Linux noon here. How do I install? I made a live boot USB and flash? The iso to the USB...

Linux noon here. How do I install? I made a live boot USB and flash? The iso to the USB. I then went to the bios but I can't select anything.

Disconnect the shit that isn't the image.

That's just the order. Make it so all the USBs are first in line, then save and reboot. Plug in your flash drive and let us know what happens.

It's a laptop only the USB is plugged. I cant just unplug the harddrive inside

Not sure what you mean? All the tut I read say to set the boot order as the USB with the iso first. On my laptop it won't let me choose and of the option on pic

burn a gentoo cd

you pressed the wrong function key

Is f1 not it?

Well youre going to have to if you want to install linux. Half measures will avail you nothing, especially in regards to GNU/Linux.

OK so I guess I pressed wrong function key.
Hrm now I'm getting an error message when trying to use boot Ubuntu off USB without installing? Maybe it's becuase iso was courpted? Didn't install property? Or maybe becuase I think I installed amd iso instead of Intel one

Shouldn't there just be a "Boot Option" and when you press on it you get to choose from all the drives which are currently connected to your computer?

install gentoo

I get this on start up

try the intel iso

No idea what I'm doing
I found Intel x86 iso. My laptop has a Intel 64bit 867 not sure if comparable or not

joking... isos are architecture, not brand dependent, don't try to install a 32 bit system if you have more than 4G of RAM, try booting amd64 ubuntu server or debian

I downloaded 64 but I only have 4gig of ram

dunno if it'll help OP, but on one of my relatives' Dell some USB ports are bootable, and some aren't!
it's very surprising. it'll see it in windows, and even windows 10 proposes to boot from it (when you hit shift while clicking reboot), but when you boot from that port, nothing. it boots from hard drive. the working ports have no problem.

consider using a different USB port if you can't see it in BIOS.

go for it if you can't boot any amd64 iso

Press f6 until it's at the top faggot


I got it to boot from USB but now lubuntu gives me and error. Maybe it because I wrote the iso to usb wrong? Maybe the iso was courpted? I used a 2gig instead of the recommended 4gig becuase that's all I had laying around and the iso fit on there

if free space mattered then writing it to DVD wouldn't be a viable option.

Make sure youre not trying to boot 64bit on a 32bit system. It might also be upset at some graphic stuff. If compatibility mode is an option on the initial screen, choose that.

> Maybe it because I wrote the iso to usb wrong?
May as well be that.
Nowadays there are EFI support everywhere, so if you have it, just copy all the files from the ISO to the USB Flash formatted in FAT32 and boot from it.

What's Efi?
I don't have a DVD drive and the I don't have any flashdrives other the the 2gig one.
I'm pretty sure it 64bit

You're dumb, you need to "burn" the iso to the drive, but just copy it into the drive in explorer

Write the ISO directly to the harddrive.

Well not with that attitude, desu. Believe in yourself. Yank the HDD brah.

How to fall for ALL the memes.

Press F12 and select the flash drive. That should do it.