Where do i get a programmer gf

where do i get a programmer gf

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There are no girl programmers, so you can't get one

Find a tranny programmer and pretend its a girl. No other way.

I have a gf who is a programmer but she's ugly and generally undesirable outside of her personality and skills.


I have a 10/10 European programmer gf. Tall, sexy, only problem is she sucks at programming. She's better than Kloss though, she did some OpenGL things, knows bubble sort, merge sort, insert sort, Dijkstra's algorithm, and some other basic ones. You might think that's awesome, but:

>coding style sucks
>hates anime

Juliah on insta

I guess go Asian.
The only women in my degree are Asian and one hideous looking Tumbrina.

Assburgers Anonymous

Pics or it didn't happen.

You get a gf by being an appealing human being, basically the opposite of someone who posts pepes

You don't. If that's really the road you want to go down, you have to choose between girl "programmers" and "girl" programmers.


Why would you want one? I want a supermodel girlfriend. I hope to find one with some crippling mental disorder or I won't have a chance.

If you are able to function as part of team in some programming job, you have enough mental capacity to pretend you are normal long enough for her to fall for you.

The only thing which hold you down is your lack of confidence and will to try.
>unless you are neet

get a qtbf crossdressing programmer.


how old is she ?
does she have a job or still in college ?

Well, my confidence is really non-existent, which sucks. I have a master's degree, a job, I speak six languages etc. It's quite pathetic, but I was bullied in school, and I just don't seem to have the willpower or fortitude to recover. Nowadays it's hard to let people near me, and I really dislike being touched.

gf lqbtq qtbf programmer

>you will never be a tasty corn chip

dumb frogposter

Just realize what you are saying. You are basically saying that having knowledge, patience and skills to actually finish degree (which puts you to top 10% or even more ahead from stupid population) prevents you from breeding.

So the future is full of niggers who cant even solve basic math, but they sure know how to seduce (or rape) female.

Nobody cares what happened to you in highschool. Buy new clothes, shave, new haircut, forge god tier selfie and either social events you hate or online dating.

Dont let all niggers and stupid people to have children. Humanity need nerds to procreate more than ever before.

Realize what is your end game. Make a shit ton of money and then die alone? Even neets have better end game and more than often have gf or somebody to fuck.

Become a programmer yourself and then write an your own AI qt programmer gf.

why not both?

Thanks, man. I will definitely do as you recommend. I came to this thread to laugh, not to feel, but I think this is better.

My boyfriend just stumbled upon me poi~

Stop saying bullshit, onii-fag, I'm true girl, european, and not that bad looking~

I don't care if she is a programmer or not, I just want an INTJ gf to contrast my ENTP personality...

>L O N D -
A man pretending to be a woman would know how to use squiggly lines to make my heart blush.

Be gone, 5/10 avg gf.

>make my heart blush
Have you tried to consider that maybe I don't give a fuck about you poi~?

I don't waste my considerations on ugly grills.

Tehehe thanks for the good laughs !!
I wonder why you're a virgin~

dumb frogposter

By not being a retarded and actually going out and teaching someone to code.

Even in the times of Tinder and 3rd Wave Feminism, it's sad when even average girls can't get any action.

Luckily I'm not like them, I have a funny boyfriend that let me try Sup Forums~
I've seen people posting cute squiggly kaomojis like the pedophile's one (the guy that lewds Illya), and inspired me to make my linux desktop cute !! There is rude people too, but I try to be rude like them so they stop... I also use some words like poi and nanodesu from kancolle to make me sound cuter, so I'm not surprised that people thinks I'm a fake~

Ignore these Rosie Palmer-loving losers, m'lady.

You've wasted so much time. You're exactly like them.

Maybe this suits you better~

I don't care about girls. Their personalities are objectively the worst, just like your post showed off. A crossdressing subby qtbf programmer is honestly the perfect wife.

Good thing high IQs are only attracted to intelligence, capability, and wit

If you're a faggot that's not of my concern hehe~

leave christina alone (#・∀・)

i'm a socially inept programmer. my gf is a bubbly, outgoing person who honestly is not very smart. it works out great because she forces me out of my shell and helps me meet people. really helps my career and life in general. in return i bring home big money and handle anything that requires thinking. sometimes i wonder what it'd be like to have an introverted gf that i can play vidya and code with but i think we'd just bring out the worst in each other and end up friendless losers.

What the fuck

What's it like being taken advantage of?

you think because i bring home more money i'm being taken advantage of? i guess i forgot to mention she basically does all the chores (cleaning, laundry, dishes, etc) and cooks every meal for me.

you think 2 people who make different amounts of money shouldn't be together?

adopt a kid and teach her how to program

Why do people feel the need to say utter fedora words like this?

You don't. Programmer gf gets you.

In the ugly bin.

Also, in the trans bin.

You don't want one. Although I just watched Atypical on Netflix and while I understand it's just a show and not a reflection of reality, it made me really want an autistic or somewhat homely gf because they are sweet and actually put effort into things.

Unfortunately like many of you I'm a failed normie who pretends to be a happy wizard, but who will ultimately die alone and rot for months before anyone finds me in my home, only after neighbors complain of a smell.

1. Work at google
2. Get promoted to hiring manager
3. Hire a bunch of women to fill your diversity quota
4. Sexually harass all your subordinates until one of them goes out with you
5. Fire the rest of them or transfer them to different departments

Don't worry, this is the tech industry. You won't get fired for being a creeper or for being a bad manager. We protect our autistic virgins from those poisonous female succubi. Women actually like it because they'll put up with anything for money and to say they have a good, prestigious job at a great tech company like google.

>where do i get a programmer gf
No such file or directory.
To install type apt-get install chickwithdickprogrammergf

learn programming here:

Write a method to return one, after all they're only objects. :^)

Teach your gf to program.

Stop namefagging

hey, i'm a femanon :3 though not into programming..


tits or gtfo

still in college, doing internships

Everyone knows you get the qt3.14 programmer girlfriends on mechanical keyboard generals

Oh, look, another racemixing shill.

Same. Mine is a whale :(

South Korea

>where do i get a programmer gf
Attend django girls.