My ASUS laptop with windows 10 kept giving blue screen and restarting itself, I was gonna format it but it gave blue screen again and now when I boot the laptop, the ASUS logo appears and after that it's just black screen. No mouse cursor or anything. What do I do?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions General
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You crossed the line from stupid questions into pure tech support. We're not Geek Squad. Your problem could have many possible causes and needs troubleshooting.
I'm recording game footage now and have the bitrate set to 60 mbs. When does a higher bitrate not become a big deal at 1080p? I'm thinking of cutting my recordings to 30 mbs because 11 GB for 30 minutes of footage sucks to upload to jewtube.
The line varies depending on the use. Uploading to YouTube is one case where the line is very, very low. You could easily get away with 1/5 your current bitrate.
Try making some samples and see for yourself.
I suppose it's not really that important to be ridiculously high quality anyway, it's just for sharing shit with friends. Might just drop to 20 anyway.
I have a dead MSI cr610 laptop with a working LTN160AT06-H01 display (16inch 1366x768 with 1ch6bit 40pins 0.4mm pin pitch LVDS connector) that I want to use as a secondary monitor [spoiler]firstly as a little project, but because I'm euro/poor/ too[/spoiler]
I know I have to use a controller board, but I can't really find a cheaper "universal" one - found a kit specifically made for this screen under $30 on ebay
I know that controller boards can be dirt-cheap, as I found a MT6820-B 5V kit (with all the needed shit included) on ebay for less than $3 (but with either 1ch8bit, 2ch6bit, or 30pins cable, not a single one to be like the $30 one)
I don't mind buying the LVDS cable separately (
I installed madvr but mpc hc says its still unavailable, pic rel is what it says on installation
what do
i tried restarting my pc and reinstalling, still nothing
I can't get mjpeg-streamer to work reliably
Sometimes when I start it up I get a good picture, other times I get this
Heres my command:
/home/orangepi/mjpg-streamer/mjpg-streamer-experimental/mjpg_streamer -i "/home/orangepi/mjpg-streamer/mjpg-streamer-experimental/ -y" -o "/home/orangepi/mjpg-streamer/mjpg-streamer-experimental/"
here's the output in the terminal
MJPG Streamer Version.: 2.0
i: Using V4L2 device.: /dev/video0
i: Desired Resolution: 640 x 480
i: Frames Per Second.: -1
i: Format............: YUYV
i: JPEG Quality......: 80
i: TV-Norm...........: DEFAULT
UVCIOC_CTRL_ADD - Error at Pan (relative): Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
part 2 in next post, output was too long
Is the Logarith Codec a lossless interframe or lossless intraframe compression?
UVCIOC_CTRL_ADD - Error at Tilt (relative): Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_ADD - Error at Pan Reset: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_ADD - Error at Tilt Reset: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_ADD - Error at Pan/tilt Reset: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_ADD - Error at Focus (absolute): Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP - Error at Pan (relative): Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP - Error at Tilt (relative): Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP - Error at Pan Reset: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP - Error at Tilt Reset: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP - Error at Pan/tilt Reset: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP - Error at Focus (absolute): Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP - Error at LED1 Mode: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP - Error at LED1 Frequency: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP - Error at Disable video processing: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP - Error at Raw bits per pixel: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)
o: www-folder-path...: disabled
o: HTTP TCP port.....: 8080
o: username:password.: disabled
o: commands..........: enabled
Unable to dequeue buffer: Input/output error
i: Error grabbing frames
I have a DLP projector with 3D features. I expect it's shit, but I'd like to try it out - what kind of glasses do I need to get?
Building my first PC but stuck at the case power connectors
Motherboard indicates to plug in the ground on a specific side but on the connectors there is no indication for ground, just an arrow on one side which I assumes indicates + on the others.
which is ground?
The other one.
Protip: polarity doesn't matter for power buttons. All you're doing is bridging the pins with the switch.
probably 3D glasses
sun glasses won't work
So the blank side with no arrow is ground?
I thought there were several kinds.
buy the ones for your projector then
Why come comouters do ??
Is it possible to assign a failover IP to the server directly so then I could use it in proxmox to divide it to different servers? I tried everything and all tutorials suggest to use one failover ip per server, but that kills the idea completely.
I have an old android phone with a broken screen that I want to pull pictures from. I can't do this because
1. The usb isn't reading it as a device to view files, which you can change but I can't because the screen is broken.
2. I can't enable USB debugging to cast the screen.
So how can I get around this without use of the screen? Iv'e tried dr.fone but it doesn't have my exact device which is (SM-G925V)
What is the best torrent client for a headless Linux server?
I was using qbittorrent-nox, which was great, but doesn't include RSS support sadly (something that I need).
Can you do USB OTG in its current state? Then try to figure out the right combination of keyboard button presses to delve into Settings and enable USB debug?
I want her to stuff that model water tower inside me.
rtorrent and transmission both worked great. Currently using rtorrent.
I've been reading good things about rtorrent. Thanks user, I will try it out!
What advantages are there to using arrow functions in JS? The traditional function(){} notation seems more readable/less confusing, and there's less fuckery with this
ill try that
What is the best option for a web-dev noob like myself to start hosting websites?
Bitrot I think it's just a joke, meant as a scare tactic. Yes data gets lost/corrupted, but it's due to hardware failure and improper shutdowns. A ups, combined with RAID and employing a good backup system would solve those problems
What would be the best way of switching motherboards without reinstalling windows 7?
moving form an ASRock A55M-HVS to a Msi B350
Get an old PC, install some easy to use distro like Ubuntu server, hook it up to your router via ethernet, and enable SSH. You can then follow tutorials for most things.
If you're talking about what hosting software to use, just use Apache like 92% (?) of the internet.
I'm building a new system in two weeks, it's going to be an R7 1800X + 1080Ti, with possible SLI in the future. Is a quality 750W PSU going to be enough? I want to OC to 4.0GHz (or close to it) on the CPU, and the GPU will be running around 2k on the core.
You replyin to someone? And no, file corruption does happen, even in an ideal system, although not a lot. The word "bitrot" kind of gives the wrong idea, like it's something that happens consistently and evenly. It's more that errors happen occasionally, and without a proper (non raid) backup, a means to detect when this has happened, and a way to figure out which copy is fucked, there's no way to deal with your increasing number of corrupted files. The reason people focus on media files in particular is it can be hard to notice when a minor corruption has happened in the file.
Really you should just clean install windows. You can try a sysprep, but it's not really intended to work on installs you've been using for a long time. There's always the possibility you just pop in the new mobo, windows repair does its thing and it just werks. Either way you'll probably have to deal with the microsoft activation hotline to try and get the license transferred over.
If I want to OC my ram to advertised speeds, do I just manually set the hertz and timings? My ram is advertised at 3200mhz, CAS14 and from my research it should work with the most recent bios on Crosshair VI.
Your mobo might have XMP profiles that do all of that for you.
Just dial them in manually.
I've heard something about this, I'll check it out.
I'll try this too.
I've been behind on this sort of thing since the early 2000s, thanks for the help anons.
>microsoft activation hotline
It's the phone number you call to get your windows license transferred to a new board. It's technically against their TOS, but if you claim that the old board died on you you'll usually get away with it. Most of the time you only deal with the automated system unless it's giving you shit.
Im completely new to coding and I'm looking to learn python, should I start with Python 2 oe 3?
Is there any replacement for RadeonPro available or in development?
my AVG antivirus licence is going to expire in 3 days
is there a better alternative I should be using
this PC runs windows 10
>inb4 install Linux
this PC is just for living room gaymen my actual productive PC is Gentoo
Install GNU+Linux.
Is leaving my phone on the charger all night bad for the battery ?
Jesus... 60 is way too much. 3,5 would suffice for average twich quality, 5 would be pushing it.
I'd like to interject- but god I just don't have the strength left. Go fuck yourself.
clamwin + clamsentinel
I just got a $250 PC for free. Has Windows 7, 4GB of RAM. What can I do with it? A server?
that looks promising
do I really need the advanced version or is basic good?
I'd just like to interject for you for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Basic is fine.
thanks I think I might go with that
gonna read up on this one too
Clamwin is foss but its detection rates are shit. And it's a little bit buggy.
set it up with plex and use it as a media server
:%!whatever in vim will pipe the buffer to the bash command 'whatever' and replace the buffer with the output. how do i achieve the same thing but in visual mode with a selection?
How do I find out which kinds of hard drives will fit in my x220? I want to buy a modest SDD but I'm afraid to get the wrong one.
I have an HTC 10 and do not understand how to actually delete contacts on here. It's all synced up and shit I think from god knows where and when I try to delete something it says ok and the contact is still right back there on the list. How do I actually delete contacts and deal with synching from facebook, whatsapp, wherever the fuck?
Lenovo uses especially flat 7mm storage devices for the X220
Would it render me bad karma (no leddit, asking from a spiritual point of view) if I pirated win7 but didn't crack it when selling it to a man who understands computers enough so that he is asking me to install windows 7 in it just for his comfort?
Not sure if this is what you're asking, but yank into a specific register with "y
Just buy a key off kinguin and tack $15 to his price.
I want to study 3D modeling and game development. Currently I'm using only my onboard video card which is some Radeon 4*** series, quite old. I'm thinking about buying a GPU, and I have the GTX 1060 and the GTX 1050 ti in mind.
I already have enough money to buy the 1050ti, but I could gather enough money if I wanted to buy the GTX 1060 by the end of the year.
I'm not in a hurry to start studying this either because I have other projects going on.
Taking in mind that I don't WANT to play games (I might, but it's not my focus), but to render 3D graphics and DEVELOP games, what is the best course of action: waiting to buy a 1060 or buying the 1050 ti already?
I need a book to learn C++
I know Java but haven't really programmed in a year.
Any recommendations? I'm thinking about either Accelerated C++ or C++ Primer 5th Ed. but I hear the latter is tough for C++ beginners.
fucked up my phone and now I'm trying to get my old one (HTC Desire 610 on AT&T) but it won't get service. My SIM is detected by the phone and the SIM has worked in other phones so I have no idea what it could be
workstation card
learn it, love it
do i need to defrag my hdd?
no, you need to frag it
if it's hdd and not ssd, yes
Why the fuck does gnome-shell need so much memory? What the hell is it doing?
what extensions you got
is there a graphics card I could buy for around $100 that could run fo4 at medium graphics settings?
i have an intel core i5 and 14 gigs of ram
how do i create a playlist of cmus in an archive that could be editable?
Backslide, Dash to dock, drop down terminal, Audio Output switcher, openWeather and ShellTile
I've had all these extensions for a while now and never normally see gnome-shell use so much memory.
Whats a good software to organise my memes and pics in general that runs on win8.1, preferably open source
must support tags
I'm fixing a Macbook Pro 2010. Googling suggests it might be a bad boot sector, so I tried booting up Linux to see if I could repair it.
I couldn't mount or see the HDD though, is that normal for apple fuckery, or could something else be wrong?
Should I ever use the database index in the server-side code itself? Like if I populate an object from the db fields, should I have a _id int in that object, or is that considered bad practice to mix db specific info like that?
install gentoo
So my shit sucks and it can't play 1080p.
I'm on a Mac mini 2010. I have tried like 5 different players and none of them seem to work with it.
Is there a place online I can stream current shows.
Specifically Adam Ruins Everything?
You got me curious. I managed to find this.
try asking in
Windows Explorer doesn't have this problem
I choked on some water and I spit it all over my lcd screen. I tried to clean as fast as I could but some of it went under the panel. monitor cannot be opened, wat do?
I recently learned how to make a rest api. couldnt I make one to control my pc remotely? Like making it download some torrents for me through my smartphone?
Are there any other tasks that take advantage of a high-end GPU [in the consumer market] other than gaming?
I have a decent GPU, but I don't really play games that often for me to need to buy a better GPU. I'm thinking of just switching to console gaming and use my PC like a normal human being.
Additionally, how do you take advantage of your GPU when watching high quality movies? I think CPU is needed for all that fancy mumbo jumbo, but I'm not quite sure about the GPU itself.
Should I upgrade from win 7 to win 10?
Is win 10 more secure?
Technically, but I wouldn't upgrade just for the security unless you really fuck your shit up a lot. Even then it would be the last step I'd take.
I would advice against it. Not because of the NSA debacle, but because there is very little to gain from going from 7 to 10.
I've never been one to use all of Windows features, so take my comment with a grain of salt.
You should look into Win10 to see if it has any tools you might find useful.
And no, it's not more secure.
why reinvent the wheel? vnc does that
Do you think wireless technology will ever reach a level where it surpasses wired?
if you're still curious it's actually
In what sense? Reliability? No. Convenience? Yes. It's already like this.
Technically speaking you can get a higher top speed now from wireless AC than gigabit ethernet, but you still have worse latency, reliability and security. Also 10gbps hardware exists, it's just not common. At a certain point most stuff will be small "internet of things" crap, so it won't matter whether wires are better or not.
is Seagate, WD or Toshiba better for external HDDs?
What should I spend $200 on?
My current setup
1920x1200 24" Lenovo IPS monitor
1920x1200 24" Dell Ultrasharp TN monitor
2x Xeon [email protected] hex core CPU
12gb unbuffered ECC memory @ 1333mhz
2x Samsung 840 120gb SSDs in raid 0
2x 1tb hard drive
1x 500gb hard drive
GTX 960 2gb overclocked by 10%
HP comfort mouse
Gateway rubber dome keyboard
Is it time to go up to a higher res monitor? Or maybe a better GPU? Or upgrade the x5650s to the [email protected]?
>higher top speed now from wireless AC