Why is this steaming pile of shit so popular? It's the slowest editor I've ever used.
Why is this steaming pile of shit so popular? It's the slowest editor I've ever used
muh github
that isn't the official logo, right? There's a line missing.
It's not that slow. Heavier than a text editor sure, but it's not like, horribly slow. To my knowledge, they're working on optimizing it (I think Electron is working on optimizing stuff too).
just checked, it is. lmao
>not that slow
>a text editor thats slower than most IDEs
>not that slow
Kill yourself, my man.
it is pretty slow, VSCode also uses electron but it's so much faster, and better.
Atom has reason to exist
no reason*
the nose knows
VS Code doesn't have packages for Rust or Go support, though.
i just judge everyone that uses it.
tried it a long ass time ago, was too slow. back to vim
Two, actually. Another one should cross over that line.
Also, why the fuck do some lines intersect while others have end points so that another line can pass through without them intersecting?
because art
because people are afraid to try vscode due to its shitty and confusing name and "muh micro$hit"
it does and I use both (rust less so because I rarely write rust) and they're great
It takes at least 3 seconds to open a reasonably-sized file and is sluggish while editing.
It takes longer for Atom to start up on my machine than Visual Studio. That's inexcusable.
>be me
>install code
>create new file
>save as Untitled-1.go
>this shows up
you're a faggot
Because webdevs are retarded.
They can't fix underlying issues with their tools, instead they specializing in atomizing their hacks.
Nobody gave a shit about improving the work tools for windows until sublime came up with the brilliant plan to do two things: compile the editor for windows and charge money for it.
People freaked the fuck out because there were so many free editors that were just as good, but they didn't do these things.
Then a ton of people at github got the brilliant idea to make a new editor, but since they had a ton of webdevs that didn't have anything better to do (no webdev had ever done anything meaningful anyway).
Obviously the webdevs are too dumb to use anything other than JS, so they never learned how to optimize anything and now we have the mess that is atom.
Since webdevs are usually better at marketing than programming, they marketed the shit out of it so other webdevs started to use it and that is why it is so popular today
>be me
who the fuck else would you be?
because it looks pretty out of the box
I think atom looks pretty
well it's dark theme, anyways.
I use geany for 99% of my editing and the speed difference is jarring. I kinda hate the way it looks, tho
>tfw you haveto pick between speed and looks
no you, go back to r.eddit fag, only they gt like that since 2013
it also tracks data
it's called telemetry and pretty much every software in development implements it, you can opt out
I have zero speed issues with it, plus the atom-pair extension is great.
it's free as in freedom. you can remove all telemetry and compile it yourself
I don't get the Atom hate (even the fucking logo? Really?), this is one thing that 100% feels like another autistic Sup Forums circlejerk, it doesn't help that it intersects with the anti-javascript meme as well
>having shit hardware
This is why I can't take you guys serious
I actually have a thinkpad
>relying on hardware
plebs out
But people here are praising visual studio code, another electron editor.
You're just buttmad
it looks really good
although I just use vim in urxvt with custom colors which make it look just as good
Atom's design is some of the most byzantine nonsense I've ever seen. You are running an entire fucking web browser just to edit text. It is so extremely inefficient that even on a modern computer, its performance has to be considered because it's harder to multitask with Atom eating up your memory.
Look at this bullshit. I make no effort whatsoever to keep my Emacs installation light and constantly pile on new extensions if I like them, while this instance of Atom is completely vanilla. I could download and install literally every publicly available Emacs extension ever made, run them all at once and it would still be more efficient than an Atom installation that lacks even the bare minimum configuration needed to make it useful to end users with arbitrary needs (and in the programming world, there are a lot of them). Atom's design is stupid and impractical at every possible level, but people think it'd modern and advanced for literally other reason than because it's pretty... and even then, it's passable at best and the animation effects are subjectively annoying.
Yes, I know, there comes a point where complexity is inevitable if you want to get shit done, but there is a fucking limit. Web developers are a blight on technology. They are making software slower at a much faster rate than hardware can keep up.