What kind of tech youtubers do you watch Sup Forums?
What kind of tech youtubers do you watch Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
LinusTechTips and HardwareUnboxed. Sometimes Bitwit and Paul's Hardware.
Confirmed 13 year old
Can these youtubers teach me anything about computers I don't know?
>Can these youtubers teach me anything about computers I don't know?
No, they can just sell you shit you don't need.
Very fucking unlikely unless you're a normalfag.
Which face is the original? I'd say white since it looks most natural?
I'm subscribed to these channels:
Linus Tech Tips
Tom Scott
I watch real engineering every now and then when it shows up on my feed with something interesting.
Luke Smith the fag
Christoph Laimer
Mark Furneaux
Lisa Gade best girl from MobileTechReview
The ones I can recommend is Hardware Unboxed and that dude that looks and sound russian. Paul's Hardware is good from time to time, when he isn't talking about his opinions or speculating pointlessly.
Literally everyone else acts in such a stupid way it makes their videos unbearable to watch.
Also, LazyGameReviews, if that counts.
I agree with you. MKWHD looks better. Even his wallpaper is better.
It's legit like some really pleasant christian mother is filling me in some bullshit technology and I'm like this is strange feel but I'm down with that. I'd still fuck her.
TechDeals for jewing the jew
HardwareUnboxed for benchmarking autism
L1Techs for actual autism
he turned into vwestlife lol
Hardware Unboxed is an ayymd shill don't trust him
RocketJumpNinja although he's not 100% tech he reviews mice and keyboards in a way that is actually important.
I don't care about the RGB or the software, I want a review of the shape and size and the sensor of the mouse.
>Watching Tech Tubers
What are you, 12?
My negro. I completely forgot about him.
11? What do you need 10 for?
>"Hey drug smokers!"
I only watch junkies.
Oh my god...
Nostalgia Nerd
8-Bit Guy / 8-Bit Keys
Numberphile (not usually tech-related, but the calculator unboxings are a funny piss take on unboxing videos)
Computing Forever
He looks better Chink
Techmoan is a tech illiterate fetishizing boomer, hate him.
LGR is just annoying.
Computerphile / numberphile is solid, if not a bit "i fkn love science :DDD" reddity.
the only quality youtuber
I gotchu senpai
Sometimes LGR. No one else unless I am looking for something specific.
Flossy Carter
Jerome Ortega
Mr.Mobile & MKBHD (bout to unsub them cuz they're shilling me)
Louis Rossman
Donavon Hornbeck - he reviews some mid range phones n other interesting stuff unlike these top head tech shills
Mainly Linus tech tips
None. I use YouTube to watch trailers and old live concerts.
I have no interest in reviewers or vloggers.
Not who you're replying to but he can do some crazy shit with all the money he has. That stuff is interesting as fuck, if you ignore all the clickbait and shilling (e.g the 16k display)
LGR, 8bitkeys (even though some of his shit is meme worthy), Jayztwocents because water-cooling.
Thats about it as I'd rather watch car youtubers
Lazy Game Reviews
bigclive, photonicinduction... does kreosan count? shoddy microwave death rays made out of gutted household appliances are a kind of tech.
I thought Sup Forums had taste?
Isn't socks with sandals a sign that one is retarded?
I think being an effeminate manlet faggot with an insectoid 'wife' is a better sign of that
True, but what if you were only able to see his feet? I think the more markers there are the easier to ID it is, though; which is a good thing.
All of them are box readers outside like 3 different examples.
Ecelebs don't belong on Sup Forums.
Linus is /ourguy/ and he triggered these shits so him.
Tbqh these threads need to be culled. Half the posts are just sneaky shilling by worthless youtubers.
stop shilling this faggot.
he targets literal fucking retards.
his explanations are so fucking condrascending
guys, they removed the filter, any of you have a way to back up the app from a phone with the filter installed?
did they remove it from server side
Pocketnow, Juan Bagnell's reviews are fucking great
Yeah, the neural network is run on the server side.
no its just entertainment.
Installing Gentoo on a SSD
Eli the Computer Guy
dan bell and ashens
I liked real engineering until I realized a lot of his videos dance around the subject he's teaching. Some are just straight up advertisements
Ma nigga
>Gaymers Nexus
>Hardware Unboxed
>Digital Foundry
>Some other small time guys
I'm on the fence about him. I still watch his videos.
Never seen anything really technical only things resembling tech for ppl with 30s attention span.
No meanful data, nothing just shilling and idiot questions like if I put the computer on a fridge or why delid a CPU running stock
Who is the nigger tech? He reviews material he shoplift?
Benchmarks are useful from him, does some interesting shit sometimes.
Linus is a manlet
GamingNexus guy
I really dislike MKBHD and LTT. MKBHD for really not providing any real details and LTT for mainly covering extremely expensive, inaccessible things. I finally unsubscribed when he took people asking for cheaper things to mean the cheapest shit possible. He no doubt went to that extreme because that shit works better as clickbait fodder.
MKBHD's BBC might tear Linus in half, holy shit.
>you will never get to hug Lisa
Feels bad.
Official Sup Forums E-Celeb Tier List
Wendell>Paul=Steve=Lisa=PCper team>Jayz=Linus n Pals=OzTalksHW=AdoredTV>RandomGamingHD=Barnacules=Logan>Kyle=Austin
Literally Sup Forums Tier
Consumerism Tier
Anime Tier
Updated the list
Wait forgot a couple
Official Sup Forums E-Celeb Tier List
Wendell>Paul=Steve(Both of them)=Lisa=PCper team>
Jayz=Linusn Pals=OzTalksHW=AdoredTV=Digital Foundry>
Literally Sup Forums Tier
Consumerism Tier
Anime Tier
Anyone have anymore of her leaked pics?
His early content wasn't bad. New stuff is shit though.
what the actual fuck is this thread anymore
8 Bit Guy
Green Ham Gaming
Paul's Hardware
Obsolete Geek
I used to watch Linus but it honestly kind of went to shit around the time Luke went MIA. Plus I'm kind of tired of seeing his retarded staff.
Why does he hire so many Chinese immigrants? Is it because his wife is one?
no but that is... interesting. idk if real
I thought it was well known she had leaked nudes...
white technigger is literally Huge Jacked Man
Bitwit and Austin evans
I love this woman
Man that ain't lisa, pretty close though
Ijustine, with the sound on, without masturbating, unironicly.
Is this actually real what video is this in?
Primitive technology
I don't like to watch people who just read specs, benchmark results and promo material from a spreadsheet.
Both are top tier but not tech
looks nothing like her
Boy oh boy are you hilarious.
Anyone know of any electrical engineering channels on the same level as Mr Carlson's Lab? Channels with multi-hour long teardown, reverse engineering, and repairing of a piece of tech.
Louis Rossmann
Bryan Lunduke
The 8-Bit Guy
LGR even though he's a bit annoying
LGR's food channel is super comfy, lads. He just makes sandwiches and ramen but it's still nice.
The african moron since when do whites have black eyes and that kind of sheep hair
but I am 17 years old and watch him
>18+ board
get lost summerfag reeeeerr
Gamers Nexus
otherwise it's all music
mods pls hlp
enjoy your ban
the only tech nigger worth mentioning
Why do mods not ban underage anymore?
>stop shilling this faggot.
>he targets literal fucking retards.
>his explanations are so fucking condrascending
coz the mods themselves are underage