Apple vs. Mac OS

Serious question - do most of you hate macos / osx as an operating system, or just hate that it is apple's?

Pretending Apple doesn't exist, if macos was released tomorrow as a distro, how many people do you think would switch? I guess by its nature it isn't as customizable as things people are using now, but would the stability ot ease of use or whatever balance that out for most people?

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I don't hate it, is just a limited OS and you can do LIMITED things on it... If you wanna have full potential of your system, then use a pc like a proper tech guy

What does osx limit you from doing other than taking screenshots from a DVD?


You know what I hateare transparently obvious cases of viral marketing.
Sage fills the option field like a penisful of AIDS in a Macfag's one big port.

I used to hate it until I started using it and its products. Now I love it.
And I think people would love it and switch to it too if it were released as a distro or whatever.

Fuck off shill.

It's a great POSIX compliant operating system with all the advantages of a commercial OS. On the hypothetical situation where it were free to use anywhere, I'd grab it in an instant.

It's way more polished than any Linux distro, has Adobe software support (general software really), great programs like Alfred, Bear, etc., all with a terminal that isn't absolute cancer. What's not to like?

I love Linux, but these days, I just want to fucking work. Ubuntu and Fedora are already like this but there's a lot of kinks that haven't been worked out yet that macOS has done eons ago. The OS is being babified sure, but it's still a fantastic operating system under the hood.

A shit tier AIDS infested frankenturd malware botnet of an OS, released by a shit tier AIDS infested malevolent botnet of a megacorp.

Linux or Windows releases from a decade ago shit all over the steaming pile of shit that is macos.

Mostly just hate Apple - not a giant fan of OSX either, but I could bear it if not for Apple being a part of it. Not a fan of huge markups, though some of their privacy stance's are good.

This. Hackintosh with a dual boot is really good. Been using it for about a month and it's a really good setup. You do have to used Windows or Linux for things from time to time though.

Also Safari, made by Apple, is by far the best browser I've ever used 

If MacOS was released as open source and it develop to be as customizable as existing linux distros, probably a shitload of people would switch.

If it was released and just existed as is now, I guess most of the die hard linux users wouldn't. The reddit arch ricing autists probably wouldn't either.

Those that fall outside of these and just want a usable OS (and don't want to use Windows) would have no reason to use any linux distro over a free macOS

>no gaymes
>limited software bundle
>no customization
>autistic closed thinking

Fuck off shill.

I'm not a shill

How am I viral marketing when I'm proposing a hypothetical scenario that won't happen and also not suggesting anyone buy an apple product?

Fucking indian retard.

Fuck off Kevin.

I'm not a shill

if macOS were open source, then nobody would buy shitty Applel products

Mactoddlers will defend this.

Yeah I know which is why this thread is about how many would use the operating system and not how many people would buy apple products?

>Have you use Windows or Linux for things . . .

or you could just stop being a pleb and use Linux for everything

>outdated argument on outdated file system
Retards will defend this piss poor argument.

The current filesystem on macOS is APFS.

this desu senpai

Kek, good luck with Photoshop user kun

Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?


I'm actually a poorfag with a 350-400$ rig and I managed to install Sierra on this piece of shit and it actually runs pretty well and my RX460 has full acceleration. I even decided to install on my SSD and it's even better. I still have W10 on my secondary HDD but until now, macOS feels pretty comfy. I don't play any games so I might stay with it.
Windows is obviously better and more universal since it can do both gaming and productivity.

Guy he was mocking here. Photoshop actually works OK through Wine, used it that way before.

I don't touch Adobe shit anymore though, I like the various alternatives on macOS better anyway.


HFS2.0 was HFS+ you fucking retard.
>t. poorfag who doesn't know shit

Photoshop CS6 tho, a 5 years old software


>have to hold down obsucre key combo to make fagOS not delete all your files

Good luck explaining that to your grandparents after they wipe out their memoirs you faggot.

Also it barely works on WINE and is extremely slow and sluggish, as well as a shit ton of visual bugs. That's even if you get it to install and work.

"Linux / Windows users are too retarded to hold a single key down while merging folders lmfao toddlers"

You know this is what would be posted if the situations were reversed. It's from a 2014 article so I don't know if macos currently even has this issue.

I dont use apple products because of the attempted vendor lock ins with their cables, headphones and itunes.

>>limited software bundle
MacOS has a better software selection than windows these days

>Guy he was mocking here.

This is Sup Forums, he was most definitely not.

>Photoshop actually works OK through Wine, used it that way before.

The only Adobe product with Gold right now that isn't a prehistoric dinosaur is CC 14.0, which is 4 years old at this point. Anyone serious when it comes to working in web dev with other designers knows that version is pretty fucking useless. Gold also doesn't mean flawless either. The only ones with Platinum are prehistoric turds.

Did you read the op? it's about whether you would use macos as an os if apple wasn't around

>this is the state of mactoddler delusion
The entire pro industry has abandoned macshitOS, Adobe, Autodesk, you name it, all macshitOS gets are sloppy seconds ports.

It works

macOS is the best OS ever made, install hackintosh if you have a PC

I have no feelings towards Mac OS. That's why I didn't mention it.

I probably wouldn't use it because I dont see any advantages to using it.

>t. mactoddler

>MacOS has a better software selection than windows these days
Yeah, sure kiddo


Also, as it stands, the majority of any type of software development are pretty much done on Mac or Linux. Windows is a fucking joke. Try developing outside of Visual Studio and you'll see it's godawful.

There's a reason why they're even bothering with Bash for Windows because Windows is a turd for any type of development that's not .NET related. Try installing Python, Go, Rust, Ruby, PHP, or fucking anything, and you'll see how much of a pain in the ass it is compared to just using apt-get, brew, or dnf. It's shit.


The problem with MacOS is that where it fails is often intentional on Apple's part in order to make it a more lucrative consumer product instead of a more useful tool. That it doesn't officially support non-Apple hardware is the only reason it even exists, so Apple can force normies to buy extremely overpriced and mediocre hardware if they want use an OS that isn't Windows.

It's not horrible, but Linux distros have caught up to speed in the last couple of years so I don't see much point. I don't need any software products that require it, and even if I did I'd probably be getting a company laptop anyway.

>broken pile of shit that couldn't even handle multiple monitors until after CRTs became extinct

Mactoddlers WILL defend this.

>m-maybe if I ask him if he knows who the ceo of apple is again he'll stop posting apple stuff that makes me upset!

Do you even know who the CEO of Apple is?

Are you mentally ill?

Targeted at enthusiasts or not, why does Linux fail at the most basic shit?

Why do I have to install ibus-anthy every time I try a new distro just to get my keyboard / language to work properly.

fuck off kevin


neck yourself

I used to dislike Apple until I started using it at work. Now I have an unending burning hate against the company, all of its products, their platforms and their users. I just can not even remotely comprehend how anyone in the world can tolerate, let alone like this utter, utter retardation in every form imaginable. And retarded people like you are the reason I have to deal with that crap. So from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.

> I just can not even remotely comprehend how anyone in the world can tolerate, let alone like this utter, utter retardation in every form imaginable.

Most in the world are just opening the browser and MS word. Why is macos bad for that

for that use case it's too expensive, and safari is slow and buggy af. My cheap ass Acer laptop runs circles around the 2015 mac I use at work

I hate how they vindicated 70 IQ retards that called it macOS for decades

I loved the NeXTSTEP system and 90's Apple was pretty affinity.

Now, it's just a closed-source consumer-level OS that restricts you and doesn't let you get any work done.

I even kind of miss old-Steve. He 'seemed' like a pretty okay guy

Have been using dual boot hackintosh-windows for a year.
I love it and I rarely use windows anymore.

Why are you so angry? Also Safari is not buggy, or slow.

>muh customization
You have to br 18 to post here

I don't care either way. I just wish it wasn't second fiddle to iOS.

Wow, great options.
Mac sucks because it's Apple.

I don't like the UI, looks too gay.

And using macos with keyboard shortcuts is just terrible. Even Windows works better with a keyboard.

>le ebin gay meemay

>not gay

ebin maymay

>uses le meme photo to try to prove point
Okay lad..



have to use it 5 days a week for $dayjob corporate bullshit because corporate entsec and infosec try hards have decided on security measures and shit that are a pain to get setup on Linux and they have rules about it and shit...

I initially opted for Windows/Cygwin on a ThinkPad and Linux on a VM... it was terrible, moved to a MacBook Pro and OSX because I found out I was allowed to have sudo and brew so I could get a decent environment + VMs...

I hate OSX now more than ever, to the point of considering going back to Windows...

It's all terrible...

lol he fell for the meme

>non free

Nice reading comprehension you dumb shit retard

I think that the UI is shit and a lot of the core components are cobbled together and outdated. It was decent in the 90s but now it's just retarded and full of faggotry. If you want to be a hipster with more money than brains with a UNIX-like OS then buy an SGI workstation and install IRIX or OpenBSD on it.

What's the best DE UI in your opinion?

Windows 8.1

Ignore Best DE as far as functionality is MATE or XFCE. Comfiest DE is the IRIX desktop, which is available as Maxx Interactive for Fedora.

this unironically

You run virtual machine or EC2 instance if you need to use trash like Python, Go, Rust, Ruby, PHP etc


It has a really shitty kernel
But I would love to install quartz and acqua on linux or bsd

Underrated comment.

I like the old System/Mac OS, and I liked OS X up until about Mountain Lion. I don't care for macOS.

dont tell me one of you is that degenerate that posted stupid applel hate chart

>can't even change desktop environment

>muh gaymes
Ah! the classic wintard argument.

How will mactoddlers ever recover?

I'm angry because I have to put up with the retarded shit Apple decided for no reason other than being different.
I'm angry because it's not the internet explorer that is the worst to develop for, it's fucking Safari on ios.
And Safari is Buggy and definitely slower than chrome.

>no gaymes

Immediately stopped reading.

not him but Tim Cook

>muh games
>muh "customization" aka ricing

MacOS has full fucking productivity(iWork) and creativity(iLife) software suites included with the OS, with iCloud integration, also included free. Have fun with paid Wangblows, paid Office, and Paid OneDrive.

>how many people do you think would switch?
I think a lot of people who tried it would keep it. When Apple finally leaves the desktop business (and they probably will, soonr or later), they should release macOS into the wild. It would be a win.