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Because those functions are unsafe. Use strnlen and strlcpy.

seg fault still. i think its in the realloc block, wtf


int main()
DIR *d;
struct dirent *dir;

size_t nfiles = 0, capacity = 8;
char **filelist = malloc(sizeof(char *) * capacity);
char *tmp;

d = opendir("/home/nick/Pictures");
if (d)
while ((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL)
if (nfiles == capacity)
capacity *= 2;
filelist = realloc(filelist, sizeof(char *) * capacity);

if (dir->d_type == DT_REG)
tmp = dir->d_name;
filelist[nfiles] = malloc(strlen(tmp) + 1);
strcpy(filelist[nfiles], tmp);
printf("%s\n", filelist[nfiles]);


for (size_t i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
printf("%s\n", filelist[nfiles]);

//Free allocated memory
for (size_t i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
return 0;

>(dir = readdir(d))

I'll never use any of these "safe" shitfuncs.
All they do is encourage to sweep the string truncation bugs under the carpet, instead of fixing them.
Run towards bugs, not away from bugs.

Enjoy your buffer overflows.

This, a buffer overflow is more serious than a string truncation.

>Run towards bugs, not away from bugs.
This is what C "developers" actually believe!


A buffer overflow has a chance to be detected because there is testing, debugging, fuzzing. A string truncation stays undetected because it's under the carpet forever.

Thank you for the advice Rajesh

>for (size_t i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
> printf("%s\n", filelist[nfiles]);


>C programmer does not check if malloc or realloc fails.
Why am I not surprised.


that's one smug akari

why does google search always put the duplicate stack overflow questions first

>unironically arguing that a string truncation is more serious than a buffer overflow
You obviously haven't the slightest idea what the grave consequences of the existence of a single buffer overflow are.

>A string truncation stays undetected because it's under the carpet forever.
What is data flow testing?

Why do we allow rookies like this guy to post opinionated comments?

Because they are more recent?

Buffer overflows are literally harmless, your program just segfaults and quits.

String truncations make you lose data.

Now fuck off.

>Buffer overflows are literally harmless
go back to r*eddit

smarter than my compiler

Somebody please tell me I just didn't read this...

In the future it will be true.

what do you mean?

But he's right user

Repost from:
I've got an AGPL-licensed server. Its a game server but I don't want to release the game's content - just the source code of the engine. Is it OK to license the server's code with AGPL, but make it so that the Lua scripts that will be used on my own server will not be public (if the server is still runnable without those scripts, just not with the same content)?

Thank you. I feel dumb but still segmentation fault. Don't bother helping anymore, im deleting c

I mean just admit you lost the argument already instead of using a reductio ad reddittum.




>using a language invented before memory protection was a thing
>complaining about segmentation faults
You brought this upon yourself, user.

If you wrote the game server then yes. They're separate things and it's your software. You aren't bound by licenses for your software, only your customers are.

If you didn't write the game server and only wrote the scripts then no.

i'm not the same person, newfriend

>deleting c

Right. Well, obviously I am the author of the server. I want people to be able to mod the server and make their own content, but not use the same content I use. Cheers.

source on the porn

What kind of moron does't know how to catch stack overflow bugs in C in 2017?

these bus can be silent.

In exceptional circumstances yes.
There's worse bugs to worry about though. Especially with security conscious applications.

I've lost my fucking motivation
I can't work on anything
How can I change this?

time to use Rust

Take a long walk. Go dancing. Work on something practical.

>In exceptional circumstances yes.
not so exceptional, exploits using bufferoverflow are reported every day.

>exploits using bufferoverflow are reported every day.
They're morons. Most likely.
Sanitizing input is trivial.

>trusting documentation from fucking Microsoft
Nigga, if you ever unironically use strlen, then you are asking for buffer overflow vulnerabilities in your software. 'Nuff said.

Which is why they're writing software while you post about it on an online Mongolian throat-singing imageboard I suppose?

>Which is why they're writing software while you post about it on an online Mongolian throat-singing imageboard I suppose?
I write software professionally too.
Why would you assume I don't?

Because you're not a professional if you trivialize buffer overflows like that.

>Why would you assume I don't?
because you are on Sup Forums, on a weekday, at 1:30 pm

>Sanitizing input is trivial.
Umm... no it isn't, user. And if you really think it is, remind me to never hire you.

Only if you use it on untrusted data, in which case you use strnlen. I have never seen anyone say that strnlen is a replacement for strlen.

>> because you are on Sup Forums, on a weekday, at 1:30 pm
> everyone lives in my timezone and there is no other timezones

>at 1:30 pm
Yeah the suns position relative to the earth is 1:30pm now. Huh, didn't notice. I suppose that's ample reason to assume. But no I'm not.
>Umm... no it isn't, user.
Your input is a format you define or a format you inherit. If you inherit it you just take another gander at the way you parse this information and look for flaws. If you make it yourself you can make it very restrained without issue and give errors for anything that doesn't conform to your spec. It's absolutely trivial.
I don't quite comprehend how someone could think it's not unless they're working in an environment where they don't know the input data they will take and will always have to do best effort attempts. OR if you've never written any input handling code before. The path is clear.
It's fucking solved.

MSDN docs are widely considered to be among the best

Yes it's also known for its errors in specification of the win32 api and having to discover them the hard way.

Except for the strange types they put everywhere.

MSDN docs are terrible. That probably says something about how bad the rest is.

These are the books I'm powering through right now and I'm looking for next ones to buy cause I'm making good progress. I'm curious about OP pic, should I read that front to back too?

>learning python
>that brick
Why? Do they really teach you that much? I thought python was a neat small scripting language. Everything I've seen about it indicates it's not that big.

>Yes it's also known for its errors in specification of the win32 api and having to discover them the hard way.
Examples? I've always used MSDN for WinAPI docs and I've never encountered any sort of errors.

they are great and praised by most

MSDN docs are pretty good. I don't know about "widely considered the best", but compared to other companies, I've consistently got the info I needed in MSDN.

you'd be surprised

>go to page for API call
>function definition
>detailed list of what arguments it takes and what their functions are
>code examples
>any further notes for any specific quirks of the function
I'm not seeing the "terrible" part of it here.

>you'd be surprised
Give me some of the advanced topics then?

They really aren't. What's troublesome is finding what you need. They've been working on this but it's still not great. Once you find the functions/systems/whatever you need they're very neat and organized.

this, the best way to use MSDN is to use an external search engine to search the site, just putting a general description of what you're trying to do into google or whatever will generally bring up the relevant MSDN pages in the first few results

>20 line app to do simple shit
>pointers to pointers all over the place
>can't figure out what's wrong

use C++, brainlet

Who can we petition to make the code window wider?

Or at least flexible/enlargeable.

How about you petition yourself to fix your stylesheets?

Stupid fuck. It's literally one simple modification.

What did he mean by this?

I don't speak autistic webshit.


I'm not even a webdev, this is basic bitch shit.

Kill yourself, brainlet.

don't care about portability and only make programs for x64 linux mint

>code window

Like here

the C++ version would be the same but the line length would be changed to line width

We should still make it better for everyone.

Why is that window not flexible??

override the prettyprint style

>using windows



are you retarded?

>the C++ version would be the same

not even close, especially if you use boost


Make these modifications default ffs.

Do it, faggots.

Do it yourself.

Why do you want Sup Forums to be shit?

if Sup Forums becomes good, this place will be infested with normies

>it works for the width but I wish it worked for the height also but I guess that's impossible
idk man just like stop being retarded yourself first

Why do you want Sup Forums to only be infested by webshits who don't know programming?

Creating simple barriers to usability helps to promote a more knowledgeable userbase.

Sup Forums fucked up real bad when they started implementing Sup Forums X features into the actual website. Made it too accessible.

>more knowledgeable userbase.
>useful knowledge


>complains about the program being too big just to do something simple
>"use boost"
Thanks for the laugh, mate.

>who don't know programming

speak for yourself. the anons who program good are only here when is around 10 pm
in Europe

This syntax is valid in C
int x;


This has nothing to do with whether or not you're a web developer. This is basic problem solving that anyone who belongs on a technology board should be able to trivially fix.

You're welcome to keep spouting off nonsense, but you've got a solution to your problem, so fuck off.

Bullshit, there's always 10pm somewhere.


>This has nothing to do with whether or not you're a web developer.
Believe it or not, only webshits care about this kind of stuff. No offense to webshits.

It's valid in a bunch of other (((language))) too

>mistaking memory protection with memory management

int Drumpf;

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