Does Sup Forums approve of my WINDOWS rice?
Does Sup Forums approve of my WINDOWS rice?
I like it.
Near invisible navigation buttons, inconsistend spacing between widgets, top bar has no header, near invisible close/max/minimize button
It looks like shit, and having oqaque explorer is a bad idea
they probably light up on hover autist
I use keyboard shortcuts for pretty much everything, the explorer is not opaque... it is translucent.
They probably don't, fucktard
wow it's fucking nothing
Two widgets that tell the exact same info right next to each other
Proudly displaying you have installed spyware on your machine
What's the point
>Black background
>Black navigation buttons
lmao into the it goes
looks cool to me, but would rather not have the dock at the bottom and put everything in the taskbar.
They do.
he's only using the most popular, stable OS with the most software support, fuck him, right???
year of the linux desktop??? right guys????
>navigation buttons
haha nice joke
haha nice rebuttal
ONEFIFTEEN, reddit tier taste.
ITT butthurt GNUmales
A little hurt, aren't you?
kek, what exe did you double click little boy?
Will lincucks ever stop being assblasted over 99% of people not using their shitty OS?
Windows is actually less popular than Linux
>most popular OS
>most stable OS
wrong again
>most software support
>gets humiliated for tech illiteracy
>a-ass b-blasted much guise?
Will winshills ever develop common sense?
It's not his fault. Windows users are retards in general