Whats his name again?

Whats his name again?

Other urls found in this thread:



The CPU Führer

I don't know mate enlighten me

Let this be your daily reminder that AMD is the white man's processor. If you buy Intel you are literally encouraging anti-white, anti-competition, and of course Zionism to grow worse and worse.
Be proud of what your white brother has brought you, buy Zen today.

Kevin "Hercules" Sorbo

Yet another lazy goyim jealous of superior Jews who instead of improving his own qualities blames smart hard working people.

The Contract Keller

Jim "Four Dies Fourth Reich" Keller.

Jim Holokauster

Literally glued together

Contract Killer

No, this is literally glued together. Faggot.

The king of reddit

what is his endgame

Jim latency keller

Latency scales as you cross CCX and die boundries. i9's mesh is more like consistently crappy no matter what you do with it.

At least with TR, you can potentially optimize your workload. With i9 you can't do shit except overclock the mesh and hope for the best (it doesn't do much)

Jim "Hot Glue Gun" Keller


Certified shit wrecker

The guy who was indeniable about his real father.

What about Lisa?


Mother Lisa was hired for her competency and not due to some diversity quota. And so far she is doing an incredible job at saving AMD.

Shame about the H1B in the gpu department though

why 60fps porn is not the standard in the year 2017?


Jim "literary god" Keller
Jim 'My cum works better than Intel TIM' Keller
Jim "One Man Klan" Keller
Jim "The Walking Holocaust" Keller
Jim "Nigger Grave Digger" Keller
Jim "Chimp Choking Champion" Keller
Jim "Gook Gutter" Keller
Jim "Six Million More" Keller
Jim "The Real Holocaust" Keller
Jim "Pull the Trigger on Every Nigger" Keller
Jim "The Man who will impale the Shemale" Keller
Jim "The Sheboon Destroyer" Keller
Jim "One Man Genocide" Keller
Jim "Kike Killing Kommando" Keller
Jim "Merchant Mangler" Keller
Jim "One Man Auschwitz" Keller
Jim "The Ten Ton Terror of Tel-Aviv" Keller
Jim "The 500 pound Führer of Ferguson" Keller
Jim "The Racial Pain Hurricane" Keller
Jim "I Ain't Afraid of no ZOG" Keller
Jim "The Beast that will destroy the Middle East" Keller
Jim "Defile the Jewish Virgin" Keller
Jim "Holocauster Tycoon" Keller
Jim "Aryan Vs. Predator" Keller
Jim "Nuke the Spooks" Keller
Jim "Frag the Fags" Keller
Jim "The real final solution" Keller
Jim "Going Rambo on Sambo" Keller
Jim "Kebab Shishkebab" Keller
Jim "Three Reichs and You're Out" Keller
Jim "Master of the Aryan race" Keller
Jim "Awakening the Aryan people" Keller
Jim "Morning in White America" Keller
Jim "Securing a future for white children" Keller
Jim "Patron Saint of ethnic cleansing" Keller
Jim "Gas The Kikes, Even The Tykes" Keller
Jim "Killin' Schlomo in Slo-Mo" Keller
Jim "Kike on a Spike" Keller
Jim "If it's not white, it's not right" Keller
Jim "14/88 BLAZE IT" Keller
Jim "Slope Slicer" Keller
Jim "Aboriginal War Criminal" Keller
Jim "The Handicapper of any Rapper" Keller
Jim "Mash the Marxists" Keller
Jim "Roma in a Coma" Keller
Jim "Radical racist" Keller
Jim "having Mossad on the run" Keller
Jim "Causing hysteria in every black area" Keller

It's not porn at all

H1B hire basically killed Quadro but whatever.

Jim "Filler of the prisons" Keller
Jim "Threw a Rock at a POC" Keller
Jim "Destroyer of every Diaspora" Keller
Jim "The Meanie to the Sheeny" Keller
Jim "Let's Get this Shoah on the Road" Keller
Jim "Y'all Gonna Panic When You See This Germanic" Keller
Jim "The Jackal of Jerusalem" Keller
Jim "Put Intel in the bin" Keller
Thank you, based jim

That "H1B" used to work with Apple, and given how little money they have for the GPU R&D it looks to me like Raja is doing an incredible job. It is also becoming clear that the gaming market is an afterthought to AMD. All their focus is apparently going to data centers for the Deep Learning™ and Big Data™ and AI™ memes. That is what brings money, and not some neets with nothing better in their lives but compare 120p benchmarks.

Jim Davis

John "Jack" Ritter.

They are not even chasing meme learning.
Visualisation it is.
ASICs will kill GPUs in ML.
Nothing but CPU clusters competes with SSG.

>Jim "Threw a Rock at a POC" Keller

Off yourself, animetard. DO NOT respond.

OMG oxygen, I need oxygen, I know this is a pasta but I laughed so hard that my face is cramping. Thank you sir, I was having a very depressing day, may your bed be full of hot wives. Screen capped for future reference.

fuck off xD

This is an anime website, and we're full.

May your bed be full of hot wives as well, and you're right about it being pasta. Saved it a few months ago from a similar thread.

I like this one

anime website

Benedict Cumberbatch

>we're full of retards

Jim "U R MR GOY" Keller


Jim "If it's a Jew, it'll be stew" Keller

The motherfucker who caused the bankruptcy of Intel

read the FAQ you garbage weeb

I don't have to, when I visit Sup Forums I am greeted by a small animu girl. This is an anime website. If you don't like it please go back to plebbit.

so when using jewtube and I'm greeted by garbage music it's an garbage music website?

no, the official Sup Forums mascot is an animu girl.


God... when new people I meet say they enjoy reading anime I still cringe every single time.


Got bepis?

I dont have the image saved, but there have been people banned before with the reason "Sup Forums is and always will be an anime website. if you dont like it, go back to __ddit"

>he thinks he's not on an anime website right now

>he thinks I care
kys, weeb trash

do you visit gay porn sites and keep telling yourself 'its not gay, only they are'

Jim Keller Intel Repeller

Jim Dale

Jim "that one gay feller" Keller

>weeb identifies as gay
What a surprise.

your comment made no sense unless if you are minimally literate

user implied the non weeb was gay.

im not sure how you read it otherwise

The Penis Processor Person

>im not sure how you read it otherwise
Because weebs being gay is common knowledge

Linus Torvalds

dumb frogposter, get out of my Sup Forums.

just give up now. every time you post something you sound dumber and dumber.

this time it took you 22 minutes to formulate a response to someone pointing out your stupidity and also this time you just outdid yourself and implied that your not able to properly read, and when faced with the task of reading you give up and instead guess what may be written based upon your concept of whatever you think 'common knowledge' may be

Jeff Chesterdale?

Jim Keller The Kike Killer

meme man

Jim Keller

This, Sup Forums is gay and trap central

Lunis Tarvolts

And what is Sup Forums? Are you new here?

Sup Forums is maki

literally all of Sup Forums even Sup Forums is full of traps and gays


>he waits for (You)'s in anticipation an agony, anxious to write a clever retort to some random person as quickly as possible
Lol, I don't even care.
Stay mad, desperate and gay, weeb faggot

Angry Joe

>get BTFO
>"I didn't care a-anyways!"

I didn't even read your post before replying.
How does it make you feel, butt-angry butt baby lol

>keeps replying after getting BTFO
>"I still don't c-care!"

your dumb, please get off g
