>listening to your music from a phone
>he doesn't own a DAP

I'm enjoying high res FLACs on my $3k Sony NW-WM1Z

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give it back jamie

>hand-size touchscreen device
>can't make calls
What's the point?

i listen to 64kbps mp3 on my phone with $5 earbuds op

Oh goodie, it's another "I can tell the difference between 192Khz 32-bit FLAC and 320k MP3s" thread.

>mfw op is having nightmares in which he is offered a 128 kbps mp3 and 24 bit flacs and he cannot distinguish which sounds better

>The NW-WM1Z is fully encased in a high-grade gold-plated oxygen-free copper chassis. Widely used in instrument manufacturing, the copper lends the player its unique natural, acoustic sound. Its conductivity and raw strength reinforce the Walkman® with unrivalled audio performance.

my sides

I want to get a dap but

1. I absolutely hate managing digital music collections
2. So much of the music I like I listen to on soundcloud so in addition to not being able to stream via an app I would have to rip everything new all the time

Not op but theres many daps out there that run on android and let you stream and use apps. ofc alongside your local music library.
>not just using an iPod Classic

>not playing DSDs via a USB-OTG DAC
You done goofed, kiddo, sell your shit before you regret it.

lol, "DAP"

enjoy paying for your meme

>paying $3200 for 256 GB
>OP can't upgrade an ipod classic to 1TB and install Rockbox
Have fun paying 8 times what I paid for a quarter the functionality

iPC audio is mediocre though.
It's useable but not very good.

iPod 5 classic has a different DAC.

wtf do you listen to on soundcloud?

pretty much this - i have a 128gb iphone 6 and ordered a 40 dollar zishan z2 that can play DSD

those sony daps are waste of money but i will give sony props for LDAC - the only hi res wireless headphone standard at the moment

those mp3s better be transcoded at least several times

they sure are, you get that authentic vinyl analog crackle. Without it the music doesn't have a feeling to it.

In a few years when your mp3 degrades you will wish you used flac

Plug in your phone via USB

Cool, I'm enjoying streaming audio from my pc to my moon300D, mcintosh ma6600 integrated amp, and finally to my flagship Philharmonic 3s. Enjoy your headphone dac?


My 10 bucks clip+ is just fine, thank you.

that thing weighs a ton
the lower model seems more practical and basically the same apart from muh copper and gold

Real and unique music that people make

If you support the industry that makes profits off kid idols I won't judge

Does it support spotify tho?





I'm more than happy with using my psp instead. Been doing strong since I bought it years ago and still works wonders.
the screen may be cracked but you don't need a screen when you are listening to music.

fuck off newfag

>be retarded enough to break my Sansa clip
>shit nevermind just gonna get a new one for cheap
>they are nowhere to be found as they were discontinued and the only ones for sale are ridiculously overpriced

Do you have a single fact to back that up




>carrying zillion devices for zillion functions

>haha i troll u xd
Or you're so incredibly stupid you think digital information degrades.

That cracks you up? Have you even heard of Audioquest?
>As part of AudioQuest’s re-examination of HDMI cable design, specific attention was paid to maximizing the sonic performance of HDMI. Indeed, AQ’s HDMI cables push the sonic performance to new levels.
>AQ listens to each primary signal conductor in every HDMI cable to determine proper conductor orientation.
>On the top two HDMI cables, Coffee and Diamond, AudioQuest’s patented Dielectric-Bias System (DBS) polarizes the insulation on the five primary signal pairs, providing a drop in the perceived noise floor and an increase in dynamic contrast.

get a 4gb samsung gearfit2 and some kz-zs5 with bt cable




It better compose it's own music for that kind of money/

Also some chinkshit phones have better audio output than dedicated music players.

Daps are literally obsolete now, so its only logical to cater to the snakeoil/audiophile market. They're the only richfucks who still buy shit like this. The walkman era is over, but the nostalgia still somehow makes Sony double down.

>carrying one device that is expected to do more and more annually, while battery innovation stagnates and the phones keep getting thinner

epic. can't wait for 2019 flagship phones where i can watch a single 8k video, take one photo, and listen to 3 songs on spotify before having to recharge.

>highres audio
>through shitty headphones
>in a noise car-laden environment
>to music that has been dynamically compressed to 0db

Sure buddy.

soundcloud is literally 128kbps mp3, why even bother with a dap

>paying 3k for a glorified mp3 player

If mp3 degrades, so does your placebo flac. Data won't change itself

If you scrape soundcloud you can get the originals. Also battery saving on my phone.

Holy fuck that's big compared to what I imagined

Funny, because I can do all kinds of shit on my Huawei P8 and the battery easily lasts all day long

>using phone for music
>22KHz ~ 44.1kHz at max
>terrible impulse response

But I do famboi

Comfiest experience t b h

My 5.5 sounds remarkably good tho

>every high-quality DAP is android
why the fuck do I need to run a java virtual machine just to listen to fucking music.

>My 5.5 sounds remarkably good tho

absolute horseshit... i own one its almost 10 years old ... it sounds terrible... my iphone 6s sounds amazing... dacs, noise shaping, dc-dc converters op amps and all the other black magic have made big big gains in the past years and its in a phone and you wont hear about it because its all on some cirrus logic data sheet you will never see

more bullshit... my iphone 6s running 24/48 beats my a dap and dac i payed through the nose for only a few years ago

measurements and data:


How do i into scraping soundcloud?

>impulse response
Kill yourself.

which is the phone with the best sound?

>shitty PWM amplifiers and chinkshit SOC DACs
Give me a fucking break.

Mein Neger

Human ear effective range is 20hz - 20kHz
>Your Shitty phone can go over that your phone sucks!!
okay then

Very shitty bait

you mean, very hard science!

I mean what does flac actually do against data degradation?
it's just a file format, not a program
the file can't repair/change itself when it degrades

if you lose bits they are gone
you could only save the same file hundreds of times and compare and repair them manually if this happens
flac degrades just as fast as mp3

>there are people who don't know about data degradation
no need to panic now but it still CAN happen

>Or you're so incredibly stupid you think digital information degrades.

That's the joke

I can't hear below 100hz.

>make calls

I'd rather have worse hearing than better. I went to an audiologist because I thought I had tinnitus. Turns out I can hear extremely high frequencies. I hear high pitched noises everywhere. It's like every consumer product is designed to make noises to irritate dogs.

>I'm enjoying high res FLACs on my $3k Sony NW-WM1Z
WAV say's hello you fucking faggot

>not storing your music on a RAM disk with ECC

it is. whiny tvs and chargers are just the fucking worst.
>dude how can you stand this noise?
>"what noise, you're crazy, i don't hear anything"

my fucking thinkpad charger makes the worst high pitched noise that no one else can hear
I need to replace it man

I ended up selling my thinkpad for a macbook for this very reason. My pre Lenovo thinkpad didn't have this problem, but the MacBook was the only computer I found that didn't emit unbearable noises.

I transcode all of my MP3s to FLAC, then to WAV, then to Opus, then to MP3 again. Best way of keeping your tunes nice and crispy.

Sup Forums BTFO!!!

Left - 1979 TPS-L2 - Right - 2016 NW-WM1Z

>>dude how can you stand this noise?
>>"what noise, you're crazy, i don't hear anything"

I'm just glad I'm not alone.

Here comes /hpg/ High Pitched General: Fruit Bat Edition

yeah but I don't like using laptops without a track point equivalent

You know. I thought I'd miss it because I have huge hands and was always getting erroneous palm inputs on a normal trackpad, but the trackpad on the MacBook is damned amazing. I don't think I've ever had a palm input in the six months that I've had it, and the tracking is second to none.

Yeah there I can agree with you. I've used mac books and the tracking is really good but I still don't like how inefficient it feels to me. Even if it's just a feeling I don't want to pay for something I'm not comfortable with.
I just end up charging my laptop in a different room.

You get used to it. Just like to OS, at first I was losing my mind, but as soon as I started reading up on it and got a package manager on the command line, I really started to like it, it's like a Linux distri with commercial software when you need it.

>My 5.5 sounds remarkably good tho

Mine sounds remarkably bad. I don't know what it is with it, I just never liked it. It's not like it was a faulty player either, since I have 2 (one was a gift a few months after I'd purchased the other) and they are equally shit.

Once upon a time people said "and the battery easily lasts all month"

Still use my model 1 Sansa Fuze and I prefer it over the clip because of how easy it is to just control in your pocket without having a look at it. The physical Wheel is really convenient.

I don't think it's better because bigger, the word on the street always just is mp3 is the old outdated proprietary format like jpeg which has notorious loss that is replaced by a robust format like webm or png.

I bought into all this bullshit with flac and open ear headphones and dacs and expensive sound cards. It's placebo bullshit. Yall are a bunch of hipsters that don't know how to spend your money. I still prefer the fancier option, but I'm not paying out the ass ever again.

You should consider enhancing your ears so that at least you'd be able to see the difference

LARPing this hard on some WATT/Puppies

Maybe I'm just plain lucky
Or my phone just sounds pretty bad (it's an S7 edge with the Wolfson DAC)

Whats the best traditional cassette walkman that also has an audio input jack and the ability to record?

Sure, I want a modern DAP, but I hate it when they try to be like phones and have non-interchangeable batteries or limited storage capacity/slots.

Why modern DAP makers are so stingy with the storage or mSD slots is beyond me. Hi rez audio takes up a shitload of storage space and more is better.

Once upon a time handheld phones could only do one thing.

Those cables can literally recombobulate the dynamic soundstage diflation induced by long-term rotational velocidensity exposure

found this fucka,dunno if it has those functions but its fuccin veggie playa even the spasticst needs of g/ can be fullfieled with this veganboy

That's what the
>>hehe i troll u xddd
part was about, you utter faggot.
Sure got me you redditor, upvoted!

All my music is YouTube rips anyway.

t-thanx m-mate

my right ear still picks up high pitched (20kHz+) noises, even though i'm nearly 30 years old.

Whenever I work on a laptop that's plugged in, and the house is otherwise completely silent, I can hear the charger go "EEEEEEEE".
I can literally hear when a laptop is finished charging (it goes "EE-EE-EE-EE" as it trickles power into the, now full, battery)

It doesn't matter whether or not the charger is original or if it comes from certain brands... I have experienced exactly ONE exception in my life; the charger for the MSI GT62VR laptop... my current main laptop... this one only has the 50Hz hum.

As a kid I used to hate my parents' CRT TV, since it had a really loud whine when it as turned on... the rest of my family would look at me as if I was insane since I was the only one who could hear it...

I had sensitive hearing (car breaks were the worst offender I heard all the time) but I've fucked it up going to bars and listening music too loud. Sometimes I miss hearing everything most times not.

>he doesn't use master race PLEX for FLAC

I'm enjoying hi res FLACs on my old ass Note 3

My LG V20 has an internal DAC and works fine. Then again I also use skullcandy headphones, so there's that.

If audiophiles want to drop $3k on a player, $500 on headphones, and god knows how much more on whatever other snake oil, let them. A fool and his money are easily parted.