/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


first for stallman is just a fat gay guy

second for ubuntu

welcome back /faglets/

What qualities must something have in order to be part of the botnet?


What are some cool terminal commands?


I have no interest in /faglet/ subreddit but have great night or day friendo

sudo apt-get moo

telnet mapscii.me

Under the protection of the almighty GNU. Thank you OP.

What's a filebrowser for Ubuntu that I can use to sort photos by date taken rather than date modified?
I know the Windows file explorer can, but the standard Ubuntu 16.04 can't.



Searching for a nice tui-irc client. Can't decide between weechat and irssi, which should I choose? Also did I miss some clients? Which does /fglt/ use?

Being disliked by Sup Forums.



Came out of the darkness of fedora with minimal i3 into the light of ubuntu and unity yesterday. Feels good.

Discord ;^)

Nice meme.

Does Sup Forums approve LXLE?

I want to build my distro, preferably based on Ubuntu or Debian. I am too lazy to do LFS. What do?

You want a Debian netinstall. Comes barebones like Arch and you can install what you want yourself.


I really hate this meme.

Are there any other distros that offer minimal installs?



Any distro. Just check the related download page for a netinstall image.

Long time Ubuntu user here. I'd like to switch to Debian (I actually already installed stable), now I'm not sure if I should upgrade to testing or to unstable. Which should one I settle with? Any pro/contra welcome.

Even if you ugrade to unstable, you must upgrade to testing before anyway, so why not try testing and see if it's enough edge for your needs?

Testing is basically frozen unstable, (up-to-date as Ubuntu), more stable than unstable, not stable enough for stable.

Unstable is fresh upstream packages, things can break, just like on any rolling distro. That said, its much babysitting. Breakage is rare, just like on Arch (daily Arch breaking is a meme).

Stable and unstable has best security, since, as said, testing is a frozen unstable. Stable has a security team, unstable gets fixes from upstream and is under active maintence, while on testing you need to wait for the next freeze.

I'd recommend to stick to stable for a rock solid system, or unstable for fresh packages, testing if you're really lazy but want current stuff. For the most important stuff there are also backports for Debian stable.

not much babysitting*

which terminal supports emojis?

Why would you want that in the first place

I'd really like to use a tiling window manager. I used i3 and xmonad last night but I hate how sound and brightness controls are absent, and the F keys aren't functional. I know the difference between a DE and a WM but are these things configurable or am I supposed to live without them when using a WM?


>Upgrade to Firefox 55 the other day
>buggy as fuck (new tabs don't seem to work well because when I switch back and forth, it glitches out and I have to close the new tab for it to work

anybody else having this issue? Should I just downgrade it or what?

Nope. Maybe you're just gay.

"DEs" have a window manager. They also have that functionality you want, but it's not tied in any way to the window manager (the notification part, the keybinds sometimes are). You can install a notification daemon to display volume and brightness notifications (together with a script or a program which triggers them) on any window manager. You can also bind keybinds to change the volume or brightness. Most window managers are directly responsible for keybinds, but you can also use standalone hotkey programs like .

I want to die I hate myself.

it depends on installed fonts and font settings, not on the terminal

Is there a way to prevent the sound system stop working? I mean, when listening music or sounds, when it presents a part where the sounds stops or it is very low, the audio module inmediately stops working, producing a crackle/popping sound everytime. On the other hand, Windows usually keeps audio active when using software that is audio dependant, so it is barely noticeable, because audio never stop working until you close the app or intenionally press stop/pause if it is a music player. Also, there is a workaround for people using OSX/Hackintosh that is called "Antipop" that pretty much makes the sound system keep working instead of stopping it at the moment where the system stop making sounds, acting similar to Windows audio. Any idea is welcomed, Don't mind if PulseAudio or ALSA, Ty in advance.

is fedora better than ubuntu or is it a step down?

lunduke is going 14/88 soon

gnu/linux is White man's operating system

buy a system76 machine today

can't stand that guy
>random topic
>has guest who supports view a
>landuke agrees
>has guest who supports view b
>landuke agrees

install opensuse tumbleweed

>following le free software celebs
pig disgusting

>worthless proprietary cuck
>baiting for (You)s

What in the system is responsible for running actions when I close the laptop lid and how can I change what happens?

save for the bios firmware my system is entirely free as in freedom.
i wish libreboot worked on t420 but it's still not done.

Depends on the distribution.
on devuan it's acpid but I'm fairly sure systemdicks enabled distros use either some systemd built in feature or a different daemon entirely, but could be wrong.

>I'm fairly sure systemdicks enabled distros use either some systemd built in feature or a different daemon entirely, but could be wrong.

memed-logind handles it IIRC.

I'm on Arch, so systemd.

$ # Print the kernel name
$ uname -s
$ # Print the operating system name
$ uname -o

look into udev

Answer me niggermonkey.

python3 -m http.server 8080
Shares the current directory on port 8080, comfy for transfering shit in the network.

I'm very conflicted.
I had to drop arch because of some instability I had with the system after a couple of months.

I'm now using deepin, but the packages are way too outdated.
I'm using Ryzen w/ Gigagbyte AB350 Gaming 3 and GTX 1060, a awful combination it seems, since I can't boot any ubuntu-based system, neither Antergos.

What the fuck do I do, I'm considering moving to solus, is it a good choice? maybe tumbleweed

Since it looks like GNOME3 is going to win the desktop war finally, what's the best distro to start out with it?
I'm thinking Fedora since Linus uses it (with GNOME3) and he has decent taste, and since Fedora has had GNOME3 as the main DE for longer.

man, that's pretty awesome

Try ubuntu 17.10 beta. It should ship with a newer kernel and novidya drivers.

You can access it via browser? local.ip:8080?


Retard here, is there any chance of getting an android phone or playstation media server detection to pick up on that?

could need a proper filepicker tho

Serious question, is anything technology-related stopping them from implementing this with GTk3/GNOME3? Why haven't they done so yet?

I could use a little help ricing xfce4. I am trying to change the background color which surrounds the xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin icon on my xfce panel. I simply want to change the color which surrounds the whiskermenu icon (to #333333) so it matches the panel on my desktop.

As you can see from my screenshot, the background color surrounding the whiskermenu icon seems to retain a blue color set by either the Victory-17.04-gtk2dark WM theme, or by the Victory-17.04 [GTK2] theme. (I Don't know which controls this.) After I set 'Custom panel colors' in Theme Configuration (also highlighted in screenshot) I noticed the background color behind the whiskermenu icon does not match the new color I had set for the panel itself. Where can I edit this value? I am not sure which file or property I am looking for. Can I find what I am looking for in /usr/share/themes/Victory-17.04/gtk-2.0/gtkrc? Or maybe add something to ~/.gtkrc-2.0?

Also, two possibilities might be:

1. I need to find an image file somewhere in my theme and edit it to the color I want in GIMP, or something.

2. The color not changing behind my whiskermenu icon by configuring 'Custom panel colors' might actually be a bug that I have discovered.

Your experience is appreciated... th-thanks

What are some good word processors for Linux? Is LibreOffice the best?



Not with typing the ip in manually

No, the devs just don't care enough about that feature.



what os are you using


What are some good stream editors for GNU/Linux?
Is sed the best?


that's a text editor not a word processor silly user. how am I supposed to write a report with this?
what does this do I am confused



What are some good line editors for GNU/Linux?
Is ed the best?

but libreoffice is an office suite, user


What are some good directory listers for GNU/Linux?
Is ls the best?


echo *

libreoffice writer*

I only have and uptime and none of the others installed


(sometimes I lie on the internet)

ls is better on Windows because you don't have to type so much.

Twat did yo say?
I cunt hear you.
I have an ear infucktion.
Tits okay.
I'll finger it out later.

yo did I just start a meme

how to git gut with ed?

practice and reading ed manual (info ed)

You can dir on linux too.
Just looked at the dir --help for the first time.
It has more options than I realized.

seriously though guys what do I use if I just wanted to type up a short MLA essay or something

New to Linux, I have a few questions:
Why is systemd bad?
Why is Debian bad?
Why should I use Gentoo if, apparently:
>Gentoo includes installation recipes for a number of nonfree programs in its primary package system.

Likely a smoother gnome experience. They're basically the same except for their repos and package manager. I prefer DNF - even though it's slower, it prevents information in a really clean way as opposed to the dependency blocks apt gives you. Additionally, though the Ubuntu repos are straight up better, DNF lets you know where a package is coming from (through separation of free/non-free repos). Still, these differences don't amount to much and Ubuntu has better support so...
