How did people create group chats in 2007?

What did people do 10 years ago? Before facebook chat became available and before gchat became available?

Answers that were proposed from the last thread:

>people use MSN messenger which had multi conversation available

>people used IRC

>people used AIM

>skype group chat was possibly available?


If MSN messenger aka Windows Live had multi conversation capabilities, did it have a save and push feature where you would receive the message when you signed back online?

Other urls found in this thread:

>did it have a save and push feature where you would receive the message when you signed back online?
Most things didn't back then. If you were offline, you didn't get messages. Either group or directly to you. You could (and people did) stay logged in but "idle" or "away", IRC-style, and people would "leave a message" for you to respond to later.

I know at least with yahoo messenger (10 years ago) you would receive the message when you signed back in.

IRC with bouncers to receive messages while offline.

Two threads for this shit?

You're showing your age, my dude.

Anyway, Yahoo would queue up messages for you when you were offline.
I remember my middle school crush and I would queue up messages for each other to see when we got home from school. Those were the days....

I think it is an interesting topic and I wanted to learn more about it. If you don't find it interesting, don't comment.

Thanks for responding. That's what I assumed too but some replies have said that there were save and push features on other messengers?

Wow, that would be really ahead of its time from what I read? Was yahoo messenger really popular back in 2007?

Skype, MSN, IRC, plenty of options.

And Gchat was available at least as far back as 2005.. newfag

yeah, I'm 20 so most of this occurred before I was very familiar with computers.

that exchange with your crush sounds oddly cute. do you know if yahoo messenger had multi chat features like a group chat?

>Was yahoo messenger really popular back in 2007?

Holy fuck you ARE A NEWFAG

Yahoo and AIM were dueling for top dawg as far back as 1998.

Honestly, the best group chat from then was on WoW.

Just because the only thing you remember using to talk to multiple people in those days was WoW chat does not make it the best thing.

WoW chat was just IRC inside a game client anyway.

Yes, Skype group chat was possible.
Source: I was in several groups on Skype. i don't think many people used it though.

Yeah, no offline messages for MSN or AIM back then.

With my group of internet friends, we all used MSN, primarily because of the ability to group chat.

I simultaneously used AIM because it was more common among my school friends. Never used chatrooms with those friends, but would sometimes invite myself to rooms.

That was a difference between MSN and AIM/Yahoo. The latter two had public rooms whereas group chat with MSN was strictly based on someone inviting someone else in.

No one I talk to then used Skype as their primary source of communication. I've begrudgingly used it a handful of times for pugs in games, but I absolutely did not use it in 2007.

I don't think so man. When I was looking at MSN messenger, they said that MSN messenger was the dominant platform for IMing by the mid 2000s. I know AIM was popular in the early 2000s, but by the mid 2000s, they had been eclipsed by other messaging platforms like ICQ and MSN messenger.

Facebook groups and chat would dominate both by 2008.

>Yeah, no offline messages for MSN or AIM back then.


oh wow, I didn't know that.

Do you remember if it had the save and push feature where if you were offline and someone sent you a message, it would save the message and send it to you when you signed back online?

>they said

they were wrong.

AIM really only faded out starting in 2009-2010, when facebook actually started to dominate.

ICQ?! Nigger please. ICQ was never really popular and was marginal even in 2005

WLM had offline messages however it was only for text not for attachments

I don't remember it then.
And from what I do remember, whenever the feature was rolling out, it was buggy and arbitrarily gave you a "this user is offline" error.
Hell, AIM still has that problem today.

Well yeah, you had something to do besides stare at an ellipses while everyone else responded

I'm turning 31 in a few days, been using the internet since 12. All my friends were maintained online using various messengers.

A 20something newfag simply lacks the perspective and "i was there" stat.

I used Hamachi

Time for a HISTORY LESSON, newfags:

>AOL Instant Messenger was initially integrated into AOL Desktop and later also released as a stand-alone download by America Online (AOL) in May 1997

For newfag, grew up seeing the internet through the tiny window of the smartphone type fucks, AIM was analogous to being the iOS of it's time, until towards the end when that became Skype. Also, if you didn't use Deadaim, you were an idiot.

>Yahoo Messenger was originally launched under the name Yahoo! Pager on March 9, 1998.[1]

Same as above but it was the Android, until towards the end. For example, lots of people ran custom Yahoo clients for extra features etc.

>ICQ is an instant messaging client that was first developed and popularized by the Israeli company Mirabilis in 1996

ICQ was the Blackberry, also with similar demographics (professionals). People still use it for some reason.

>>>tfw never had friends to use aim, msn and yahoo with like my brother and sister
The world I thought I would grow up in was just gone

hey, thanks for correcting me

do you remember if AIM had private chats back in 2007?

if it did have private chat, how did people identify each other in large groups? were you required to know the screen name of all your friends or could you change their ID to a nickname or your choice?

by change their name to a nickname of your choice

i mean in skype you can assign a person a name so that if their screen name was "ejdiridjdh" you could make their name appear as "user friend"

>do you remember if AIM had private chats back in 2007?

well gosh that's a quandery considering it was TEN FUCKING YEARS OLD AT THE TIME

>Wow, that would be really ahead of its time from what I read?
Just how long have you been using the internet for?

>back in 2007?

this makes me want to strangle you kids

>if it did have private chat, how did people identify each other in large groups?

You knew your friends screen names, fucking duh, plus they could set their display names

I don't believe AIM had third party nickname assignment

interesting thanks for replying. how did msn messenger compare to aim? also when did skype and Facebook take over aim

>Wow, that would be really ahead of its time from what I read? Was yahoo messenger really popular back in 2007?

McFucking McKill yourself

you think the internet is a new thing? it's OLD

Kinda disorienting to be told I'm wrong just like that haha, but I've been reflecting hard and I just don't remember that stuff being a thing. I specifically remember talking to an Australian internet friend in 2008, and fuck me if reliable offline IMs would'nt've made our communication easier.

It might have been a user habit, I guess. So used to getting offline errors that I never utilized it whenever it rolled out.

It looked like the way Twitch chats look like today, with fewer emojis. You knew people by their screen names.

i think people are remembering things wrong. most of these features like group chat were not available until 2008 not 2007

>tfw your online-only friends drifted away because you wouldn't jump from platform to platform for "muh security and encryption"

No, I won't fucking install Wire, you faggots

>i think people are remembering things wrong. most of these features like group chat were not available until 2008


>thread from 2006

It went back WAY before that IIRC to 2001 or 2002 but I'm not even going to spend that much effort explaining why you're a retard, pontificating to us with zero experience or knowledge

>the replies are about it not working

I think it's worth noting that there's a difference between public and private chatrooms, and group chats. Pedantic, I know, sorry.


you're not being pedantic. there is a huge difference between group chat promoted by AIM/yahoo messenger and what we consider group chat today.

what linked is what we would consider a chat room and not a group chat.

>save and push feature where you would receive the message when you signed back online
IRC bouncers do exactly that. And if you want to save conversations after you see it then you save logs, but thank god that is optional.

I don't remember that group chats were a thing except for chatrooms/IRC that had this as their main feature. All my friends were in ICQ/MSN where you'd have 1:1 conversations.
>using ICQ pro and feeling superior

StarCraft had bots that we would idle in our clan channels using stolen cd-keys and illegal names.

That came after v6.2 tho

do you know of a changelog for AIM and MSN messenger? i'm the op and I would love to read more about the changes of these IM services over time

i used MSN for my normie friends from school and ICQ for shady stuff. I even bought a 6 digit XY number from a carding suite to estabilish authority and dominance in the warez scene

oh those were the dasys

interesting. did you ever aim use AIM? that supposedly had group chat rooms but not group chat.
