Why have you abadoned me, Sup Forums?
Why have you abadoned me, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
You drop my extensions? I drop you.
You abandoned power users.
You threw out my grandmother's extensions. She had those when she came over from Poland. We are THROUGH.
>nightly finally gets a decent icon
>throw it away 1 week after
what did they mean by this?
i didnt
where would i go?
chrome which is using the same extensions without the foss aspect?
no thanks!
i prefer about:config and .css
>inb4 im leaving a browser because it doesnt have my addons to a browser which doesnt have my addons
nice logic
>no extensions
>SJW as shit
>Creeping Botnet
you were more focused on increasing your version number than increasing your functionality as a web browser
seconded. Ice cat is FOSS and supports firefox extensions. Sure it's on mozilla 52.0 but it's worth it
All my extensions are working just fine
>using extensions
Nightly ftw
Some would argue that you abandoned us foxy :(
That font rendering though. How? I guess Linux, right?
Yeah Ubuntu MATE 17.04. Are you saying it's ugly or good? The default font for the browser is Liberation Sans
>muh extensions
Firefox can use chrome extensions now.
Will icecat go with webextensions when they need to upgrade?
It seems that Icecat is just firefox with some privacy tweaks and extensions installed by default.
Using Icecat is just buying more time, i doubt they will fork and go their seperate way since thats a different project entirely.
Well i guess in time we can decide whether its gonna be Icecat or Palemoon.
It's good, I really like it. Thanks for the font
>Will icecat go with webextensions when they need to upgrade?
IDK we need an autist to fork it
Palemoon is botnet. IceCat is not
It has a lot to do with Firefox's UI overhaul too. It's not completely revealed on Nightly yet but they're making it look nice.
>Palemoon is botnet
>inb4 Sup Forums being and calling anything they dislike botnet
>no extensions
actually it has 80% of chromes now
not compared to google
>creeping botnet
care to explain?
all of the source is open, sync and feedback/crash reporting isnt a botnet and can be disabled in about:config
lastly while icecat is great it depends on firefox and if firefox dies icecat will too because they are just a respin off the base and cant handle development on their own
>firefox and waterfox stop rendering any CSS or javascript on my computer
>switch to chrome
install Ice Cat on a whim.
Better than Chrome
Better than Firecucks
Better than Brave
Better than Vivaldi
Extensions work
No botnet
No bloat
Ice cat is patrician tier.
not happening bro.
Ah ok.
t. retard
>it's another PaleMoon vs Ice cat vs Waterfox Thread
>actually it has 80% of chromes now
the nightly build? explain why my ad block is deprecated
>not compared to google
not an argument. Firefox is still SJW as fuck
>creeping botnet
Soros, google analytics etc
Sure you can turn it off, but how can you trust SJWs and Firecucks to really respect your privacy?
>explain why my ad block is deprecated
because its a single dev or small team
>not an argument. Firefox is still SJW as fuck
it is a argument because its the main competition
fake news idiot
also not a botnet
>google analytics etc
so you are grasping at straws?
>Sure you can turn it off,
>you can turn it off
>how can you trust SJWs
are you retarded
>SJW as fuck
Back to rebbit or Sup Forums or where ever you spawned from
>are you retarded
No I use IceCat over Firecucks so I'm pretty smart. Seems like you have a double digit IQ.
I've compiled the linux kernel when I was 9 years old. I can break into any one's PC. DONT MAKE ME ANGRY I AM WARNING YOU
Don't be so gullible. Mozilla employees are actively refuting any claimed association. The only website who made the association was blog spam and had "activity" in the URL.
>mfw people are so easily tricked because it's something they want to agree with
activist** in the domain name I mean
so you use a browser that depends on firefox aka your sjw boogeyman?
real smart there kiddo
>fake news idiot
Sure fake
Google Chrome does your job better.
Survival of the fittest.
>depends on firefox
depends on mozilla idiot
a picture isnt proof
they have had nothing besides claims and it was a clickbait site
meanwhile facebook and google alter news and redirects and we hear nothing about that
nice biased investigating there Sup Forums
no icecat is literally built with the firefox source
you are a fucking retard though who doesnt understand its not built ground up
its a moving release and will eventually get web extensions too
t. botnet user
thats not the point
the point is icecat it depends on firefox meaning you should support firefox or you are shooting yourself in the foot
I like your font rendering. Pretty.
Because you turned into Chrome but without any of the good parts of Chrome. There is nothing that sets Firefox apart from the competition anymore. It served its purpose during a time when the only other option was IE but there is really no point in using it anymore.
>There is nothing that sets Firefox apart from the competition anymore.
In all of the other current popular browsers, the tabs get so tiny you can't read them or see their icons once you have so many open.
I haven't. Half the "muh extensions" retards are shills who recommend switching to a chromium browser when they both now support chromium extensions anyway. If you care about legacy extensions don't use nightly, use either stable, LTS, PaleMoon or IceCat.
You're slow as shit.
it works now
No, why have YOU abandoned us, you stupid fucking fox
I'm using palemoon now, not going back
Why did Firefox abandon Brendan Eich?
Good riddance
People should check the old articles of the "journalist"
Yeah... he's pretty much a Sup Forums tard, and Sup Forums are the ones who spread this fake news like wildfire across Sup Forums and elsewhere.
"Fake news" is a euphemism for lying. If Sup Forums are the good guys then facts and reality should be all they need to win an argument. But they lie, all the time, which means they are not the good guys. They are liars.
its foss and forkable unlike chrome
>inb4 chromium which has binary blobs
are they fixing it?
I hope not. Adblock Plus is trash. Switch to uBlock Origin
Why are there no good non US browsers? Come on Japan
why would they ask for proof of a claim when they just can assume it's real because they want it to be (confirmation bias)
Have you guys read the article?
It just says Firefox is creating a truth initiative:
"Mozilla’s innovations director, Katharina Borchert, told AFP that the organization was working on tools for Firefox and better online education with media groups, universities, and tech activists.
The “Mozilla Information Trust Initiative” comes just as an automated real-time fact-checking engine dubbed the “bullshit detector” was demonstrated in London.
The group that created the fact-checking engine, Full Fact foundation, is backed by Omidyar and our favorite billionaire tycoon Soros."
And Geroge Soros DID fund Full Fact Foundation.
Are you guys...Fake News?
Mozilla is a non profit organization that creates and distributes free software.
Anyone against them is a brave or Google shill, and should be ignored.
>uBlock Origin
no thanks
I guess I should be more lenient. You guys read
"Firefox and Soros are Hand in Hand!"
instead of
"Firefox joins Geroge Soros in fight against fake news"
I'm willing to believe you if you can provide evidence, which you have failed to do so far. Reading a blog post does not count as evidence. This is what I need
>The group that created the fact-checking engine, Full Fact foundation, is backed by Omidyar and our favorite billionaire tycoon Soros.
I need evidence, hard evidence that Soros has funded this. If you can provide that, actual evidence, then I'll believe you.
So far I'm pretty disappointed at Sup Forums's critical thinking skills on this matter. Reading something in a blog post does not make it true. I need evidence.
he was a homophobe
your owner abandoned me and plenty of other nice people, take your complains upstairs
Thanks, that's all I needed. Why not provide this from the start? I don't care about being right or wrong, only finding out what's actually happening.
Wait a minute... one more thing.
>Mozilla’s innovations director, Katharina Borchert, told AFP that the organization was working on tools for Firefox and better online education with media groups, universities, and tech activists.
>The “Mozilla Information Trust Initiative” comes just as an automated real-time fact-checking engine dubbed the “bullshit detector” was demonstrated in London.
The "activist" blog says Mozilla is using the "bullshit detector" funded by Soros.
Where is the evidence of this? Do we know the technical specifics of Mozilla's software? It's possible they may be using their own stuff and not what Soros has invested in. It could be coincidence they launched a project around the same time.
Need more evidence.
You abandoned US, you stupid liberal asshole.
>implying that privacy exists in any meaningful form on the internet
>no technical merits to argue
>the enemy has a gun and i only have a knife
>ill just drop the knife i have because surely i have no chance
this is you being a defeatist cuk
chrome is a literal botnet and firefox can be modified and verified with packet tracing or source code compilation
Because I googled it myself and found it was the first result before I posted the first time.
Maybe I was lazy, but why do I need to provide the link when a quick verification is all that is needed? I'm not actually trying to debate. I generally don't try to respond to issues such as these, but I wanted to have people at least read the article.
Don't get me wrong, the author definitely had an agenda in his headline, but if people would read the article they could form their own opinions instead of:
I don't read that as "Firefox is using search engine"
I read it as
"This Initiative is coming out at the same time as the "bullshit detector"
>Mozilla's initiative is coming out around the same time as the Soro's funded "bullshit detector", therefore Mozilla is using that software
It's possible, but it's also possible that it's just a coincidence. Therefore, I can't count this as evidence. There's no proof unfortunately.
Nah, it is about waking to reality.
The masses already crossed the Rubicon years ago.
> I don't even use Chrome
I don't think the Initiative is using the search engine from Full Fact either. I read it as
"Mozillia Initiative (for fact checking) announced near same time as Full Fact search engine releases, showing Mozilla is joining fight."
I never claimed Firefox is using the search engine from Full Fact.
And therein lies the problem with anonymous message boards. I thought I was talking to someone else who had claimed such a thing. Oh well.
this got buried:
>Addon review process too long, users get frustrated and switch to Chrome
they are probably doing it on purpose
been using firefox since around 2004, never had any problems with it
guess im just too much of a tard to try anything new.
hahaha, a bug report that's metadata more or less summarizes its content
Turns out they aren't. I just spoke to a Mozilla employee
>read our announcement
>we don't mention soros or "full fact"
Stop fucking suffering and try it, it just works and come pretty well debotned already, even they have a fake internal fingerprint to protect you, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR
Well, they don't. If people continue claiming an association without evidence, they are simply lying. Confirmation bias is a helluva drug.
Firefox did the right thing. Fuck off chromecucks and autismals.
> Why have you abadoned me, Sup Forums?
Because you won't let me set my custom new tab to a local file, you piece of shit.
And then when I set up a server and redirect with extensions you don't remove the content of the url bar, so I constantly search like "how to install windowslocalhost
My statement does not imply that Soros and Mozilla are working hand-in-hand, but rather they are creating fact checking initiatives such as what facebook and google are trying.
Ergo, they are "joining the fight against Fake News", but not actually "working together against Fake News"
I'm not going to deny the article having an agenda, but it's not actually wrong. It doesn't say that Mozilla and Full Fact are working together, but that they are working towards similar thing.
>you won't let me set my custom new tab to a local file
Read the description
how stupid are you exactly?