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Rate my setup?

Runs Linux mint off of the iPod by the way.


i tongue nigger anus

needs more poptart

pretty cool setup user, how does it boot from the ipod?

I'm intrigued

I formatted it into efi and used uui to put Linux mint on it

A more in depth guide:
>Plug iPod into USB port on a windows 10 machine
>Open cmd
>This opens a new window
>'list disk'
>Displays all disks
>'select disk=(number disk you want)'
>'convert gpt'
>'create partition efi'
>Open file explorer
>Select iPod's drive
>It'll prompt you to create a partition
>Create the partition
>Install Universal USB Installer (UUI)
>Install the .iso for the Linux you want
>Open UUI
>Select the Linux type you want
>Select the .iso
>Check the option to format to Fat32
>Select the iPod's drive
>Start the program
>Eject the drive once it's done
>Live boot it

Boom! Portable Linux on an iPod!

Sooooo....you can no longer listen to music on the device.....and the same thing could've been done on a flash drive?

I built a PC in a shoebox you think I have a flash drive?

ah! In that case, well memed!


2gb thumbdrives are cheaper than shoes.

An old iPod is I found is free

>Shoebox-iPod PC always wins


>missing the point this badly

>Storage: iPod
>RAM: 1 4GB stick of SK Hynix HMT351U6EFR8c-PB
>CPU: Intel Pentium CPU G630
>GPU: Core Radeon R7 240A
>PSU: DELL L220NS-00 Power Supply
>Case: An old shoebox I found

I have no idea what the motherboard is.

I made this PC for free, by getting old PC parts from friends and companies near me.

Well done.

Nice nice, just toss in a cheap used HDD and you have yourself a nice HTPC.


At least you're not using the onboard video

not bad, but can it run Crysis?

soup sandwich


10 instances of crysis confirmed 100+ fps.

It takes roughly 30 seconds to open Firefox if that's anything to go by

How much is your annual income?

then edit your fucking hosts file, asshole.
Or switch browsers.

bout treefiddy