Help programers faggots

I'm trying to create a program that makes a list with what the user type on the input, but there is a problem, the code identifies the elements from the list like a variable (i think so), it shows the next error:

>NameError: name '(word)' is not defined

¿How i fix this?

lst = []
number = int(input("How many words you will put?: "))
for i in range (number):
x=(input("Enter words: "))

Lurk more.


Are you using python2? Because input evaluates what you put in, you need to use raw_input for the words.

No, i'm using python 3

Dude your shit is scrambled as fuck. Go read a book.

how do you spell insert?


it should be

lst = []
number = int(input("How many words you will put?: "))

for i in range (number):
x = input("Enter words: ")


Also don't indent the lines

lst.append can't take two arguments I think

It's a tupple

You are right, sorry

I'm already write it right, that's not the problem

That don't work

If you are using 2.x you need to use raw_input not input

this worked for me just fine

lst = []
number = int(input("How many words you will put? "))
for i in range(number):
x = (input("Enter words: "))
lst.append((i, x))

I am using 3.6


>How many words you will put?
breddy gud zindags


Thanks so much!!

>assuming new programmers are using legacy python 2

>No I'm using Python 3