Caturday thread

Caturday thread

Cats are gay op, are you?

Cat has picked out the premium Ryzen CPU. Good job.

Aren't cats attracted to heat?

>not being gay
>on Sup Forums

dogcucks burn at the stake

cats are fucking dumb and lick butter

Don't you like your butter to be licked?
Pathetic vir/g/in.

>not licking your own butter

Completing workloads faster = more time for sleeping


What's wrong with being gay?

That is one fucking fluffy kitty

you convinced me to get a Ryzen for my next CPU

Enterprise kot

wtf i love amd now

You cat is fucking thick bro let her outside more often.


Serious question here.

Is buying Ryzen anti-semitic?

Makes for an excellent cat purch.

What is "gay" in real world, not necessary is "gay" in Sup Forums.
Lots of people here are detached from reality.

The monitor in this photo is now dead. Cat is still kicking though.

wait.. I meant all the way around
"gay" (Sup Forums) != "gay" (real world)


I like dogs.

should have included the photo of the cat actually stacking the ryzen boxes on top of each other

cats are only good for dick licking but tbey are fucking arrogant and would only do it if they feel like it



Every Ryzen purchase is considered a hate crime, goy

Wow. And secondly, the cat isn't fat, it's back is arched.

what breed of cat is this?
i like long hair cat

Fuck off muslim. Dogs are man's best friend.


>cat owner
>most likely a std infested faggot, senile woman, or dumb fuck neet

Cats are for mentally unstable people.

Jihad yourself off a cliff.



fuck off with the shilling

Nothing personnel kid

>static electricity generators anywhere near sensitive electronics

that mf recharging to keep menacing small reptiles all over.


>being a muslim on a christian board
daily reminder that drinking boiled cat shit is halal.

Wow it's like PAW and PURR. Simply Wow.

Sup Forums is not a christian board

Hello newfag .

Lurk moar

Refute if you can



PSA: abuberkala is monitoring thread direct from indonesia.
Reported for being a faggot

I thought international cat day was in october?


Being gay is fucking gay

wtf i love amd now

And, I like being gay

fucking lisp programmers

>And, I like being gay
I bet you like sucking dick too faggot.


Look at this beautiful little furry faggot. I love my hairy black pussy

Cute :3

What a qtπ

Dogs literally eat shit.

So do cats

Cats don't get buttfucked daily by Canadians though, do they?

[citation needed]



didn't know boxes are sensitive electronics


If thats the gpu I think it is i'd be worried to being that close to it.

I will not stand this defilement of gods name.
Fuck lolis

>not letting your cat rub its face on all your hardware components

I love my fucking cat as well.
Look at this qt little fucker

I think thats the 390 Devil 13 card which is a 500w monster.

Bet that cat is really soft.

Maine coon I think

dog spotted

Looks like it's ready to meow at the first thing it sees.

all i can see is just random assortment of fur. i can't even say for sure that is a cat.

What if both cats and dogs were good pets?
And even reptiles and birbs too?

Seems reddit has invaded

Fuck! I missed my one chance at racism.

Itt fami?

t. cat

That's fucking stupid! I like it!


This place has always been a christian imageboard, that's why you can't say n*gger or post porn

not for long




It's a sin?

those puns are enough to make me never want thread ripper

any originalfags here


This is fucking gay

>green eyes
>green team kot

really makes you think!