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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
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Why does flask (deluge webui) say "exceptions.IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:" under a windows host, if the file AND directory are both existing, what permissions do I have to adjust or how can I fix that?
Why wont the asrock z77 pro3 with bios version p2.10 let me overvolt an i3 3240?
What the fuck is going on in that picture
When I'm on my phone, anything that'll let me upload a picture (Clover for example) will just show two of my folders filled with files with no thumbnails. Any idea how to fix it? Android 6.0.1
They had thumbnails until a few days ago.
is it a faux pas to use while contributing to an open source project? With that it works perfectly, but I wonder if they'll go apeshit on me for using that.
They don't have any classes with a functioning border-bottom attrib that doesn't fuck with the layout of what I'm working on, and I'd rather not edit their scss.
I finally made the switch to linux and am amazed at the whole paradigm. I've always known about open-source and the philosophy & shit, but actually living it by using the stuff as your daily driver really makes it real to me.
I wanna get deeper into it, and I'm also a fresh (well, since May) BSEE grad looking for a job so I figure I could use a few projects to bolster my experience while I keep searching.
I'd love to start with making a Raspberry Pi into an emulator console, but I've only used Arduino before. What's the cheapest and best route/Pi version to doing this?
Is there any easy way to get friend referrals for Dropbox (for extra storage space) without having other people?
no, make friends
Can I install gentoo without the target computer being networked? I have a non-networked computer I want to install linux/gnu onto but the two distros I'm interested in (gentoo and arch) are both reliant on downloading packages it seems
After the initial setup, is there any downside to running a properly configured UnRaid setup as your daily driver? Extra GPUs and storage is cheaper than extra CPUs and motherboards, and I want to have Windows and something good running at once. Plus it puts me GPUs away from one box LAN parties.
Hello, can someone tell me what is the best way for me to download youtube videos?
Its an user from /sqt/
Trying to compile stuff on my desktop for my laptop using distcc. Tried a simple program, and it worked fine. But when I try an actual program through emerge, my laptop connects to the deaktop, but then the desktop complains that it cant find x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc -- but its right there in /usr/bin
Laptop is gentoo
desktop is ubuntu
Both running gcc 5.4.0
Both amd64
>nothing but one word quotes
I have a Nexus 7 2013 with no issues other than a cracked screen/non-functional digitizer. I can get it fixed for $150. Is this a rip off deal? No, I do not want to fix it myself.
This is probably a stupid question but I am an anxious fella:
You know how every site nowadays wants you to sign up just to use some service once or get some information? So as you probably know there are sites that offer you email accounts that you don't need to sign up for.
Could you get in any trouble by signing up to a site with an email like that?
>any trouble
If the site cares they will block that email from being used, alot of forums block 10minutemail from being used to sign up, if they don't then they don't care. You're never going to get into any trouble using them
best way to share files over wifi? I need to copy some movies from macos to arch but I don't have an external drive
semi-stupid question, are there any reference books for the standard c library, aside from the one by Phillip J. Plauger?
I've got a bunch of FLAC downloaded at >16/44. What's the best way of flattening it all to 16//44 without losing real quality? Is it even possible?
What's the best VPN service?
Man pages? Posix spec?
im specifically looking for something printed. manpages and the web have been a great help, but for quick, offline reference, id rather have something on paper
Downlaod the websites locally
Currently have a Phenom II X4 955 and GTX 960. Works fine for day to day stuff, becoming dated for games. Will an FX-9590 be a fairly significant upgrade, or just a tiny one? Debating new build that I really don't use enough to utilize vs new CPU for $150
It would be a side grade,and your mobo would need to be am3+ aswell
Not worth it
Uhh... why are you even trying to overvolt a locked CPU?
Ok, so that might be a chink ripoff. But look, there's refurbs right below that if you sort by price for $150.
Repair it yourself. It's pretty cheap anyway even if you break it
What's the best way to re-cover up those metal punch-outs that cover pcie slots? I punched a bunch out because I was fucking around with a build and now I'd like them not open all the time.
Nvm fixed it :^)
Buy third party fillerss
I believe you shouldn't need to download anything during installation if you use the liveDVD image as opposed to the minimal image.
It MIGHT be a bit trickier than that, but I would be very surprised if it turns out not to be possible.
Android tablet for Manga, emphasis on screen quality and battery? Maybe a resource I can do research at?
What's the best pirate addon to use with Kodi?
I'm using Exodus but the search function is shit. It works fine if I pick something from the categories though, but that's sub-optimal
Install ssh-server on arch and use scp to copy the files.
bought one of this recently with buttons
how do i program it
Quasar if you don't mind torrents. If it ain't in there I use 1channel now that salts deed
I'm not fucking with you, if you can get one on sale and you're really only reading manga, the new kindle fires are really good. I got the 8 inch one for 50 bucks on prime day and the battery lasts for about a week. Micro sd slot too, which surprised me.
Autist who had font trouble on Sup Forums the other day. I finally tried disabling 4chanX and I found out that was what was causing the font troubles.
Any idea how that could have happened (some setting I tweaked by accident maybe) and how I could fix it?
I have 8GB of RAM, what should my pagefile.sys size be?
I was running out of space on my SSD and noticed that shit is currently 21GB big for some reason.
Mobo is AM3+. It really wouldn't be any better game performance?
Linked the wrong post.
okay, how do i fix it
Change it to what you like
Does anyone know a good lighting charger they like. I am looking for something for my S4 and my Tablet I dont want to buy something too cheap and have it overheat and kill my phone
running lower than 20% free space is bad for the disk.
Are you unable to install new ram?
How can I make flux or redshift run in night mode permanently on demand I'm running ubuntu.
hasn't really fixed the problem for me.
Yeah, RAM prices skyrocketed in my country recently and I'm hoping that goes down soon. I'm not buying the cheapest 8GB RAM for 120 dollars when decent ones were 70 or 80 dollars three months ago.
Support for android/Linux based readers?
a laptop's built in webcam isnt being detected by anything, i have no clue what to do, i dont THINK it is the antivirus, it is currently running the malwarebytes 14 day trial, but i dont see anything in any setting that would block the wecam from being recognized, anyone got any ideas?
check driver manager
boot into ubuntu live iso
it doesnt show up in device manager
no, I mean, how do I access the css and all that
You read the damn options and find where its at
If you're running Gnome the redshift extention has a toggle switch to run redshift permanently
Just run redshift on oneshot mode at startup and then don't run it again. I just have aliases for night and day that I run when I wan't color change.
How2get Windows 10 in cheepest legit way possible?
Heard of some ching chong Hong Kong site that's legit but eh.
Download it from the microsoft website for free and skip then registration step when it comes up.
is there any way to end the malwarebytes premium trial early?
How much faster would my movie encodes be if I switched over to a i7-7820x? Currently sitting on a 4790k and wew encoding takes a long time and that's for a dvd (8 hours or so).
Also would a noctua DH15 be cool enough for the 7820x?
Why do people use private trackers or whatever they are called? Are they that much better than pic related? I find all my software, music, and kinos on there.
I only use them for really obscure music that can't be found on places like TPB. I think they're overrated, but that's probably just because I don't use them often.
you probably deleted the thumbnail folder. just move all those pictures to a new folder and android will automatically make thumbnails for them. worked for me last time.
yeah tpb is shit for those. but most of the time googling " 320 rar" finds some russian blog with the album at 320kbps
Are pagefile.sys, hiberfil.sys and swap privacy risks? I've looked inside the Ubuntu pagefile and found my password, multiple times. So it's clear that OSes will store basically anything you type/do, in a fragmented way perhaps.
Can someone please point me towards a video editing program that is:
>free/open source
>doesn't crash
I tried shotcut and openshot and they both are pretty unstable.
Give kdenlive a try
K I'll try it, thanks
Would I be able to get a job with a cert from a 6 month IT networking program? There's one in my area that I'm thinking about taking.
I'm not sure if it's working, I've run redshift -o 1000 and I'm not seeing a dramatic difference as I would expect when I jack flux (down) when I dual boot windows.
Any tips for diagnosing if it's working or not? Should I not be seeing a dramatic difference at redshift -o 1000.
Is it CompTia?
If yes, sure
If no, no
If 1000 is supposed to be the temperature that should be a captial -O, otherwise it will parse it as some geolocation.
Thank you user!
How do I use auto-profiles to load a profile in mpv if "movies" is in the file path?
I've got a couple of questions, is there anyway to have my phone screen show up on my tv? I fucked us the screen and didn't have backups of some stuff I want off.
Dude talked me into getting an s8 and the homebar is solid white. Is there anyway to make the button transparent?
This is probably a common thing as I assume most of you are avid imageboard users of many years.
I have vast collections of images that sometimes i'll just flip through to kill time.
I am in search of a better solution than windows explorer and infranview. I want an image library/collection management software. Something with albums and a nice UI. The iPhoto application I had on my macbook back in 2008 was nice.
Is there anything similar I can try out on windows?
I need to hire a real hacker to bypass me college network security and help me get some grades so I can apply for financial help next season. Where can I do this? Everyone look like scam.
For some reason, all my hard drives are idling at really high temperatures, one of them idles higher than my GPU. I double-checked with HWMonitor and got the same temperatures. The SMART reading says everything is fine and the temps are even a couple degrees cooler but Speccy warns me that one is over 50 degrees.
Am I just worrying about nothing or are my hard drives dying on me?
Is this true?
Why not Ryzen
I dunno but report back if you succed plz. Look around the computer science phd offices for poorly groomed people wearing leather trenchcoats.
They have to do more work to shuffle stuff around to free up large blocks and stuff. Whether that is "bad" for them or completely within design parameters I don't know.
Alright thanks
How hot is your room?
Does your case have good airflow to the drive bay?
Are they idle/asleep or active?
It is hot if they aren't doing much.
It isnt "bad" in a sense that it will damage your hdd, but your performance will be reduced the more it is filled as it has to seek farther out on the hdd
Anybody use this on their iPod Video 5th gen?
I got a couple of CF cards laying around to replace the dead drive in mine.
what do I do with a 1tb external hardrive
Actually scratch that. It's been a few years, if I liked the Nexus 7 (2013), what would be the next logical upgrade if I wanted a similar tablet that's more modern?
How do I beat trackers in torrents for new movies and shit? You know, for when your ISP sends you an angry email
I am using utorrent ver. 3.1
How well does Ryzen stack up to an i7 7700k/6700k for gaems? It's upgrade time.