/pcbg/ - PC Building General - GOUGED edition

If you want help:
>Assemble parts list
>State the budget for your build (and country if not USA)
>List games/software you use often, as well as your monitor resolution + refresh rate
>Clarify your goal for build improvements: lower price or improved specs?
How to assemble a PC, select components & more (outdated)

No i5 unless discounted
>G4560 - poverty-tier builds
>R3 1200 - Budget builds (R3 1300x - Good stop-gap between the 1500x and the 1200, only get a 1400 if you absolutely need multithreading
>R5 1500x - Good but up to 1600 if you can
>R5 1600 - Best value for higher fps gaming / mixed usage; 1600x if you want higher stock clocks
>R7/Used Xeon/Threadripper - Compute/Multitask/VM/mixed use; Not for just gaming

Coin miners have driven price up and stock down, waiting to buy a GPU might be wiser
>Integrated CPU Graphics - Desktop stuff and very light games
>GTX 1050(Ti) - Lower end budget cards, drop settings on newer games, RX560 beaten by both
>RX570 - 1080p@60~hz maxed, running most maxed older games at 100~Hz
>RX580 and GTX1060 6GB - 1080p@80hz maxed, 1440p@60hz at lower settings; RX580 better in newer games
>GTX 1070 - 1080p@130hz /1440p@60hz at high
>GTX 1080 - 1080p@144hz / 1440p@60hz maxed, 4k@60hz in a few games; Probably the highest end card you need for 1080p/1440p
>GTX 1080Ti - 1440p@144hz and 4k@60hz maxed/high in many games
>Vega NOW.

>Check your Mobo QVL before buying any RAM
>Ryzen CPUs benefits a lot from high speed RAM

Always consider an SSD. Try buying a large SSD for what you'd pay for your SSD+HDD combined, and add a HDD later
NVMe SSDs aren't for a faster OS boot, they're for productivity/scratch disk/VMs. NVMe and M.2 are not the same thing, M.2 is a form factor.
The Ryzen lineup comes with surprisingly good stock coolers. consider using them over any

Other urls found in this thread:


When's 56?


If I can only get a blower vega, will there be aftermarket coolers available soon?

Founders or partner?

Most likely oem although there were some prototype aib card leaks.

Vega is literally DOA. Better buy 1080/1080ti now before they go out of stock due to people being disappointed by AMD again.

Thanks Sup Forums friend.

Is my wattage too high

where the fuck is vega? it's not on amazon

Finally about to make my first build. Already had cash saved up but wanted yalls thought before I actually go through with it.

videos are up on youtube, linus and pauls hardware have their vega reviews up. hopefully they tell us when orders begin.




Amd shills lied to me. 56 isn't even 20% more powerful

you don't need aftermarket cooler for a locked cpu. if you really want to get one though then get cryorig h7, which should cost the same but performs better.
get newer seagate model instead. this one is st1000dm003, the new one is st1000dm010.
switch psu to evga 500b.

looks good to me


So vega 56 will be available to buy on the 28th, i guess we wont be getting any FE's

I should have mentioned the Vega 56, looking at benchmarks it uses a ton of power under load, this has got me worried with 500w PSU

>$599 rx vega 64
>$499 variant sold out
>I WAITED!!!!!!

shouldn't be that bad. if you're worried you could spend less on the case and put more money into psu. also that i5 might bottleneck vega in 1080p.

even the $500 are now out of stock

Time to buy a 1070 because vega is trash

I built this in mid-2015 currently w/ a 970. How much of a bottleneck do you think?

Vega confirmed for hot garbage

I waited for literally nothing. it sold out in seconds
i thought that was a meme. ill keep f5ing for another hour then it's bedtime for me

>shit performance
>despite its shit performance it sold out to the miners anyway
AMDfags on suicide watch

in the same boat bro, its even bedtime for me.
gunna scope out nvidia 1080 and up to see if prices drop

F for freesynce owners

They saved 200 dollars but in return they never got a gpu. You literally cannot make this shit up.

gpu brices goming down


soooo, when is volta coming out?

Q1 2018

how long until they have stock again

>had vega in my cart
>decided to click on linus cuck tips
>moved out of my cart and out of stock

>missed the get too

>could've gotten a 1070 for $416 but decided to wait on the vega 56 and see how good it is.
>only 5-10% stronger in some games
>is powerhungry as fuck
Fuck amd

>watching Linus ever

would this thing be able to handle fallout4 preforming around 40-50 fps?

it cant handle anything because it's out of stock

forgot pic

how long until aftermarket versions of vega come out?

it should
my garbage 860m can run it at 40 with medium settings

is that a good price or not I don't even know


turned out to be fake
it's 100 less but it's sold out so it doesnt matter
they will probably raise the price to that now

between the cryptokikes and ebay resellers we never had a chance.


Damn. I've been out the game for a bit and thought if I came in with a $950 budget I could get something decent but these GPU prices are bananas.

Current rig has a Core2Duo though so anything will be better.

Just buy a 1050Ti and wait for better prices later

>tfw making mad gains on crypto
>GPU prices keep going up because so is everyone else
I feel very conflicted about this. I was going to use my crypto money to buy a computer but GPU prices keep going up or out of stock

kill yourself cryptofag

I'm literally you and was going to do a build a year and a half ago and now I'm contemplating suicide. I wasted the money on drugs instead. Just fuck my shit up

Does anyone know if Vega will feature FineWine™ technology or not? Kind of disappointing Vega64 is so far behind 1080Ti considering it uses a massive amount more power.

kys yourself

I will do it myself

>mfw Vega56 is just a year-late 1070 that draws more watts

top mistake was starting to work for a computer shop because i like building pcs. all i do is move stock and im not able to tell customers when theyre buying shit

what shit are you selling them?

just advertise yourself locally that you build PCs for $$$. there are loads of retards who know that buying parts separately is better but are too afraid to actually build.

This is my current PC (don't laugh)

Should I buy these parts?



I am one of these retards.
I would pay a fair price for assembley.

Do I need increase cpu voltage when I OC R3 1200 to 3600ghz?
What is the safe voltage number?

so who here is waiting for coffee lake? I'm still on a i5 3570 and i don't have the heart to jump to ryzen especially when coffee lake is right around the corner
also user how much would you pay? because this is essentially what I've done for my friends when I was in high school but going back into it I don't know what to consider "reasonable" price tag in £

apparently you can keep voltage at stock up until 3.7ghz or so iirc

rx 570 are overpriced right now. better buy gtx 1060 3gb / 6gb if you can afford it. you might want to check what psu you have.

>buying so many graphics cards for cryptomining that you need multiple systems
>when you could have made 10x the amount buying ASICs

How does it feel to be retarded, cryptofag?

pic related

Does Gabario even make good cards anymore, or am I going to catch my PC on fire?

Il crashing twice when I do 3.7ghz with Witcher 3.

Fuck that noise, trading is where the money is. But thanks to miners the demand keeps going up and the supply keeps going down. They're basically putting thousands in my pockets while they scrape for pennies every day. Stay salty, nocoiners

in that case Ryzens cheat sheet for overclocking is ramp it to 1.4v and go down in small increments from there

Why not go up from default value instead?

>trading is where the money is
Sure, for about 5 years.

Then one morning, at your mid-tier (read:shit tier) house you bought with your crypto money:
>*Knock Knock*
>Hell- Who the hell are you?
>SEC, we are here to take all of your shit for evidence, we have a warrant. Let us in, or spend even more time in federal ass rape prison.
>O-o-o-okay, but be gentle, its my first time.

#SiliconLottery as always, but you should be able to hit 3600 at stock voltage

New AM4 motherboards when

i see such retarded builds like aio coolers on super low end cpus, questionable pairings (7700k with a 1050), psus of brands i cant remember. a guy today got a full tower with a matx motherboard. i dont get what these people are thinking.

the pay will never be as good though, its not a minimum wage job or close to (and pays super).

Looking to make a system that can run current and future games at 1080p 60hz, with a possibility of upgrading to a dual monitor setup in the future, how's my build looking?

So Amazon just cancelled my fucking GPU order, $437 for a 1080, and now they won't honor the sale price anymore.

starting from the default voltage is fine, but i'd imagine it'd take longer to find a perfectly stable and fine tuned voltage will take longer than going down as i'm guessing you'd have to go through more stress tests and etc but if you're not short for time its probably the best way to do it going up in 0.05 increments or so
but if you are short for time I was recommended 1.4v with a 240mhz offset(if your mobo has it) iirc to get ryzen to around 4ghz - stress test it on AIDA 64 for 10mins then go down in 0.05 increments if it doesn't crash, keep repeating this until it crashes and stick to the voltage before the crash
as this user says though #SiliconLottery is always a factor the best ryzen 1200 has overclocked to iirc is 3.8/3.9ghz
>Pic not related just wanted to post one

>watching linus
You deserve it.

In the case of the 1200, I really would recommend upgrading to the 1300X for the extra $20
Better stock speeds out of the box, still comes with a Wraith Stealth cooler, and you'll (probably) get a little more overclocking headroom....or at least slightly better voltages while overclocking

Dude it's always something. I might need a root canal which is MORE than the cost of my dream rig. And New York wants $65 for driving thru the bridge without an EZ pass. Life is the game Monopoly but all the properties are already bought and you just draw shitty chance cards.

is it worth it to invest in bigger/better case and better fans before up upgrading anything else?
the summer is almost done and im doing fine temperature wise during the fall/winter, so im wonder whether i should invest in new case/fans or just change something else that will boost my performance

Depends on what you have now

this is like fourth time of you posting this and you still have single channel ram

Kys Sup Forumsaggot

some 2 basic nothing special fans
one on top of the cpu and one next to the usb slots in the back
case pic related

Its margin of error stuff really comparing an overclocked 1300x and 1200 about a 100mhz difference, I think the big question that makes people buy one or the other is "Do you like overclocking?" if no buy a cheap motherboard and the 1300x if yes the question then is "are you happy buying a B350 motherboard (£70ish) to achieve the performance benefit?" but i see where you're coming from user
Redpill me on dual channel ram, I keep hearing its superior I've been using single channel and had no issues so far desu

Got a perfectly good HDD that was W7 installed on it. Can I just slap it into my new rig with a blank SSD, install whatever onto the SSD from boot and just format the HDD when it's up and running? Kind of a stupid question I'm sure but I usually just get new drives for new rigs but I had to cut cost somewhere this time around.


check out this mad deal

This is essentially what my build looks like and with the 1050.


My budget is about 800-1100 so let me know if I'm fucking up.

never buy the founders card

>buying a new Vishera
just jump to Ryzen, the new AM4 socket isn't going anywhere for a while

with 800 even you can get an R5 1600 you dummy, don't get FX

this desu. I'm just gonna build a r5 1600 with a 1060 or 580 (whatever is available) to hold off until Volta.


You're right. How about this? With the monitor I can't even afford a new mouse...


this is what it looks like at the moment