

Black and limited were always going to be the same price. There's only the difference between bundle and no bundle.

Vega56 MSRP 399 (both limited and black)
Bundle 499
Vega64 MSRP 499 (both limited and black)
Bundle 599
Liquid 599 ? (Unconfirmed, no price for liquid without bundle was given)
Bundle 699

Why does it even matter when miners will eat them up alive? AMD could price them at $900 at 70MH/s

>Vega is so shit I would never ever buy it!
>miners hike up price

The only one laughing at this situation is those who ain't buying new hardware and AMD.
And some green fanboys.

Hoping the 56 won't be affected so much

>GPUs sell for high prices at launch
more news at 11

Gaymer tears are always a interesting source of amusement, as one needing only integrated graphics, your autistic screeching at someone else buying what you wanted before you even at inflated pricing brings euphoria to my sides.

>If I tried to create my own fucking money and started the same goddamn stupidass pyramid scam to try to make it happen, my ass would be in federal prison right now.
No you wouldn't

Miner will pay anything. Let the fools lose their money. They will sell them cheap when the great crypto crash of 09-2017 hits giving the globalist the much needed pretext to force legislation to regulate them in the EU and US killing them forever.

Anyone else excited for ETH to switch to the POS system and force all these miner fag to liquidate their cards
I can't wait for my $200 Vega 64

Already seeing failed miners trying to sell their stacks of cards for retail.
Literally watching auction sites so I can smirk at their failure.

>RX Vega 64
>73,800 JPN
That's still not bad considering any of the decent 1080ti models go for 100,000+JPN. That is around the price the good 1080 models go for and sometimes are even cheaper when on sale.

"oh well we didn't want to compete in that market we feel comfortable sucking miner dick"

AYYYMD on their Jeb! market strategy

>selling your GPU for $400 when people will buy it for $600

Good job tiimmy

600 dollars msrp. 700 dollars actual retail value. 800 with tax

$400 is MSRP(subject to change) but that's just a guideline, AMD can sell them at a higher price to vendors depending on market.

And they'll still sell to miners, it's not difficult.

you do realize that the value of crypto currencies comes from the ability to perform extremely secure exchanges. Credit card companies and various banks make huge sums of money from doing debit exchanges, crypto currencies are far more efficient for doing exchanges.

then what happens when something changes with the mining market and now you have literally no brand recognition in gaming. Professional is already a lost cause because people want refined trustworthy drivers not hacked together shitheaps.

You tried.

pls clap

>concern troll thread


fuckin ETH again?

>A-amd sucks!
>meanwhile at nvidia

if that happened with AMD they would be telling everyone they could fix it with a firmware upgrade.

because amd is awesome, they can fix everything!

Adapters have their own firmware too and it's possible for there to be a firmware issue and not a mechanical one, it's just less likely.

these fags need to die!


And remember when graphic cards weren't the most expensive part of your PC even if you bought an high end one? Suck it up, gamers. You reap what you sow.

If the rumours about it being 2 times better than 1080Ti at compute are true, then (sadly) the 64 is going to be bought off by miners the moment they drop.

Calm down Jensen.
You still need to make an SSG competitor (no, retarded "me raid fuckton of NVMe SSDs" does not count).

Why the (sadly) ? Were you planning on buying it?

I love how AMD pajeets beg for pity and then talk shit about gamers


No, but he's _deeply concerned_ that AMD is coming back to profitability and it might threaten his masters even more.

Not the Brazilian you paranoid street shitter

if the miners buy the whole stock the moment they drop then the prices will stay fucked up. And when Volta drops, then novidya will begin charging even more cash for a "gaymen" gpu.

I'm all for AMD, but consumers need to be able to afford any GPU they want without the price being artificially spiked.

But you aren't buying it so it's irrelevant, and it's irrelevant for me since I don't buy gaymen GPU anyway.

> Repeat after me:
I won't. I am stronger than you.

Made me chuckle

Calm down and have a drink buddy.

Mad me chuckle

>I won't. I am stronger than you.
Doesn't even make sense.

1070OC performance
1080ti price
Titan Xp SLi power draw


1080Ti Pricing

And incredibly good at mining!
Brb gotta order some Vega.

Eth is a scam, once people realize this and it crashes all shitcoins will crash with it.
Hopefully soon so I can laugh at how pathetic cuckminers are.

Missed the train? I'm sorry for you.

What train?

corporate bait train

>"""""""AMD is"""""""
>It's all no name 3rd party retailers price gouging due to minerfags

Kill yourself for even posting this clickbait, faggot.

i will buy it and if it's shit i'm just gonna sell it to miners

Kill yourself.

>AMD adds special mining pipeline to vega that's useless for games
>"i-it's the miners' fault!"

I'm going to get Vega 64 so I can have freesync but I am disappointed in it's performance. I got my 980ti for $320 and it scores 21200 in firestrike about and the Vega 64 seems to only do 22500 when it's clocking well. Given that AMD tends to do better in synthetics but it doesn't always translate to games because of goyworks and otherwise poor optimization it may even lose to my 980ti in a game or two.
Freesync will be worth it I hope as I'll be using it with a 1080p 144hz and a 4k monitor (I switch depending on the game). If I could mine at night and while at work for a few months to cover it I guess that would be a plus.

>believing in memesync
it's useless with FPS below 48 or high FPS combined with high refresh rate

Literally when will the jews allow the prices of any 1060 or better card to drop again? I wanna upgrade from my shitty card already.

Not an argument

When the current cryptocurrency bubble collapses which might take quite a long time this time around since the amount of media attention and hype is insane while the currencies have been built to withstand supply of new coins better. Though the coming crash is going to be absolutely epic, instead of causing millions of dollars of damage to stupid individuals the damages will be in billions.

In Aus the cheapest in can find is around $1700 AUD at scorptech. I would have loved one but i probably wont be getting the 'frontier' edition at that price. Sad!


Yeah you would.

Ron Paul can't even mint gold coins with his face on it.

Miners should be executed.

I was tired of waiting and just bought a new 970 for 220 bucks. Funny that it was actually the best perf/price choice because every single 480/580 is beyond 300 in my country.

Thanks miners!

Who cares it's a mining card