Is he /ouguy/ g?

Is he /ouguy/ g?

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dats a big nose


>Friday: "Calm down everybody, nobody's being marginalized."
>Monday: "Help! I'm being marginalized!"

That's not Kevin Rose

no, he is actually smart.

>appears to use non free and proprietry software on a daily basis
Hrm no

He seems slightly autistic.


Nope not at all


>can't keep his mouth shut
Yep. That's Sup Forums alright.

Am I my guy?


Take my upvote.

Can Sup Forums give me a (((quickrundown))) on, dare I say it... /ourgoy/?? Based xDD

He's smarter then all 3 of you and your entire families combined.

Fuck off back to

Something upsetting you jew boy?

Somebody redpill me on this lad.

I'm just curious, fellow redpill connoisseur.

>is not a pajeet

yeah, I dont think so sir

Lmao, so he's an Italian Cryptojew?
Sup Forums BTFO


He's a jew, can't you tell by the nose?

>BTFOs SJWs, dirty lefties, feminists, shitskins, and niggers
>He's a jew
Not an argument.

Shapiro said that being a liberal is viewed higher than jewish. One step out of line and gone, he's a centerist who challenged them.

inb4 (((shapiro))), he gives great counter techniques which he adapted from his legal study. You don't have to like or trust someone to take something from them.


>Muh appeal to authority
Maybe you should read the Sup Forums sticky once again. Here, I'll link it for you.

yea, he's the only usa citizen who dared to politely suggest to maybe put this whole glorification of mental illnesses into perspective
now he simply needs to get hired with pay upgrade by mozilla and the american technology world will eventually get back on the right track

I can smell the virgin from here.

Shapiro struck down the appeal to authority move once thrown at him, I was just giving credentials why he should be extracted from.

It's okay to distrust and dislike him i guess, but he's very knowledgeable.

Who the fuck is Shapiro you fucking Sup Forums faggot

All Sup Forums users should be permabanned

White cis males need to be all exterminated.

It's good that you gave me the permission to dislike someone.
Thank you.

>engineer who has trouble with women
>anything but autistic

i mean

No its true jews hate conservative jews because those are the ones who historically want to leave the rest of the world alone.

If he's so smart, why did he lose his job?

Checkmate, white cis males.

He's literally just a lefty who watched some Jordan Peterson videos. He was naive enough to think "hey guys check out this information it turns out we're not sexist for not having 50% women good news right?" was a plausible scenario.

He had no idea the repercussions for stepping slightly out of the political line because he had never done it before. Fucking hilarious, its like a North Korean found out that the South Koreans weren't literal vampire demons and went to tell the Kim the good news expecting a treat.

for you

oh wow what a persecuted brave young man, standing up for what's right

thank god someone was brave enough to stand up to those big meanie HR jerks who think women should be allowed to do anything other than stay at home and cook for the mens

>mfw sues Google for 500 million dollars for unlawful termination of contract, slander and exposing somebody to psychological abuse
>mfw his gofundme for the whole thing has already like 100k dollars he can hire top of the line lawyers with that money
>mfw he actually wins the case and google loses 1/100th of its total net worth between its deffense and the reparations

>hire top of the line lawyers
Spot the underaged faggot

>implying lawyers won't be lining up for a cut of those googlebux

if you think he will win the lawsuit against google you are retarded

if you think he is shouldnt have been terminated you are retarded

if you think he is racist/sexcist you are retarded

if you care and think this will go anywhere other than pic related you are retarded


>implying you know anything about the legal system
>implying you aren't underaged

Gee, if only Google had $100K to spend on Lawyers...

Do you mongs really think Google didn't run it by their legal team before shitcanning the sperg?

You are retarded

sorry, forgot one
>if you think i am retarded they you are retarded

>>engineer who has trouble with women
>>anything but autistic
>>works at Google

literally not at all what he says

educate yourself:

Fuck you.

I'm the one you replied to.

(You) isn't a fucking upvote you fucking faggot. Get the fuck off of Sup Forums.

You keep using that word but you don't know what it means.

if not even bucko can get more than 1 sentence at the time out of him he must be at least autistic as g

Well, I wouldn't want to have a beer with him. He's a boring autist.

no. they are infiltrated by ideologues who will not move an inch from their dogmas. google will now learn that this is a huge mistake.

Only child of a single mother. You poor soul.

Shit lawyers yeah, but not for the Google bucks, but to milk every single penny he has.

>he actually believes google didnt consult lawyers before firing him
What's it like to be an underaged NEET Sup Forumstard?