
New to Linux, I have a few questions:
Why is systemd bad?
Why is Debian bad?
Why should I use Gentoo if, apparently:
>Gentoo includes installation recipes for a number of nonfree programs in its primary package system.
so I could end up accidentally installing something nonfree.

Other urls found in this thread:


Just install Fedora bro

Bill Gates and the Illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle. WOOOO WE GOTT A HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE WE GOT A HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE. They got a big herd of nigger cattle yippie ki yay we're nigger cattle herders we got a herd of nigger cattle, they are the most docile fucking nigger cattle we got 'em so docile we got this awesome big fucking herd of nigger cattle and they shit and they sit there and they watch TV and they shit ITS THE BEST FUCKING HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE. We took away all their guns now they just shit and we watch them and were rich. We are so fucking rich. We have so much fucking money. We got this herd of nigger cattle WOOOOO. We're milking the fucking nigger cattle it's the best thing ever.

Systemd is a creation of the CIA nigger cattle as part of the plan to make computers worse and turn America into a nigger cattle feed lot. Debian is bad because it uses systemd.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Debian

Debian is one of the most stable of the distros.

systemD is bad cause while yes, its open source, it does way too much for what it is supposed to do. It is being written too fast for its code to be audited.
also try devuvan if you want debian with no systemd.

I love you Terry

Because its a unnecessarily large program that manages many vital parts of your system and people can't confirm if it is a botnet or not.

Nothing wrong with Debian. Really.

Don't install Gentoo, it's not a distro for new users.
Just use Mint or any Ubuntu variant and ignore everything else you read on Sup Forums.
Absolutely refusing to use any kind of proprietary software is retarded.

praise be

no one installs gentoo men its just a meme

install OS X

pretty much this

Now do you see what happens when you ask stupid questions?

>Why is systemd bad?

linux is highly modular and by design, services are fired by individual scripts, in a certain order, with a certain specific task. and when they finish, they stall.

systemd reworks that by trying to unify at boot time a ton of boot scripts and works in a very similar way to svchost.exe

issues with systemd: too big to audit ; main developer calls people who find bugs "trolls" and uses 'works on my system' argument ; if systemd crashes, your entire system crashes ; since systemd now does user sessions, xorg sessions, udev disk mounting and another ton of shit, if one of those crashes systemd will crash along, along with the entire system.

most important issue: it requires frequent updates cause it's full of bugs and segmentation fault and every system update requires a reboot with it.

>Why is Debian bad?

it's not, it's one of the best open source distro's around there.

they have rather old packages because they seek a very stable distro

they had some issues in the past (declare non LTS kernels LTS to them, and backport patches instead of contributing on the kernel foundation repo - same as ubuntu)

>Why should I use Gentoo if, apparently:

if you know how to configure a linux system from barebones and just want to prove it to yourself

and if you seek a very optimized system according to your cpu flags

Debian or Ubuntu would be the best Starter distro, so neither are bad they're just aimed at being user friendly and have a bit of bloat with them.

Systemd is bad because It goes against the Unix philosphy of (I'm paraphrasing massively) "Make a program that's good at one thing, and then make it the best" or something similiar and it has non-free parts

Gentoo is good because you compile it yourself and you have **Full** control over it

Gentoo gives you the choice.
echo 'ACCEPT_LICENSE="-* @FREE"' >> /etc/portage/make.conf

The distro question is something new people tend to spend a lot of time on, but all you need to know is how you want it to work.
Debian : good if you want stability and don't need new features.
Ubuntu : same as debian but with more support for proprietary software and a lot better marketing department.
Fedora: fast update cycle.
Arch: Rolling release, compile something.
Gentoo: compile everything.
Suse / redhat : tech support.

As for systemd, some people dislike it because it is new, others dislike it because they have no policy for when to stop reinventing the wheel.
If you want to hear the positive thing (and why everyone is adopting it).
Systemd is fast, gives more information about the system and makes the system easier to manage.

>Why is systemd bad?
>Why is Debian bad?
it is not.
in the eyes of the fsf it gives too easy access to non-free software.
>Why should I use Gentoo if, apparently:
If you're new you shouldn't use gentoo. It is only really necessary for specific hardware, or if you are a neckbeard.

> Why is systemd bad?
Cause it is an abomination that will suck all linux distros and will leave no choice other that always have Linux&systemd.

> Why is Debian bad?
It is not. Stable and cool, but they made chose wrong side in the war.

> Why should I use Gentoo
Cause it's fun. If you had not a few years of expirience with linux before, it will be SO MUCH FUN for you.

Im fairly new to Linux as well, I find that CentOS is a good distro to learn because it helps prepare you for an enterprise environment where servers are running RHEL. Fedora is a more bleeding edge distro if you want newer features before CentOS gets them.

> made chose

>Why is systemd bad

I have read a lot about this, but as someone said to me on another site, one of the many things systemd does is present bad guys with a much larger attack surface to exploit. Even more worrisome, systemd actually has privilege escalation code built into it. Factor in Poettering's cavalier attitude about security, and it's probably just a matter of time before something really bad happens.

>why is Debian bad

It's not. Whether systemd is bad or not a matter of opinion. If you forget the systemd debate, there is little wrong with it at all. Some may say some of the packages are too old, but the stable branch is focused on stability, and the packages are tested thoroughly, hence why they are not bleeding edge. The point is they will work perfectly.


Don't bother unless you have at least a week off work to learn it and install it. Debian is excellent for most unless you want to compile and bug test [if you want to do the latter pick testing or unstable].

If you don't use Steam try Manjaro. If you do use Steam check out Mint, I hear it's good.

what's wrong with steam on MJ?

>linux is highly modular and by design,
>services are fired by individual scripts
>in a certain order, with a certain specific task
How is systemd changing any of that?
>by trying to unify at boot time a ton of boot scripts
systemd replaces a bunch of tools in order to get more information and make the system boot faster.
It is still a bunch of individual scripts and services and the new tools are also individual applications.
A service can crash without crashing the entire system.
>system update requires a reboot with it
if you update systemd yes.
But anything else is the same as before.
Running applications are stored in memory, so you need to stop them in order to run a new version.
Rebooting is not a bad thing if you can control when you need to do it and everything works when you start the computer again.
>it requires frequent updates
There is active development on it, sure.
But the critical flaws you speak of is not happening once a week or something.
Like anything else, you can update when it fits your time table.

>New to Linux, I have a few questions:
>Why is systemd bad?
it contradicts the UNIX mentality, also the lead developer has behaved infantile on github when bugs where pointed out. It also contains a lot of unaudited and quite obfuscated code
>Why is Debian bad?
it's not
>Why should I use Gentoo
you shouldn't

fuck off lennart

I am not invested in the project, but I don't see how spreading FUD about a core software project is beneficial to anyone.
I agree that pottering is an arrogant child when people criticize his code, and there may be design flaws in the system, but are you seriously claiming that we are worse off now?
If you told me 5 years ago that the laptop I bought that time would have a boot time of 1.5 seconds + bios and grub, I would not believe it could be possible.

He shook a lot of things loose, but damn we needed someone to fix that problem.

I didn't like sysd bcuz of memes but the more I looked into it, the more I saw how sysd was needed and very beneficial. Lennart is a total tool but he's highly intelligent and I respect what hes accomplished.

I think there is a point in the feature creep.
If we limited the project to what it is today and then hunkered down and only fixed bugs from now on, I would be happy with it.
I fear that it may never come to that

>Why is systemd bad?
It's rapidly growing out of control in an attempt to turn GNU/Linux into Windows.
>Why is Debian bad?
It's not, but it's also probably not necessary for typical end users.
>>Gentoo includes installation recipes for a number of nonfree programs in its primary package system.
FSF recommendations are more about maintaining integrity. A system that is 99% free is better than a system that isn't free at all.

how to install osx on my asus ?

debian testing + openrc ftw OP

boot time is a meme

not containers

There're enough people who are using Gentoo, at least there were in old screen-fetch / desktop threads. I was using it for 1.5 years.

It's just because neo-Sup Forums is a generation grown up on iPad-tier monkey-friendly hardware and don't know shit about tech and there're less and less people who are actually use Gentoo and it's becoming a "meme".

there's debian and fedora, all the others are memes

>his init system has containers
>his init system has feature creep to ingulf all aspects of his OS

maybe you don't understand ??

>so I could end up accidentally installing something nonfree.
Just use a FSF approved distro.

steam-native doesn't work quite right on Manjaro last I checked, they try to use a custom steam package but it just kinda fucks with everything.

I have to cd into .steam/steam and then run steam.sh from there. It's a pain.

did you dl the 32bit packages? werks 4 me

Aren't all the Steam packages 32bit or multilib?

there's a second set of packages you get, can't remember the name atm. It'll pop up under pamac if you search for steam.

Debian is not bad, it's by far the best Linux distro. Don't fall for the memes.

steam-native libraries I think.

install gecko linux