Apparently Apple's incompetence in cable design is now Greenpeace's fault

Apparently Apple's incompetence in cable design is now Greenpeace's fault.

>It’s common knowledge that Apple cables begin to disintegrate after about six months of regular use.
>There are several explanations offered for Apple’s apparent incompetence in cable design, but one stands out: Greenpeace. In 2009, Greenpeace successfully lobbied Apple to remove PVC from their cables with their “Green My Apple” campaign.

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why is this news? apple blames everyone else but themselves since the company was founded.
just don't give them anymore money and they will either actually try to do shit right or ded

Is "now" Greenpeace's fault?

It says right there that it's been Greenpeace's fault since 2009.

>i-it's the materials g-guise, not the d-design


>build a cable that lasts forever
good till something better comes along
>build a cable that lasts 6 months
sell one every 6 months, and have a shit ton more waste from producing more, and from the broken cables.

fucking gay

>$1 mono price cables still work after five years
just have it be a continuous mold you twats

>planned obsolescent
what did you expect buying apple goy

Why not braid the first and last three inches of the cable? You get 99% of the strength of a braided cable for less money.

didnt samsung do the same thing ? my s3's airbuds still work and look (almost) like new (im now on a S6 , the s6's bundled buds are trash)

I mean, I'm not a chemical engineer, but I'm pretty sure PVC is not the only plastic that could be used to make a decent cable with.

This isn't new. This has been happening for awhile.

It is in fact the worst there is.
Polyurethane is better.
Silicone is better.
Pretty much every other Material used to make cable insulations is a lot better than PVC,
which in every case that it is used, is only competitive, because of how cheap it is.

These fucking hippies are ruining everything.

Car paint too. It's all fucking shiity water based paint that chips very easily and is full of orange peel

Lol, I still have the original 30 pin cable that came with my iPod video in 2005.

apple cables are the only one I saw which break on the outside. Every other cable I ever used, tend to get a contact issue on their inside, long before they'd ever get a visible fault on the outside.

It's almost as if environmentalism is mostly a marketing shame


If Apple would make the insulation just a bit thicker and use decently sized strain reliefs, it wouldn't be much of an issue, but it's Apple and design is king. It would also help if they didn't design the Macbook power brick so that the cord gets kinked at a right angle when you wrap it around the tabs.

If they made decent cables, then they wouldn't be able to sell new cables for $40 every two months.

Meanwhile my headphone worked fine on the same cable for 2 years, when it started getting contact errors I could fix it myself with a soldering iron and a clipper.

corporations just take advantage of hippies to increase margins and claim it's good for the environment, just like drive by wire
>muh fuel efficiency at the expense of deadly throttle lag

Greenpeace hating PVC is still just crazy.

Long last material that's cheap to make and offers great material characteristics.

>using cables

lol nice minimalism faggot

If Apple were serious they'd remove the charging port too

idk, thunderbolt is pretty sick

Greenpeace can do some odd shit, but at least they aren't as fucked up crazy as PETA.

Well aren't you just a fucking historical expert.

Fuck out of here you total cunt. It clearly says the GP campaign was in 2009.


>cheapest usb cable
works for a life time
>+40$ apple cable
catches fire after 3 months


I've been using the same cable on my phone for a year now and its fine

>blaming Memepeace to distract from planned obsolescence designed to fail cables
ayy ooo lmao

that was before they fucked them up I suppose

I wish they'd remove themselves in the name of minimalism

>but at least they aren't as fucked up crazy as PETA.

Just remember, this is the company that thought they could take on Tencent, in China, and win.

Steve Jobs is a terrible guardian angel.

Had a (used) iphone for like a year and a half. Cable (and phone) is fine because I'm not a hamfisted retard.

I don't know why they'd admit either. Basically saying "we give you the shittiest materials we can find"

Look at all these buttmad Poojeets who never even owned an Apple product yet they're outraged about something. TOP KEK!
You losers, yes you're losers, are pathetic. You are wasting your life away blaming Apple for your life's failures.

BTW, back in the reality, Apple makes the most reliable products. Even Consumer Reports says so. Only 1 in 10 Apple laptops will have something go wrong with them after 2 years and that's way less than any other manufacturer.

It's less than a piece of shit you're using to shitpost right now. KEK.

Stay mad, stay retarded, stay a loser... FOREVER!

Surface's always seemed like they were built so well. How did they fuck that up so bad?

This shit is sourced from actual users which wouldn't be so bad in itself but fails to define "breakage" Does actual hardware have to fail to for a laptop to break or does windows merely have to fuck up leaving the laptop unbootable or unusable?
Most normies have no idea to fix windows when it fucks up and just toss the laptop without knowing that the hardware is compleatly fine.

That's a democracy for you

Nothing can be perfect.

>Consumer Reports.
It's like penis size self reports, to be trusted by none.



>apple:"heres the cable, sturdy and durable"
>greenpeace" no make it enviro friendly :)"
>apple:"ok, it breaks more easily, more sales for me lololol"
>more garbage

OP and everyone else in this thread are retarded, why would you kill a successful business model like this?, they aren't designed with g/tards like us in mind, only to apple fags.

The other day at class I heard this bitch talking I'm a bragging tone that she just bought an original apple charger..

What a stupid fucking cunt whore.

>The other day at class I heard this bitch talking I'm a bragging tone that she just bought an original apple charger

Well, chargers are the only thing that you should original buy regardless of the price, unless the alternative it's made by a good brand. Chinkshit chargers are too prone to fry your shit.

Some shitty brands even managed to fuck up their cables

Do you really think kek originated from there?

I don't even know, man. I loved mine at first but so many things big and small went wrong with it. Ended up having to return my surface pro 4 because it just straight up stopped recognizing the keyboard dock no matter what I did. Even worked in UEFI about half the time, but never in Windows.
This was on top of the awful battery life and inexplicable overheating.

I didn't hear about this when it occurred. Looked it up and now my blood is boiling. That kinda ruined my morning

And a cult

Greenpeace and for that matter most "activist" groups really get my goat because they go ahead and pull off retarded stunts for publicity with zero thought put into consequences. I suppose it works though, everyone has heard of the fucking retard groups and gives them money.

I wrapped some self-vulcanizing tape just below the plug and it's holding up for several years now. the design is just shit.