Git repo hosting

Which one do you prefer and why?

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Github because it just werks and I like the UI.

Gitlab, out of the box integrated CI.

when i need private repo i use bitbucket, when i need public i use github

Out of those, I've used bit bucket, and I liked it.

But most of "my" project are on a local repository at work.

My own projects I don't really source control...

Gitlab > Github >>>>> Bitbucket is pure garbage.

pathetic sjw swamp, they are now parody of themselves (vide electronconf)

no free public repos

ooops i accidentally deleted our production database and there's no backup, oh well

what about bitbucket is garbage exactly?

>open source and free software

Not the guy you're responding to, but I find the bitbucket interface and the Atlassian ads to be absolutely unbearable.

At work?
Whatever the workplace say we should use
For personal use?
We had to make a github account back in the university, and I have nothing against it so I have stuck with it

Enjoy getting pull requests because you've offended someone's feelings.

Enjoy the 99% downtime.

Try searching for a line of code. You can't.

Bitbucket is the real choice though. You get mercurial thrown in and for professional teams the features are much more useful e.g. pipelines.

you don't worry that they'll remove your repo for using derogatory variable names?

also i hope you use only dynamic typing, object have right to decide their type for themselves during runtime
abolish classes


gitlab for all my personal projects
github for published public projects and projects I just don't care about anymore
bitbucket lul

And no, I use normal variable and method names(at least in projects I publish)

Should I use Gitlab or Bitbucket for private repos?

I'd suggest Gitlab
>free public and private repos
>integrated CI options
>clear interface

Github because they hate white people

only white cis males

What about gitgud

Bitbucket also has jira integration, big plus for Enterprise

I like self hosted gogs. It's pretty fast even on the shittiests servers, so you have no excuse to not move your fizzbuzzs there

what's wrong with just git and ssh keys? baka.

>there's no backup
It's git you idiot, you have a backup on your own computer. You obviously don't know even the most basic things about the things your'e discussing. You're just adding your epic memes and myth you saw other spread.
Fucking idiot.


>implying getting pull requests because you've offended someone's feelings isn't fun

github for public repos
bitbucket for private repos
gitlab for private hackerman repos

if you'd follow gitlab's case you'd know that it was about issues and pull requests database

fucking ignorant

Only the bug tracking can be lost. The merge requests can just be submitted again.
No one is forcing you to use their issue tracker. You can use a different one.

team foundation server