>Buy 8TB hard drive
>it's 7.2TB
>Buy 8TB hard drive
>it's 7.2TB
Other urls found in this thread:
the ABSOLUTE state of Sup Forums
>local man doesn't understand how storage works
bro you didnt check for terabyte mites before you installed that HDD, did you?
It can contain 8 trillion bytes so what is the problem?
wow user, looks like you got screwed, see if you can download more
>He didn't format it
Ya dunce
What the fuck are you even talking about?
It's 8TB, the Windows file manager shows disk size in tebibytes (TiB), not terabytes (TB). Windows is misleading you, install OpenBSD.
You didn't activate the extra storage?
Generally they leave the last platter locked and strictly use it for the firmware/drivers.
You can un-lock the last platter by simply opening your case and removing the fabric here.
freeBSD can unlock it software side but it's risky, just pull the fabric
whats that going to do?
There is a sensor. If it doesn't detect the cloth, it allows you to format the last platter.
The reason they can sell them as "8TB" is because the storage is actually included. It's just that you can't access it by default.
Honestly can't tell if this is Sup Forums's version of "Heat up a plastic spoon wrapped in a towel then run it under cold water"
thats a bad lie
>Heat up a plastic spoon wrapped in a towel then run it under cold water
what happens then?
>I don't know the difference between TiB and TB
why is this happening to Sup Forums
Daily reminder a TB is 1024GB and a GB is 1024, anyone who says otherwise should stop using computers
Windows uses this space to share updates to other Windows users.
I wish it still was that way. But the storage industry had to make more money and thus pushed TB/GB vs TiB/GiB o they had to manufacture less storage. Sadly TB is no 1024GB in todays world.
you fucking moron, TiB is 1024 GiB, GiB is 1024 MiB,
kila = 1000, mega = 1000000, giga = 1000000000
kibi = 1024, mebi = 1048576, gibi = 1073741842
No, that's TiB, and GiB. Terabyte and gigabyte are decimal, while tebibyte gibibyte are binary prefixes.
>ibi uchuu~
Kill yourself you weeb
Have a (you) for making me giggle.
You don't either. It's how the OS represents bytes.
Why does a plastic spoon go boom?
>pay for 25 mbps down
>internet speed is actually just 3.1 mbps down
Your drive is 8TB or 8*10^12 bytes Windows shows how many TiB you have (1 TiB is 2^40 bytes) so dividing the two 8*10^12/2^40=7.275
The rest is for system files.
Read the thread, retard:
thanks Obama
>windows eats up 730 GB of space on an empty drive for no reason
Linux doesn't have this problem.
All seriousness, what is that cloth? What does it do? Genuinely curious.
Just realized I typed plastic instead of metal
Holy smokes lmao
that's to keep dust from getting into the device.
>snipping tool
Giga is 1000
Gibi is 1024
Learn2SI base unit, you dumb nigger
Any better tools? Which will allow you to paste the image immediately into windows file explorer?
>I'll take Microsoft file systems for $100, Alex.
>this file system was created to during WINDOWS NT, and solved an issue to recognize hard drives larger than 32GB. It's MFT (Master File Table) takes up a percentage of the drive based on the physical size of the hard drive.
Someone help this fag out.
Would be good if it let you copy .jpg to clipoard.
It's possible, go to the menu and click after capture > click on copy image to clipboard
sharex is a batch of bloatware features and half of them dont even work
i use greenshot
Copy image copies png, copy file doesn't work (yeah I tried it with save image to file both on and off).
I make do with copy filepath, but it's still bothersome, I'd like to utilise 4chanX's ability ctrl+V images from your clipboard.
8(10^12) / 2^40 = 7.275957614183426
>His OS uses nonstandard unit sizes
That's what you get for using windows. Quality operating systems support using standard SI units like drive manufactures use.
>8 terabytes to tebibytes
you are literally retarded
It's Drumpf's fault, they launched a new data tax on HDDs. They are all taxed 10% of their total capacity.
it is displaying tebibytes which IS standard for operating systems.
terabytes is the nonstandard form for data in an os.
terabyte = 10^12bytes. This is base 10.
Tebibyte = 2^40 bytes. this is base 2.
>"Bill. I'm afraid it's not possible. We can't shrink the hardware backdoor any smaller than .8TB, it's just not physically possible."
this happens then.
Ok I tried this but now my computer is stuck at the boot screen.
>what happens then?
probably you put out the fire on the burning plastic spoon
ultimate kek
I sometimes wonder how many retail computer stores have to put up with hard drive returns because the capacity is apparently underrepresented by the OS.
I wasnt expecting Sup Forums to be funny today.
Its a dust filter for inside the drive since you cant have any dust in there without fucking shit up 99% of the time.
you might need to clean the platter, just use some windex and a clean paper towel
some megabytes fall off and get lost in shipping, it says so on the packaging
cant tell if stupid or troll
That guy's eye must be fake
lul thank god someone had this
Haven't seen it in a hwhile
>he doesn't know about digital dust
idk man, ive never seen that in the corner of any hard drive
Is it still summer?
Holy fuck! They robbed you, literally!!!
Take it back to where you bought it and tell them that employee who sold it to you stole 800GB of hard drive memory!
Call the cops too!
They really should advertise the byte value or this shit.
What the fuck uses bits to store anything
Everything that uses bytes?
Your operating system is faulty.
You know, this was already aggravating enough in the 90s, 20 years later, we shouldn't be having this problem. one terabyte is 1024 gigabytes.
1024 is the unit of storage in computers and has been the standard for years and will continue being the standard.
First of all,
Second of all,
Your hardrive is measured in Terabytes(1000GB) While Wangblows measures it in Tibibytes(1024GiB)
This might also be the solution, had to do it with mine.
once again windows ruins everything.
they use different format for marketing so it looks nicer. idk why operating systems use the format that shows smaller values by defalt tho.
Why did windows and other OS switch to 1024? 1000 was much simpler to deal with
empirical evidence indicates otherwise
are you retarded or just autistic?
maybe we need to start measuring interstate travel with mm/inches instead of km/mi
Or maybe we should sell gasoline in ounces/milliliters but change the abbreviations to g/l
What evidence is that user?
Well you must be fucking retarded, because over here in the EU we have this wondeful system called Système Internationald'Unités, which basically means that kilo, giga, tera, etc. have strict fucking definitions as powers of fucking ten. If you want powers of 1024, use kibi, tebi, ebi, yobi and whatnot. Furthermore, the 'k' has to be **small**. It is not KiB, it is kiB, just like you don't say Km but instead km.
mods have forsaken this shithole of a board.
i see a general shift towards usage of IEC prefixes in applications i use
It doesn't matter some intelectuals in ivory towers thing. What matters is what is used as a standard. Your computer reads it as 1024, and 1024 is what it is.
If your computer read it as 1000, that would be different. And even if you were to push that theory. The drives don't contain full number in storage, the drives don't have rounded byte endings.
I have a strict policy of not downloading any sort of gore
had to make an exception for quality meme
Lets see if Sup Forums falls for the spoon trick
yes, greenshot is great.
I'll be monitoring that thread.
Yep, jannies and mods do not exist on Sup Forums. Rarely do they visit us, and mostly its because someone posts a sp00ky 10000x10000 gif that has nothing but white in it. All it does is crashes mobile browsers
I call BS on that calm and collected response
actually the computer doesn't care either way. What you are referring to is how it is being displayed by programs and some programs indeed prefer to use kB instead of kiB. SI units are a standard you fucking imbecile.
You bought a drive with 8 Terrabytes, the computer shows the size in the unit Tebibytes however.
1Terrabyte= 10^12Bytes
1Tebibyte= 2^40Bytes
Why doesn't Windows have an option to change from TiB to TB?
It would be neat if they added the extra capacity needed for it to show up as an 8TB drive.
Same goes for cell phones, it's pretty shit that they advertise 16GB or whatever but only have like 8GB actually usable.
I have honestly never come across anywhere that lists things in 1000, everything is listed in 1024, even if I change my settings to say shit is 1000, that still leaves everything and everywhere else listing at 1024
I think it would just be more confusing.