Stay mad Linux cucks

Stay mad Linux cucks

>playing skyrim: zelda edition
>playing nintendo 1231412312 rehash


Stay mad OP

>Not knowing Cemu is a botnet that talks to a CnC server all the time.

What the fuck is this gaymur garbage? Fuck off,

>closed source

>wii u


>Not owning a Wii U

t. Wine is a beverage



is that a Wii U emulator?

Interesting the never considered wii emulation but it seems a good candidate for emulation ( low specs and casual fun games )

>not pirating cemu
please respond

>paying for an emulator
These fuckers are gonna get sued.

Look at the watermark

That's actually entirely legal in the US. Some company was selling a PS1 emulator when the system was at it's peak, Sony sued and lost the case. The only thing that kept them from continuing business was the cost of lawyers.

Project 64 2: electric boogaloo

I remember back in my day when emulation software itself didn't need to get pirated...


Why the fuck can't nintentoddlers write an emulator?
They always release a closed source trashheap that only supports a few popular games.
Thank God for libretro

Dolphin is a thing you know.
And part of the dolphin team actually wrote the PPSSPP that is an absolute beast.

Bleem was fucking awesome-ish.

RPCS3 only supports a couple games, but unlike this trash, it's open source and is for a system that's much more powerful. I got mad respect for RPCS3, not so much for cemu

What? It was more common that emulators for proprietary and costed money.
At least Cemu is free.

It's also very new and making PPSSPP-like progress without the retarded amount of money that cemu is making.
One day I'll be playing armored core 4 on gentoo. Can't wait.
Yeah and they were all shit. Zsnes and project64 held their respective systems back for about a decade.

dude what
last i looked at that it was like "runs some basic homebrew demos poorly", now it can do 12% of commercial games in a playable state?!

Yeah dude, it runs persona 5 to completion, at a fairly stable 30 FPS (if you have a i7 or ryzen, but still). Mad props to those guys who started working on it despite having no compatibility or sufficient hardware at the beginning.

It's also one (if not the only) emulator that has a AOT recompiler by using LLVM.
I have high hopes for that project.