>Anons don't recommend you php
>"it's a dinosaur op, no one use it anyway"
>Want to apply for a job
>Requirements: PHP
Why Sup Forums hate php so much?
>Anons don't recommend you php
>"it's a dinosaur op, no one use it anyway"
>Want to apply for a job
>Requirements: PHP
Why Sup Forums hate php so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
Everyone hates the Boss
best php project gitgud.io
Sup Forums is full of hipsters who'd rather use ruby, haskell or other stuff which they think makes them look unique and interesting. PHP is too mainstream for them. that's also the reason arch linux is so popular here.
It's almost like Sup Forums is a collection of people with differing opinions.
>Not having the mental capacity to seek reputable advice.
sure is autism up in here.
Then fucking learn PHP
fucking christ
Ask your server when it get loaded to the brim with PHP shitty threads.
I like php, it's like a real programming language and it is pretty comfy. Now with php 7 it's much faster. Sure it has its quirks but it is time tested and proven to be able to handle big projects.
Because Sup Forums is a bunch of autists that find PHP too mainstream so they can't be special snowflakes with it.
PHP has some issues, but so do other languages. And they've been fixing plenty, especially with php 7.
What does PHP7 fix?
Actually PHP7 in webdev is faster than Python :V
That's not what I asked.
PHP7 fixed performance issue and prepared PHP for next 5 years of being the best scripting language ever.
PHP7 is fast and good, don't let Sup Forums fool you
Performance is irrelevant, otherwise I wouldn't be using a scripting language. What did PHP7 fix about PHP?
Best DSL to simple webpages, I love it
I just use PHP because its the only thing I know. So I dont feel strongly about it either way. But its not my job so I just solve simple problems with it.
>Why Sup Forums hate php so much?
I don't hate it. PHP is objectively the best backend language at the moment for any efficient web server. It clearly outperforms all your javascript, python and ruby memes.
What about Perl?
not an argument
It didn't take me long to get into PHP when I needed it. Just try to write a simple project and read php.net whenever you need help.
PHP is a shitty language, though.
>shitty language
>mints money
It's poorly designed and it doesn't have features that allow to write decent code like variable declarations. Try writing a closure in PHP and tell me your code looks good. Sigils are shit as well.
The language feels like an afterthought that's just glue for existing libraries put together without much thought.
The fact that you can make money off it doesn't mean that it's a well designed language.
>muh code looks ugly
>muh sigils
>muh afterthought
you complain alot man
You don't complain enough.
because i get things done writing code, rather than complain about muh aesthetics
It's not aesthetics. The language is a mess. Argument order of functions is arbitrary, there's a clash of OOP stuff with things that were in PHP before it was added, and there are lots of ugly functions that require 10+ arguments (take a look at gd.)
Some functions also use retarded types for references (see the "resource" type.)
If you don't store a lambda in a variable, you pass string with the function name as a callback.
PHP is garbage, and it's way too polluted to be worth fixing.
>If you don't store a lambda in a variable, you pass string with the function name as a callback.
fucking lmao
It's true, and it makes no sense.
No one cares about lambdas you hipster fag
Learn a real high level language and start using closures.
You might as well write C if you think lambdas are useless.
Closures aren't even that bad in C. Make a struct containing your capture variables and a function pointer. Not elegant but you can write a few macros if you like.
It's better than fucking evaluating a string substitution.
That's a hack, not a feature of the language.
PHP callbacks were a thing before node.js became popular. Now, it is another feature in the deprecation waiting room.
why op have hard time with english do
*edits post* String callbacks
Calling a lambda by evaling is even more of a hack.
It's not eval()ing. I think this is just abuse of the fact that PHP treats unknown words as strings. Try passing a function name as a string and it will work.
What's the difference?
You're not passing a string of code to be evaluated, you're just passing a string that has to be looked up in the scope.
It's good to know PHP. It's terrible to use it.
Most of those jobs are either companies with legacy PHP system that needs constant maintenance, cheap-asses that want to hire code monkeys for cents, or both.
And yet it still has the same shitty-ass language design.
Because 90% of Sup Forums doesn't even work in a technology related field and just meme whatever they want from their mother's basements
Does anyone here have some good books for advancing in PHP? I've been using PHP for small to medium sized projects but I'd like to excel at it.
Any recommendations?