Sup Forums horror stories

Ok guys... I was in my bed then suddenly my monitor lighted up...

And bam!
There it was.
A picture of fucking Stallman as my wallpaper.

>not having a pic of Stallman as wallpaper

>cmd pops up for a millisecond
I shat bricks, honestly.



thanks, user
greatly appreciated




this is now a Stallman wallpaper thread
keep em coming bois




lmao I thought this was a meme but it happened to me also. Well, similar, I was listening to music but I had to go to take a shit, so I closed my laptop's lid as always to put it to sleep. Then I came back and using my phone without caring for much then after like 2/2.30 hours music started to play from my sleeping/hibernating laptop. lol I swear to god I'm not lying. I was in CU of Win10. Now I'm on Ubuntu.



Turn computer off go to bed. Keys on keyboard start clicking. This has happened 4 or 5 times in the last 6 months. Can't figure out why.

>Come home
>Notice house is very quiet
>Run into computer room
>Move mouse, doesn't wake up
>Turn it on
>Hearts pounding
>Turns on fine

I suddently realised most Sup Forums users are underaged and use windows ...

Leave the stinkpad on go to bed. Admire the rice of my freshly updated Gentoo i3 desktop for 20 minutes.... webcam light springs on.

Forgot to put the lid of my laptop down.
Woke up and saw my laptop webcam led turn on for a while (led indicator turns on when the camera is running).

Started to block my webcam permanently, since then.

Oh god I miss my WP

rats run around your on keyboard?

>Installs Debian because laptop had a preinstalled windows 8
>closes lid and leaves it on above my bed overnight
>Wakes up in the middle of the night and finds the laptop nearly burning
>The laptop never went to sleep because of a dumb popup requesting superuser rights to enter in sleep mode
>The laptop would have overheated and probably catch on fire if I had not woke up in the middle of the night
>The neckbeards at Debian almost burned my house down

You cannot blame Debian for you own lack of intelligence.

he must be leftist, only leftists act like that.

what is this and why does it rip off the zune logo?

>have to use IE on that specific website because FF lags
>forget that it's IE for a second
>open a link
>a wild pop-up appears
>pop-up blocks me from closing it with text fields and shit
>can literally take NO action on IE, can't close the tab or the browser
how shit does a browser have to be so a website can literally BLOCK you from closing it
this shit makes me angry
>avira instantly detects a virus on the website
>finally can close the tab
thanks IE, now I can set up my PC from scratch

Time to kys.

>be at Defcon
>friends phone stops working
> or whatever has crashed and error won't go away
>worryingly place my hand over my pocketed phones

How exactly is it my fault that the idiots at Debian forgot to set the correct rights within a system file?

>tilt pc a bit by accident
>it restarts

You can kill the browser in the task manager.

>monitor goes black for a split second

Had this happen and it turns out it's a bug with Office.
Until I found out I was paranoid as fuck.

>when your LTS distro finally stops being supported

Just end my life

I actually did but it was too late and Avira already detected my computer aids

Fucking IE is such fucking cancer, I swear.
I've had to use it at work for some things that don't work properly with FF or Chrome, utter disgrace of a browser.

yeah but everyone knows so you can't actually blame IE
can't blame the gun if you shoot yourself in the head

I blame myself for letting this happen
I should have known that I get fucked for using it

I had this happen to me once, the prompt popped up and stood there for a good 5-10 seconds before fucking off. Pretty spooky desu

Ohh the irony

>the leftist boogeyman
Just hang yourself this is an 18+ board

Satan wishes to shitpost.

3 4

this meme needs to die

Sup Forums is doing weird stuff again, linking posts I never clickeeeeed!

It follows OP's specs, in more than one way

Are you a retard? A laptop can't burn your house you dumb shit. It turns itself down when it reaches really hot temperatures.

don't smoke user, its not good for you

>Leave computer idle for ~2h
>Come back
>POST screen, can't proceed, seems frozen
>Shit pants, think my boot drive died
>all works fine

I have no idea why this is. At first I suspected my undervolt to be the problem but I can be at 100% CPU for hours and no crashes, so I'm confused.

>be on vacation
>return home
>turn on desktop
>*computer dies*

>Run wireshark on my X230 running debian
>Everything is fine but...
>PC sending packets to some fucky site in Podgorica, Montenegro
>Look up the owner - some dodgy fella
>Panic sets in
>Join debian security channel
>Start running chkrootkit, hands shaking
>Guys on debian irc suggest looking at systemd logs
>lsof -i
>Tox pops up - server in montenegro
>Motherfucker! Sweet relief...

I am actually considering devuan after this kerfuffle.

That's his "don't fuck with my freedoms" face.

fugg off umer

I've seen with my own two eyes laptops that have caught on fire from overheating. It happens most when people leave them on their bed without anything under the laptop thus the bedding blocks the fans. People have died from this.....

>leaving shop open in MMO overnight on laptop running W7
>have it set so I don't automatically install microsoft updates
>wake up at around 3AM to the heatsink fan spinning really fast
>check if I'm getting d/c hacked or whatev
>installing updates, please do not turn off your computer
>what the fuck
>go back to sleep
>wake up to get ready for college
>at login screen
>login and scan system
>no threats detected
And that's when I switched to [GNU+]Linux.

>look away for 2 seconds
>uBlock Origin disabled on Sup Forums
>cold sweat

>put on VR glasses and join the 4chanroom
>see other people talking to each other, share maymays and are happy
>use wojak avatar like always
>"wtf is that supposed to be, do you have cancer?" some normie bitch asks
>walk to a wall, sit down and cry while the normies continue to have fun

>be 15 y/o me 16 years ago
>trying to be install linux so i can be a l33t hax0r
>on grandmother's computer
>deletes partition table
>oh shit what do i do now

>your wifi card is proprietary
>you want to try openbsd

me too.

>thinkpad cd drive lighting up and moving it's head on its oww
sometimes it even opens

i dont want to live if computers will be like this in future