Ad blocking is under attack

>Yesterday a strange commit landed in the EasyList repo. The "" domain was removed with a comment "Removed due to DMCA takedown request".

>An ad server was unblocked by all ad blockers due to a DMCA request. Let that sink in for a moment...

>A small research was conducted by the community in the comments section of that commit. It appears that the story began 23 days ago with a comment by a freshly registered Github account to the commit that added "" to EasyList. @dmcahelper threatened with "the file or repository disruption," but his threats were not taken seriously that time.

> Note: we don't know what happened in between as the original DMCA request is not yet published. I will update this post once we learn more.

>The domain in question hosts an image describing its work as "used by digital publishers to control access to copyrighted content in accordance with the DMCA and understand how visitors are accessing their copyrighted content".

>However, further research showed that this domain hosts the code of an anti-adblocking startup Admiral, so we can assume that it is the company we should blame for this. Where did they get this glorious idea? The wording of the original comment from 23 days ago reminds me awfully of this post claiming that DMCA can be applied to ad blockers.

Other urls found in this thread:

>An ad server was unblocked by all ad blockers due to a DMCA request. Let that sink in for a moment...

block javascript

That's what you get for using (((ShitHub)))


>It will be illegal to block ads

Don't host your shit in the USA.


This is highly erroneous

The article doesn't say anything about the validity of the dmca. For all we know and care theyre just going to counter the dmca and everything goes back to normal

Blocking ads cannot in any way be illegally stealing someone's copyrighted shit

>Ad blocking is under attack
There's not going to be a "battle" you retard. Adblocking is gradeschool-level scripts. Every site on the internet could just implement "please disable adblock to view this page" tomorrow if they wanted
>let that sink in for a moment...
stopped reading there

So how exactly will they prevent themselves getting blocked?

Even when you go on the archive or almost news site, they'll block you until you disable adblock or flood the page with them requesting you to disable adblock.

It's gotten out of control, we'll need a block for blocking adblocks but they can just counter with a block for the block which blocks adblocks.

It's a never ending cycle, best thing to do is block Javascript but that'll most likely make the site unusable.

Seriously, disable JS now and watch how Sup Forums craps itself.

How is adding their domain to a list violate the DMCA? Sounds like a fraudulent request.

something doesn't make sense

Why would anyone make their company in the US?

They won't. Github has to act on takedowns against users' repos or face the responsibility THEMSELVES. DMCA makes content hosting a total nightmare.

It is.

It doesn't.


US residents are mostly unaware of the existence of other countries.

So it's going to get disputed/countered/whatever it is needs to be done, and will get put back up, right?

Or are they going to weasel their way around until it becomes possible and common to blatantly abuse the dmca for stuff like this

>existence of other countries

This particular instance won't be disputed over a technicality: EasyList isn't meant to have anti-adware domains. EL is an ad domain list only.

Should Admiral try the same trick again on other lists, yeah, that'll get disputed. Maybe they'll even find counsel stupid enough to actually pursue this along copyright lines.

Wtf does DMCA have to do with the easylist?

Damn burgers, letting corporations dictate their way of life

>letting corporations dictate their way of life

They can't really dictate shit, which is why it's better this way.

So what do I add to my filters to replace what easylist removed?

>due to DMCA takedown request".

dog blessed murrika strikes again


If it gets bad enough I'll just run a minimalist browser like w3m and legitimately not allow anything but plain html text. I refuse to look at spam and ads at this point.

Manually add it back, ublock allows whatever the hell you want to be added, even manually, and whatever 3rd party.

Genuinely confused as to why they would invoke DMCA.

You can't force people to watch your content. You can invoke it when people illegally distribute your content. It's a fundamental inverse of what copyright is actually about.

For reference, this and similar domains are in Peter Lowe's Ad and tracking server list, or a dedicated list:

Because they know Github is a shitty, lazy, feminist company that will remove content without even looking st what's being taken down. Same with Kiketube.

>remove content without even looking st what's being taken down. Same with Kiketube.
Because they'll get assraped by the government/complaining party if they don't.

Read the article, as, for anyone not getting this, take this example:

My site as an Anti-Adblock (hosted on x site) plugin, that, unless you have your adblocker disabled, it won't load the content of the site.
If you block the anti-adblock script, you're "circunventing" the drm Im using to "protect" my content, thus you're effectively pirating my copyright protected content.
X site doesn't hosts any ads, but merely just the script that checks that you're not using an adblock, so, it cannot be added to anti-ads blocking lists.

Congratulations, ad-companies found a loop-hole in the system, now, we need a usa-free easylist repo with all these sites added.

Not if it's a baseless claim. Safe Harbour only comes into effect if a claim has merit.

yeah? well we'll see about that you fucking fags

you can't dmca my hosts file

that would require them to put effort into reviewing claims

a windows 10 hotfix will take care of that

My entire criticism is that they don't, so no shit

I really don't bother with such websites, there is like millions of other websites where I could obtain the same information without the "plz don't block our malware AIDS infested ads"

>block for blocking adblocks
like just not advertising to the server that you are blocking stuff

IE9 TPL's are undetectable because it's integrated into the browser

This. OpenBSD has learned this lesson ages ago.

>Congratulations, ad-companies found a loop-hole in the system, now, we need a usa-free easylist repo with all these sites added.

Here you go:
And the funny thing is that it is already part of uBlock, you just need to enable it

I've had the same experience so far. Has anyone here ever run into a situation where they absolutely needed to unblock ads in order to find a specific file or piece of information?
I've had to allow shady scripts a few times but never ads.

Added a note about this to the Wikipedia article on Ad blocking.

>please disable adblock
There's already a way around this in uBlockO and ABP

OpenBSD hardly even allows contributions from the US

When are we going to have separation of corporation and state in America?

Not until we get rid of right-wing useful idiots.


When there is a separation of state and economy.

Never? America is now a corporative and not a capitalist country. There's no turning back without hurting the economy and stopping alt-right brainwashing.

So when economic power can't be abused for lobbying?

Can we have a list of domains that should be excluded from these kinds of lists, so they may not be added again by accident?


Republicunts might be stupid, but they're way better than big government loving libshits.

>There's no turning back without hurting the economy and stopping alt-right brainwashing.
But those are good things, user.

The funny thing about your canned reactionary rhetoric is that government power grows under Republican rule too.

Why don't we switch to whitelisting?

Pain in the butt for anyone who uses sites with lots of legit third-party hosted media. But yeah, that's certainly a good direction to move.

That's a blatant strawman and all that corporatism can't happen without government intervention

Too much work if you want to search for random sites at times. What would be a good whitelist filter to begin with?

so blocking pop ups is fine, but blocking more is illegal/evil? dumb double standard

"Allow content from while visiting **"

Sites don't generally host their own ads, and in those cases where they do you can be a little more creative. Basically whitelist only content from the domain in the URL.

Blocking a certain websites ip is a right. There's no crime in having the websites name in your ad blocking software. I would just leave the domain name in the list, they can sue me.

>corporatism can't happen without government intervention
Completely false. You need to learn more history. Corporatism and libertarianism have always held hands.

Why is Great "surveilance cameras on every corner" Britain still present on this map?

So their 'Domain Name' is their 'intellectual property'? Doesn't this sound a lot like 'Filenames hosted on torrent sites are IP' that made everyone switch over to .magnet links?

P2P adblocking when?

There is nothing of value out there anymore.
The glory days are over, it's time to let go.
All you need.
Literally, everything else is via IRC and hopefully GNUnet here soon.


Considering how slow GNU makes shit it won't come in the next 10 years and even when it does it won't be as used and will be on a bad reputation like tor due to (((them))) not wanting people to be free on the internet.

Why does nobody use GNUnet?

>Try communism
>Did it work?
>Everyone died
>Try communism again, please!

>le communism is bad meem
Off to with you...


>after over $6 million spent in legal fees and bribing politicians, kikes finally make block lists illegal
>the solution is simply pirating the block lists
>it's actually a win-win for everyone, the number of people blocking ads is greatly reduced because computer illiterates don't use anything other than the default filters, and websites don't need to resort to paywalling content to pay server costs now

Communist lies

I've never used it but people say it has unintuitive or not normie explained setup/UI and no popularity. I'm not sure if it's as simple as "double click to install + run without configuration" like Tor browser is.


FBI tip submitted, have fun being monitored for the rest of your life edgy commie kid.

Stalin is pretty good at magic tricks

again other derailer, takes this (((you)) worthless scumbag and get out

>it's 2017 and I still believe the "communist genocides" meme
Do you also believe the "everybody believed the Earth was flat until Columbus proved them wrong" meme?

Have you ever cared to find out how many have been killed by capitalism? Try reading pic related any day, kid.


>helicopter memes

>There is no difference between letting a hobo starve on the street and putting that hobo into a work camp and whipping him to exhaustion

>Use hyperbole and misinformation to misrepresent capitalism.
>That's fine.
>Use hyperbole to represent reductio ad absurdum communism.
That's hypocrisy, you fucking numbskulls.
Thanks for destroying your own pathetic meme strawman.

Post more

>it's hyperbole and misrepresentation of capitalism
You're obviously too ignorant of history...

Oh fuck off you commie faggot. I hope the AnCaps sell your daughter.

ITT: some angry leftycuck derailing a thread again, do not fail for the obvious bait

I see.
So your 'argument' is more valid than mine because yours supports your argument?
That's hypocrisy you wannabe intelligentsia.

Nah man, this is hilarious since he's pissing off the lolbergs and ancaps in this thread

>all that corporatism can't happen without government intervention
Oh yeah? Is that why big corps are always lobbying for "less government"?

I wish people weren't this naïve...

The fact disney keeps asking for copyright extensions to add to their extensive 70+ years of copyright ownership must be an illusion

Hey, if you love capitalism so much then why aren't you working 14 hours a day alongside your wife and kids in a sweatshop factory?

It's very easy liking capitalism after all the improvements that socialist unions and progressivism brought into it.

I hope you enjoy all the Pajeets capitalism is bringing in to replace you for less than minimum wage too.

Isn't capitalism just so fucking great?

Only leftists like Stallman are campaigning against copyright though.

>intellectual "property"
Copyrights are a right-wing concept because it's based on property.

For us leftists, property is theft.

>Moving the goalposts
>Conveniently forgetting that most people here hate the big government enforced copyright laws

Whoa, another strawman, I'm so impressed.
This is a prime example, I could, in this instance, point to countless deaths (more than national socialism) communism has caused and then you'll simply deny it by saying:
>That isn't real communism!
However, when I say that your examples aren't real capitalism, my argument is automatically invalid.
If that is true, so is your argument, by your own logic.
You are nothing but a denialist hypocrite, who will not listen to the opposing team.
Debating you is pointless and debasing.
Nice faux-enlightenment.

>it's illegal to block ads

Add into this the in-browser DRM that's proposed.

>complain about communist deaths
>while posting edgy pinochet helicopter memes
The cognitive dissonance is real!

desu all ameridumbs should be banned from the internet

>Mixing up corporatism with capitalism