/flt/ Friendly Linux Thread

Welcome to /flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

Reccomended Distro:

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s Linux Games: /t/'s Linux Videos:

Other urls found in this thread:


Where is the real thread?

okay, installed i3-gaps, when I choose it and login I'm greeted with an entirely black screen instead without config, help?

How are you launching?
With startx or a login manager?

Complete linux normie. How do I get my desktop to look like this? Is this some sort of DE?

borderless windows.
any de/wm can accomplish this

newbie, so no idea, but I'm using antergos with gnome, I select i3 at the antergos login screen

i installed arch i686 with lxde and its actually running 10x worse than when i was on debian 8 with xfce

it cant even handle more than 4 firefox tabs before it explodes

Theres your problem
Arch no longer supports i686

it's most likely solely a wm, usually i3 or openbox

read wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/GNU/Linux_ricing#Window_Managers

i installed the final i686 version from february when it still supported i686

Find a different os then

what is best to try a distro, dual boot or virtual machine?

virtual machine, when dual booting there's always a risk you might screw up your grub shit.

I have a SoaC which will be running linux. It has one ethernet port and a usb 3.0 port.

I need two network interfaces on it for use with iptables.

I also have a usb to ethernet adapter.

How should I go about configuring this in such a way that the device recognizes the usb port with the attached usb-ethernet adapter as a network interface?

I feel the best option is booting into a live version of linux and then clicking 'install' and installing it onto a usb device.

This way you have a full version of linux that can save files etc, it doesnt mess up your bootloading, and it doesnt feel shitty running it as a vm

Hey guys, I want a Linux Distro that hasn't been compiled with GCC, do you know any?

download the kernel yourself and compile with something thats not gcc

this tbqhirlfa(m)

Follow these instructions and you can have a clang compile 4.12 kernel

Running Manjaro as my main distro.
Also have Wangblows installed for dual booting.
If I remove Windows do I have to update grub?
If so, what do?

Why not use GCC?

You dont have too, it will just have an invalid boot option.

well, most likely not, but you should anyways otherwise there will be a dead entry to boot windows every time you power up.

also, good choice, friend, its been about 4 years since I dumped microshit and havent looked back since

not needed, but a good idea
>If so, what do?
pretty much this. Make sure you have a live boot linux available, you may or may not screw up the bootloader the first try or two and you just need to make sure you have a way to recover (if you mess up just boot into the live environment, mount the installed operating system, chroot into it, and then reinstall grub)

Thanks guys!

Went balls deep and replaced everything with Linux.

Only thing I'm having an issue with is running some exes with wine.

I tried starting them with the command Wine and wine start and it ain't working.

Any ideas?

Install winetricks, much friendlier.

It doesn't have any sort of option to run an exe.

>TFW should have dualbooted

PlayOnLinux + their user created shell scripts. Chances are somebody has a fix for it.

Hello friendly linux thread my windows laptop's battery drains too fast, what's the best distro for saving battery? I still need wifi for git and email though

So I made a Void Linux (Mate) live CD for my MacBook Pro, and while it boots, the trackpad is completely fucked.
Moving my finger up and down does nothing, while moving my finger left and right moves the cursor up and down.
Is there anything I can do to fix this?
I'm currently trapped on the desktop and can't find a keyboard shortcut to get into the terminal.

How would I go about learning how to manually monitor the network connections to my computer? Maybe a program to see individual network requests and and processes they're attached to, and learn how to interpret it. I dunno.

Tried to dual boot Manjaro Linux and windows 7 on my thinkpad with 1 hard drive. Changed it from EFI to legacy and everything, finally booted into my 40 gb Manjaro partition, now I'm stuck there. Try to boot back into my windows partition with GRUB and I get an error that says something about my windows boot loader being broken. I may be able to get a windows disc to repair it, but will it delete all my files? Will I be able to boot back into my Manjaro partition? Am I fucked, Sup Forums? Wat do?

You want tcpdump for raw data, wireshark for more power. Note you will not be able to read anything going over SSL without installing a MITM certificate on your machine.

>not an answer

Hey dudes, I did the opposite method and installed Win 10 AFTER Arch. My partition table is as follows:

sda1 - efi
sda2 - 75gb ntfs (for win 10)
sda3 - /boot ext2
sda4 - /root ext4
sda5 - /home ext4

No matter what I do, I can't get Windows to show up in GRUB. If I select the drive in my bios boot menu (they're both on the same drive), it will get me to windows, otherwise it'll take me to GRUB and I can only boot into Arch.

Any way to get it figured?

You are so advanced that you need to use Void Linux. Surely you can solve such a simple problem.

is there a realistic way to change the noise texture and screensaver on gdm3 on ubuntu?

i know it aint rm fm /

you can always mount your windows partition from manjaro and use your files, also backup them, for the windows disc you dont need one, just download a windows 7 iso (preferably the same version you had installed) and install it onto a usb with something like win usb or unebootin and use it as a windows disc

Gentoo is not very good for ricing

>decide its time to upgrade from debian 8
>install debian 9
>wont even get past login screen
>install arch
>cant even get 2 firefox processes open without dying
>install alpine
>firefox gui doesnt even open
>install puppylinux
>no repos
>install rasbian
>cant even sustain one firefox browser
>install centos
>cant even get 3 firefox tabs open without it crawling on the floor

just went back to debian 8, maybe i should just install gentoo and kill myself

lol ubuntu gnome on a 9 years old laptop runningn 14 chromium tabs and atom editor at the same time

Help pls

Delete ~/.config/i3/config.
Log out.
Log in again.
You will be greeted by "no config" dialog.

Or just stop being a noob and read the fucking manual.

>Linux users

There is an Arch wiki page specifically for dual booting wangblows with it.

There are Arch newbie forums.

There is a fuckin IRC channel for newbies.

Why on the Earth did you thing asking for help on Sup Forums was a good idea?

Because dipshit, I have literally tried every possible suggestion on the Dual Booting page to no avail. I thought this was FRIENDLY linux, asshole.

I cannot for the life of me get it to boot. I can create an entry in GRUB, but it boots to nothing.

>can't run firefox
>wants to compile all of his software
I implore you reconsider

>tried every possible suggestion on the Dual Booting page to no avail
That is not true. If it were true, then Sup Forums wouldn't be able to help you and asking here would be redundant.
In fact, nobody here can help you with anthing ever, so asking here is redundant regardless.

Lol y r u using arch

I think your problem is that you have hybrid boot (i.e. boots both UEFI and legacy) and you booted Windows installation in legacy (BIOS) mode and so it installed Windows in legacy mode.
GRUB running from UEFI can't boot a system using the legacy boot method, which is also referenced in the Archwiki page on dualbooting with Windows.

what is wrong with arch ? is it because it is harder to install than ubuntu but easier tthan gentoo ??

Arch uses GNU software,get a real distro like Alpine

>If it were true, then Sup Forums wouldn't be able to help you and asking here would be redundant.
If I knew that were the case, then true, i would have avoided it.

Possibly but it wouldn't even let me do any formatting if I started the win 10 install media in uefi mode.

Checks out. i3 is garbage, use awesome.

why doe linux use the communist gpl license?
why doesn't linux switch it to bsd?

will it be ok running exes if i use wine with an ordinary account that has nothing but wine? so even if game.exe turns out to be virus.exe it wouldn't matter because it's an empty /home/winetest/ user dir right?


stop playing games

You can try reinstalling GRUB for BIOS boot and run configuration again and then it should be able to boot Windows.

I have troubles enabling hardware video acceleration in mpv in arch. I have radeon 380, i've installed amdgpu and xf86-video-amdgpu, but it seems there are basically no supported profiles. Basically every file i try to play with vaapi dropping into sofware mode. It seems vdpau works, but isn't it for nvidia cards? Also, pretty sure, last year, when i tried linux(also) arch for first time, i used vappi and it worked fine, but i used radeon instead of amdgpu, i think. So, should i just stick with vdpau?

there's your problem,get a distro that works

Which do you recommend?

Alpine Linux,Sabotage Linux


Trust me, nobody here has a clue about nothing. It's all just memes and bullshit.

I wouldn't be here if I knew anything either. And I'm running Arch as well.

My advice? Don't dual-boot. I dual booted Windows 7 with Ubuntu and I had problems with wifi card every day of the week. Deleted windows, and everything works perfectly.

Windows simply plays dirty with a lot of hardware.

wtf is chkconfig?

if you do systemctl disable ... do you also need to chkconfig ... off ?

are there any serious problems with manjaro that make arch a significantly better choice?

Get in the basemend/attic, catch a mice and plug it in your mac.
Chant: dalamhanasah
three times to activate

Check the man page.

Is this thread meant to be satire?

>Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on mediocre PC
>no sound, shit graphic, shit WiFi
Computer diversity is mistake, after all.
It makes Linux complicated.

Are you suggesting that we remove modularity from personal computing? Is that what you're actually saying? Because there's an OS for that.

Linux is a kernel.

I'm a brainlet, I hope systemctl disable is enough on a systemd distro.

Blame the hardware companies for not having open free hardware documentation/drivers.
Also, use ethernet. It's way faster than wifi anyway.

how can I remove all gnu off my linux?

I'm hoping that 99% of people use only a few kinds of computer and buy the same
new ones at the same year.

Install Busybox, uninstall coreutils
Install musl c, uninstall glibc
Install clang, uninstall gcc
or just get Alpine like a sane person

>install, uninstall
That will pretty much break the whole system. You can't simply replace vital parts of a system like that. The whole system must be build around those replacements, libs and utils.
>Alpine like a sane person
No sane person would install Alpine on the desktop.
install gentoo

you mean i can't use rootless X? what if i use weston?

lol 9 years old laptop with ubuntu gnome 16.04.3 LTS working well here, smooth ps1 emulation with nice graphics (doubt the hardware can handle more than that)

This thread is for those that run Linux without gn u.
"Linux" has evolved to be more then just a kernel. But this thread is for those that run Linux but do not partake in the religious ideology of gn u users.

>"Linux" has evolved to be more then just a kernel
what else do you think linux is? a beer? a car? a swimming pool?
just brainlets

"Linux" is an environment of software together with Linux but free from the restrictions and nuance of gn u users

You know what? Fuck this. Let's just move back to /fglt/ but if some people ask us to install Gentoo tell them to die. These threads honestly go nowhere now.

brand new to linux. trying to follow g's linux mint install wiki. when I boot for the first time it does the countdown then i get this error. google failed me.

lol, install alpine



is this the new installgentoo meme?

We recommend Alpine Linux, because it is a professional and security oriented Linux distribution without any GNU components.

what emulator are you using and what are you playing on it?


forgot pic

how is this linux related you fucking retard?

So what do you consider "linux" related fucking twat.

how isn't it linux-related you dumb cunt? anything related to linux. also it's a friendly thread, you unfriendly little fuck.