What new technologies do you see coming into fruition in the next 10 years?

What new technologies do you see coming into fruition in the next 10 years?

Invisibility cloaks for the masses

>Le futuristic Jew
God I hate Kurzweil

>Ten terabytes of computing power
>computing power

Neuralink is pretty interesting. Its an Elon Meme company though, but if it works it will irrevocably shape humanities future.

>next 10 years
Neural Link is atleast 20 years away.

electric cars if we are lucky but I think it will take us a bit longer

Kurzweil ist retarded, the real world isn't exponential

>Botnet on every single conceivable aspect of daily life
>Unprecedented censorship
>Perfected wrongthink crime
>Social media being mandatory by law to even qualify as a citizen

>20 honorary doctorates


Moore's law is pretty much dead anyway

women become obsolete through vr anime girls with fully animated vaginas

And people actually claim he's the Thomas Edison of our generation. He's a meme inventor. He's not even doing anything useful at google. He's the grestest hack of the 21st century. He made more money from his books than his inventions

I don't think so, we will need sexbots.

2040 will be the year of the Robotic waifu and the death of the roastie. I feel a bit envious of my future 45 year old self

Artificial Stupidity

machine-based dumbassedness that will allow advertisers and politicians to better mistreat actual idiots.

the model for venture capitalism today:

1: find something that people think would be cool if it existed (flying cars, sonic screwdrivers, robot waifus)

2: have a starving artist make a CGI video showing what it would look like if it ever existed

3: collect a fuckton of money to develop it, even if it's physically impossible

4: spend the money, shrug, say "son cosas de la vida" and move on to the next idea.


I hope he's right about being able to remove our minds from the body by the 2030s

Will probably be like a clone that experiences 'being himself' like you experience 'being yourself' but won't actually be 'you'.

I'll remain 100% organic and be discriminated against for the rest of my life. FML.
Though this depends on how many people will embrace the change. I think religious nuts are against it but not sure if or why.

my company is doing this as we speak

Mark of the beast etc

(((Ray Kurzweil)))

>Star Citizen is doing this for a fucking game
Kek, it's not a meme

augmented reality, bots, AI


To be fair, everything Musk has done has at least made it to a prototype.

Except Neuralink. He didn't have a prototype instantly, the madman.

this. biometric databases of every citizen to
> muh prevent crime
we're going to live in small world controlled by a few. enjoy.

>the real world isn't exponential
um sweetie just compare the previous few centuries and you'll notice that the rate of advancement has risen dramatically.

You forgot that climate change is going to make agriculture less reliable. The extremes of weather, like heavy storms and hot droughts are going to be more common and they're going to strain resources to protect crops. Until they can't and the crops fail, and food prices spike. A 10% reduction in agricultural output is a couple hundred million hungry people.


All western countries are completely breaking down as we speak due to shitskin immigration.

Maybe China or Japan will continue to develop but for the rest of us this right now is as good as it will ever get.

It all falls apart from this point onward.

>we will be the last generation to die

>this. biometric databases of every citizen to
>> muh prevent crime
>we're going to live in small world controlled by a few. enjoy.
That feel when you'll soon be living in the world of shadowrun
Get your SINs sheeple

Don't forget that TrueNorth is here already, tough times are getting really close.

The beginning of the process of mechanizing humanity.

I think AI will ironically become obsolete or even just an extension of our mechanized adaptations.
We'll know and control everything by thought. Your brain will increase in capacity through joining to the global cyberbrain.

And it will either be heaven on earth or hell.

It won't be, because humanity will force ourselves to speed up it's production. You don't get how desperate we are for it.

>100% organic
All is organic. Computers are essentially silicon based brains. The process is essentially the same.

The "soul" is a differential algorithm, not a physical tangible thing.
When you build an AI, you trap a soul into it.

Organic doesn't mean anything outside of chemistry.

What even is "organic"?
It's just a meme to pretend that something is more natural than another thing.
It's purely memetic. It's not real.

>Ten terabytes of computing power
What do they mean by this? Did they mean teraflops instead?

I'm more worried about how they ignored the sharp decline in average human intelligence.

Remember, people used to think the world was getting smarter. Now we know it's on the brink of destruction through lack of predators affecting our evolution.

>I think religious nuts are against it but not sure if or why.
They believe there's a second life lmao

In chemistry it means chemicals with a carbon backbone, usually distilled as products and derivatives of the petrochemical industry, but biochemistry is also organic chemistry simple because life uses carbon backbones in their makeup.

Intelligence is actually dropping due to immigration mostly. Different peoples have drastically different IQ. And this is genetic.

Tech will stagnate for a good decade in the next ten years because civil wars between the hard left and hard right will break out across America and Europe along with a race war in the mix.

Maybe they mean ten terabytes of transfer capacity (eg 32bit and 64bit computers)

Hello Sup Forums. KEK god emporer Trump, am I right?

>In chemistry it means chemicals with a carbon backbone
Yeah but the chemistry definition misses the common definition aspect of "being natural" or "being life created for a purpose". That's what the word organic has partially, a sense of divinity.

Most people are observing this actually.
the extreme left and right as being cancer.

It's only time before we notice the effects of things beyond mere immigration.
I bet the chemicals in our food and water will impede on our health soon. I heard fertility levels are sharply declining and the effects on things like plastics are creating health defects in men and women.

TVs and PCs can produce smells

>ignoring reality this hard
All it's gonna take to light up this powderkeg is an economic collapse, I'm expecting it to be the college bubble popping that will start it all. If you honestly can't see the very obvious warning signs right now then you deserve to die.

Best stock up guns and workout while you can before all the rabid lefties from the cities start invading the countryside in search of food and water.