holy shit this is retarded
Holy shit this is retarded
Other urls found in this thread:
>he doesn't have a wifi-connected salt dispenser that can query a remote database in the cloud and apply the right amount of salt for best taste depending on the dish
I bet node is running on it
>he doesn't have a wifi connected salt dispenser
I do, it's called Twitch chat
>inb4 they get sued by apple and mcdonalds
top kek
almost as bad as this: en.wikipedia.org
>you'll never get $140 million for a juicing machine
But if you don't have a smart salt dispenser how the fuck do you know when you've got just the right amount of salt on your food?
>get a salt dispenser from mom
>it's not smart
Legitimately cannot tell if this is parody
>reading twitch chat
You must be 18 to post on Sup Forums.
>To use the Smalt app you can shake your phone or pinch the screen to dispense salt, which the shaker dumps into a removable tray at the base of the device. The shaker runs on rechargeable batteries that last for up to four hours.
It's apparently a real indiegogo project.
>4 hours
>a fucking can of salt
Are smart accessories our generations equivalent of healing crystals?
Pet rocks.
This is like the dotcom bubble all over again. The stupidest shit will get funding if you say "cloud" and "iot".
>salt dispenser sets the mood
what a fucking lame party.
>forget to charge your salt shaker
>have to eat bland food
looks like someone watches cr1tikal
>not using reddit for salt dispensing
The future was a mistake
>plebs ITT that actually have to season their food
I assumed everyone here was making high 5 / low 6 figs
hello whytboi
Like a great man once said, any Kickstarter faggotry which tries to sell itself by using 'the world's first' is automatically shit.
>Wow, Rich Tyrone! So cool~
>Not making your own vegisalt in a wood fuel stove
max pleb
I do its call a sjw
You're 8 hours late, the joke's been made.
21st century timeline is a mistake!
Will the golden ages like the 90's, ever going to come back?
>Having to go through all that bullshit just to put salt on your food
This thing will never sell. Whoever came up with this idea should have their cock whipped.
is this another juicero in the making?
man, you americans are so pumped on consumerism, this is probably gonna receive half a billion of seed capital.
That was pretty fucking interesting to watch. I wish I was manly enough to have an appreciation for that type of stuff the way that guy does.
So it's an Echo that dispenses salt? Well shit, unlike an Echo this thing actually has a utility.
Nope. It links to your Echo to dispense salt on voice command.
>anyone who doesn't like what I like is underage
A very underage opinion of you, did you know this board is 18+?
the future sure is great. what will the come up with next.
maybe instead of shaking your phone, they could make a small device you can shake which puts salt directly on your food.
maybe if it was a little robot that walks over to your plate and shakes salt on it.
Yeah in the 90s you only had sensible products like Beanie Babies.
This thread is golden, saved for future reference
>rely exclusively on salt to season your food
Fucking white people
Why do you guys hate progress?
>apply the right amount of salt for best taste depending on the dish
How does it know the chef isn't an idiot an oversalted the dish already?
It's just another home spy device.
non-whites need no salt because they're already salty as fuck
Why so salty OP?
unfunny user
Also, 18+
>sir, it seems the smart fridge is too far away from the dinner table to pick up conversations, what can we do?
>I've got an idea...
Who is this semen demon?
>posts 18+
>posts a childrens cartoon
>literally just a salt shaker + LED bluetooth speaker
>people are losing their minds over this
>tfw dumber than my salt dispenser
A bat
>Smart Watches
>Smart Phone
>Smart Thermostat
>Smart Cigarette
>Smart Lightbulb
>Smart Outlet
>Smart Lock
>Smart Car
>Smart Bike
>Smart Refrigerator
>Smart Dishwasher
>Smart Microwave
>Smart Salt Shaker
This timeline has gotten out of control.
So how's this swindle called now? Saltero?
What show?
How fucking new are you?
I'm sorry that I don't know every chink cartoon.
Not him, but I've been here for over decade and I don't know it.
This is the image search engine used in Sup Forums x for anime.
Those reverse animu engines never work.
WAIT usually does for me but not this time.
Google Images brings up a link to Sup Forums archive on
It's from one of the monogatari anime
You're a blatant newfag and you should kill yourself.
Before you do that though, do yourself a favor and watch bakemonogatari
They work when someone posts some fan art. But they always struggle with some cropped screenshot reaction faces.
>charge your phone
>charge your laptop
>charge your car
>charge your watch
>charge you headphones
>charge your salt and pepper shakers
im running out of outlets here what will need to be charged for no reason next my chair? or maybe my shoes? whwn will this insanity end?
Wireless charging could work if your entire house did it automatically, but the electricity bill would be astronomical and you'd get cancer in a year.
Holy shit 10/10
no the solution is stop putting computers in places they dont belong and stop removing ports that are still very actively used let a toaster be a toaster let a fridge be a fridge not everything needs to be made into a bloody smart device
I guess it could work pretty good if you glued it onto your ceiling above the table so when you order the salt it magically falls from the sky.
You'd have to take it down every 4 hours to change the batteries
Or attach a rotating battery magazine that lasts a week.
It's a scam
>indiegogo project
Why don't you think about what you just said?
The Internet of things is getting out of hand
>smart x
I have a feeling these people are compensating something.
>removing ports people still use
>people still use RS232 and printer ports
Grow up and lern2usb or buy a computer with GPIO ports.
shit forgot """""" """"""
My sides
The real question here is whether or not it requires proprietary salt with DRM.
Does give voltage to a circuit in a smart way?
>gotta get the 300$ attachment grinder.
>insert the space-age proprietary packaged bag of salt into the grinder.
>grinder unseals the bag and crushes the salt.
for best results, the salt bags must be used within 6 months of the sell by date.
ive seen these at Home Depot.
its meant for basic battery powered smoke detectors
it connects to your wifi.
you'll receive notifications when your smoke detector goes off or when the battery needs replacing
its not a bad idea if you don't plan on having a dedicated system or some home monitoring service.
not sure how well it actually is though.
>its meant for basic battery powered smoke detectors
>that beep when the batteries expire
>and don't cost $60 EACH to replace
May as well buy a smart smoke detector, at that rate. Jesus.
>IoT pro tip: always put the smarts in the most consumable part of the device
You must relocate back to your home board of Sup Forums.
muh gaymin
fuck you
should make it so that it pours salt whenever i shake my dick that way i can fap and eat at the same time
replacement battery is $10
the beep can be silenced. i have no idea how it works.