Why don't right-wingers make their own tech company to compete with SJWgle?

Why don't right-wingers make their own tech company to compete with SJWgle?

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Why don't poor people just create their own currency to compete with the US dollar?

What do you think lockheed martin, and boeing are? Most of the military contracted tech companies are fairly conservative.

They are.


How does that help against SJW tech like Google and Rust?

>Sup Forumstards
>smart enough to understand crypto
ummm no

50% of Sup Forums is full of angry 40+ normalfags

Google cloud - Siacoin, StorjX, FileCoin
Youtube - LBRY
Facebook - Steemit, Reddcoin, (some others coming soon)

>posts reddit screenshot
>ha look at Sup Forums!!!1

gas yourself

>help against
how so?

You shills are in absolute overtime. We know about your false flag you set up today. Eventually you will run out of money.