
Tell me why the Iphone 7 isnt the best phone on the market
Protip you cant

Other urls found in this thread:

>something-something "muh cuztimizable chinese botnet ROMs

>best phone in the market
>No headphone jack



I have never gotten this temperature warning with any iPhone, ever.

Does this only apply to faggots who leave their iPhone roasting on the car dashboard on a sunny day?

>t. iToddlers

Can't change the icons

but you dont need to
inspect element

So it DOES apply to faggots who leave their phone on the dashboard.

Anyway, what the fuck is even wrong with the phone giving you a temperature warning? Do you not want the phone to tell you to "hold the fuck up" because you've subjected it to oven temps? Are you the type of person who is compelled to mod the smartphone with a HSF assembly?



Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?

Also this.

do you know who my father is?
wanna guess? huh?

I am your father!

cant change default applications

cant have on home screen widgets

cant do any customizing of any kind, and im not talking autistic ricing

Luke, you can't have an iphone

Chewbacca and the other niggers will steal it as all the previous ones.

Luke, you never use the force, faggot

but you dont really even need to
Steve Jobs

google pixel.

SE is better.

tay tay makes this phone look so god damn good

>Steve Jobs
He died of aids contracted from gay sex you know.

You idiot. No fucking headphone jack. Closed source software. 'Nuff said

>but you dont really even need to

You dont need an iphone

>No fucking headphone jack

okay grandpa don't forget your floppy disks and VHS player while you shop around at radioshack too

>Closed source software

literally nothing wrong with this approach
doesn't bloat the shit out of your interfaces with shitware


>leave your phone on the car's dash in Arizona summer
>oh look, that's not good for it

Who'd have thunk? Meanwhile, high end Androjeet phones overheat just from using the camera.

But hes still alive isnt he
I do need it how else am I gonna post on instagram

I don't buy their products but I hope you all still will. I put 10k into apple stocks every year for the past 12 years and 2500 in my roth. I'm going to retire wealthy.

>$1500 AUD
>Still can't handle our climate.

somebody forgot to set the background of the Fragment. rookie mistake.

>headphone jack

b-b-but user

thats not the iphone 6/6s

t. lossless headphonelet

No he didn't. All that gay sex put him 6 feet under.

What about this?

It was one of the biggest reasons why I switched to an htc 10.

Can you explain why this happened to me so much? It literally made me want to RKO my phone on a concrete floor.

That's an e-celeb demonstrating their notifications after posting something, you stupid lying cunt.

What about this?

Learn how to lie, dumb fuck.

What about this?

kek i'm saving these for next time someone uses the term "lagdroid"

Are you just frantically trying to find anything you can without even knowing what it is? The fuck is this shit, some old ass iOS 6 shit happening on someones phone. An OS glitch that got patched, do you expect me to diagnose this 4 year old problem from a webm or something? Stop reaching, retard. Holy shit, you must be a very angry 13 year old.

What about this?

Oneplus 3T is $400 by the way. iPhone 7 plus is like $800.

Give me a bone and tell why why I should spend $400 extra for lag and constant overheating. Go ahead, I'll wait.

because its a better product

>no headphone jack
>piss colored screen
>constantly overheats
>requires itunes for full access
>takes 3 fucking hours to charge (3T goes from 0-60% in 30 minutes)


To top it all off there's fucking coil whine on them as well lmfao.



For $1500 dollary-do's it should survive being in a roo's pouch in the outback, crikey!

It's a feature dumbass. It lets you know its working hard using all of it's advanced technologies.

To be fair, the iphone 7 is much faster than the S8 despite being a year older.

Locked down garbage for Chads and women.

>no headphone jack
c o u r a g e

True but that's because the S8 is fucking garbage.


I had the terrible experience of going from a 7 to op3. Most autistic change of my life. Everyone laughed at the brick that i would put on the table, my imessages got dicked, and on top of a useles UI google would constantly be in my face giving me location based notifications that were completely unnecessary. Felt completely awkward and unrefined, and on top of it all it would always die because no one has usb C with them. I think its hilarious when you talk about battery life but it doesnt make a difference since youre always next to a cable in your room. Androids are good for jerking off to hentai and browsing Sup Forums and are useless for people who actually go out.

>what is installing Nova and disabling animations
>what is naked browser
>what is deleting app cache automatically every night
So you're a fucking moron who doesn't know how to use an Android smartphone? Got it.

Yeah, you're better of paying $1,200 for the iTurd 8. You'll fit right in.

Basically, I've seen it on a water damaged iPhone as well due to shorting. Only happenings in normal functions when placed in sun.

>claims to be water resistant

Nice extrapolation, it was an iPhone 5. I've never seen anything newer than iPhone 6 overheat.

That's because those people who go through that extremely painful process don't live to tell the tale.

The youtube video test iphone won- im pretty sure the video started playing first...

That's true. The iPhone is actually faster BUT it constantly overheats and thermal throttles so long term performance is absolute fucking dogshit.

You addressed none of my concerns lmao.

Alright big boy i'll spend an hour every day maintaining my shitty chink phone and adding cool anime backgrounds? "naked browser"?

Get over yourself faggot :^)

My 7 did on a hot day at the pool since it was sitting on the ground.

>my imessages got dicked

>it's androids fault that applel pajeet street shitters can't even make basic functionality like text delivery work

I've migrated my SIM across 10 different android phones over the years because I travel a lot and have never had any problems with receiving texts. I just swap my SIM and everything works. Next time don't use lostMessage.

>put in a place where it will heat up
>phone overheats

>extra for lag and constant overheating
>posts a webm of a pajeet tapping icons

I get it now, you're a salty and spicy Indian fellow who's never been in the same room as an Apple product manufactured within the last 6 years. Don't you worry about Apple, pajeet. They're selling more units than ever and still top consumer satisfaction ratings across the board.

Enjoy your Xiaozucc Promi whatever pajeet phone on Android 2.3.

Only happens to protect the phone when you leave it in direct sunlight on a hot day. Really, this is one of the dumbest iPhone memes I have ever seen. You should stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

Yeah, basically.

I encountered a guy a few days ago who was playing Pokemon Go on his LG G4. He was literally carrying a god damn *ice pack*, wrapped around his phone, so it wouldn't fucking melt down. This wasn't even a shitty off-brand phone, it was an LG flagship.

>No headphone jack
>Impossible at this point to jailbreak
>Still not using OLED

Maaan I saw the same but the dude was playing on an iPhone... What a coincidence!

If it were waterproof it'd be GOAT.

I don't give a fuck about the headphone jack, and considering the fact that the iPhone 7 was the best- selling iPhone ever, neither does anyone else.

The phenomenon in your pic is called Night Shift. It's a feature designed to prevent your phone from keeping you awake by adjusting color temperature. You can turn it off.

>3 hours to charge

Lmao, no. I have an iPhone 7. It's equally capable of charging its first 60% in about a half hour.

When I encountered him, I was playing PoGo as well on my iPhone 7 *while also charging it*. Mine was barely warm to the touch. His almost fucking burned me.

Hey autist, nobody gives a shit if you got tricked by apple into buying their expensive dogshit.

Stop trying to convince everyone you didn't throw all your money away for a foxconn piece of trash.

I like how mad you seem that I'm calling you out for being memeing human garbage. I wonder which of these faggots you are? The Night Shift shitposter? The COURAGE idiot? Maybe the probable liar who conveniently claims to have seen a PoGo player with an ice pack around his iPhone?

Sorry I'm busting your shit, you edgy 15-year-old.

I wasn't attacking you dickhead I was giving an example of it happening.

dude shut the fuck up hes right you bought dog shit and are trying to tell people its good fuck off

Do you sleep with your iphone and cuddle it and keep telling it how awesome it is and how everyone is wrong everyday?

Yes you bought a consumer electronic. Congatulations. Now stop defending your shitty purchases online like they're your fucking grandmother.


>considering the fact that the iPhone 7 was the best- selling iPhone ever, neither does anyone else.
I'd say they care about enough to complain about it on social media and everywhere else. But you're right. That doesn't really matter when they have Apple's dick down their throats because:
>muh iPhone
>muh iMessage
>muh superior Snapchat app
Fucking textbook example of a sheep.

Do you even know where iPoos are produced?

I have absolutely no grasp on what you are trying to relay.

Are you saying that it isn't android's fault for not having a functional way of receiving group chats?

I'm flabbergasted at your autism negroid.

Samefag. Stay mad.

No, you retard, I just don't particularly enjoy these lazy, unfunny copied-and-pasted trolls. And I also don't enjoy edgy teens actually believing the dumb memes that get posted here.

Just because they're making fun of it, that doesn't mean they "care" about it. I don't really see people complaining about it very often, and I service people's broken iPhones for a living.

As for me, I was exclusively Bluetooth even before I had the 7. It's really not hard. I have the adapter in my desk drawer for when I want to use stereo-jack headphones, and I never, ever use it.

By the way, we'll stop touting iMessage when someone kills off fucking shitty SMS. I hear Google's been trying, and I wish them the best. SMS needs to go. That said, this is Google we're talking about, so they'll probably half-ass it and then go do something else, because that's what Google does.

Group chat functions perfectly on android, lostMessage just goes special snowflake and tries to do it differently, fucking over anyone that was on lostMessage and switched, still sending their lostMessages to their old number.

Same fag

It happens in mixed chats and old imessage chats. At one point I got a picture as a slideshow with the text message as a slide on it. Came from a nexus. Must not be an issue if you never get text messages tho.

people cant possibly have the same opinion of my shit purchase noooo way must be samefag

It's really not on Google's shoulders anymore. It's essentially the same problem that Android has been facing since day one: the carriers cucking their customers while they wait for the updates that enables RCS on their devices.

>Doesn't bother proving it isn't
Literal autism why bother replying

>lazy, unfunny copied-and-pasted trolls

Go back to your normie hideout and hang out with your homies and watch sports, listen to hip-hop and tell everyone about it on instagram.

You're not going to fool us into buying I-shit.

How will iPajeets EVER recover?

Protip you're gay

are you a stupid nigger you want me to prove something that can be easily edited

No one wants you to buy anything

Your rock of a phone is probably not the only reason people don't talk to you.

It's honestly just fun watching autistic kids screech

What exactly is it you're angry about Rakesh?

>no one wants you to buy anything.
Oh so you're just a narcissitic fucktard obsessed with convincing yourself you made the right consumer electronic puchase.

Right, that's so much better.

Guess we'll never know

>the carriers

You know, carriers don't fuck with the iPhone. I wonder why that is?

Oh, right, I remember now. It's because Apple didn't allow the carriers to do literally whatever they want to the platform and to the phones, regardless of the consequences to the user experience. The carrier problem is squarely on Google, because they let it happen, and they *continue* to let it happen.

Suck my dick, mongoloid. I'm an oldfag, and remember when this shit was funny. Really. It was funny once. It was funny back during 2007-2012, when we didn't have to make shit up. Now, people have run out of legitimate ways that Macfags Sure Got Told, so they're just making shit up and copying and pasting it over and over and over again. It's not funny, it's gay. You should be ashamed of yourselves as trolls. Not because you're trolling, but because it's lazy and unfunny trolling. Fuck.

I just explained I like watching autistic kids screech why do you have to repeat the same phrase every other Sunketh says.

jesus christ yall are stupid

Do you even know who the CEO of Apple is?

i can buy 7 $100 xiaomeme redmeme note 4x and install pajeet os.

>calling others autistic
>posting long meandering posts about a fucking phone like it's the pinnacle of human achievement



Okay tyrone.