Is RX Vega dead on arrival?
RX Vega Dead on Arrival
sold on arrival if the meme rate is true
Fake news
It's not, unless someone figured out how to use the built-in cryptohash functions.
But SSG rapes Quadro lineup.
A fair trade I guess.
>ssg rapes quadro lineup
Not really, it kills the Titan XP but it's pretty iffy against quadros
For gamers? Yes.
For miners and pros? No.
SSG, not fucking FE.
Instructions and assembler guide for vega are already published.
The only people it will sell to are amd fangays and crypto mining fags
Cryptofags would but 480 or 1070.
Vega is shit for mining.
2tb of ram vs sub 64gb
it may be niche but that niche will pay out the ass for the best and is why amd has a place in pro cards for a long time, they gave more ram then nvidia.
we got some wildly conflicting statements made by credible sources
either amd is playing ball with the high end for cheap / amd is significantly ahead it's same priced competition or a fuck load of hardware reviewers committed credibility suicide.
we are likely getting something good, but not something mind blowing this go round.
you mean the shit if hashes people report are anything to go by.
>Vega is shit for mining.
yeah, I wish
gamer nexus said rx vega is about 100+ mega hash
to comare it with rx 480 = 30 mega hash
It's not exactly RAM.
But it's still much lower latency than accessing any storage.
It's 33MH tops.
This is DPRK's latest nuclear weapons test
It was Gibbo who said that.
And I really doubt it's as fash in hashing as that.
I'm not sure if I believe that Vega will be bad for mining. Sure people are reporting shit hashes but AMD has been trying to market it to gamers and not miners. It could be possible that AMD has spuriously asked people to report low rates.
>end of conspiracy theory
Some one tested and they are getting 70, so even tho its not 100 its a huge jump
Why would AMD market Vega to gaymers?
It'll never sell with current perf level.
No, the people that actually tested got 38MH with very modest OC.
because miners just buy the graphics card gaymers buy the cpu, mobo and everything else.
Its a cache that is on card and while not faster then system ram, the latency to access it is so much lower that its better overall, plus, it allows for smaller systems to do that retarded level or ram needs for the cheap, while a system with 2tb of ram would at best cost 14000$ and still require a gpu that costs just as much as the amd one to crunch numbers.
You kinda missed the point. RX Vega is bad for mining.
It's also bad for gayming.
It won't sell.
Honestly nothing Radeon would ever sell unless it performs ~30% better than competitive nVidia offering at any given price point.
400$, 500$ and with a gaming driver that may boost what we have currently, and amd initiatives to push half precision, something I have just found out can very adequately be used to pathtrace, amd is bringing us substantially more power for not a major price hike when properly used, and the first game to use it will likely be farcry 5, so that's the one to look out for.
nothing amd will ever sell to gamers period, to pros its whatever card is best, and amd is gaining on nvidia.
"Substantially more power" would be 20% better perf at any given price point. With current perf and pricing RX Vega is DOA for gaymen.
I'm aware, the statement still stands
It's not 2tb of RAM, it's 16gb of ram with an SSD close to the die to act as some low latency storage
There is a huge speed difference between the GDDR5 and HBM vs the SSD
Not every workload requires speed. Some require latency, and even more so - capacity.
That's what SSG offers. It's a card that is niche in itself.
They are selling a combo pack of a cpu a vega gpu a mobo and a discount of a freesync monitor it is obvious that they are marketing it to gamers. If they didnt want to market it to them they wouldnt bother offering the combo
These packs are an excuse for Vega underperforming, given the power and die size.
I'm aware not every workload requires speed but I mean SSG is incredibly niche.
nvidia is going to eventually cripple their shit
if 56 reaches 1070 performance then that's good enough
I'm not saying it is a strong competitor or even that it will be good compared to nvidia all I'm saying is that they are trying to market it more towards gamers and not miners
Cards for visualisation are incredibly niche; just look at nvidia's quaterly revenue.
It's still a niche worth claiming, since gaymen Radeon will never be reasonably profitable and AMD has no time and money to gamble on gigantic AI chips the way nvidia does it.
It doesn't matter if they market it to gaymers.
It's not going to sell.
readwe arent arguing that it will sell we are arguing who raedon is trying to market it to
Anyway AMD is too busy with raping Intel at every fucking market to seriously invest in competing with NVIDIA. NVIDIA is very, obnoxiosly loud, but they are small compared to big dudes like Intel.
what did he mean by this
Please kindly compare quarterly revenue of Intel and NVIDIA.
Now guess what AMD is aiming for.
What are vegas MSRP again? 400 for the 56 and how much for the 64 and watercooled 64?
it's common knowledge buddy
$499 for air 64 and $599 for CLC 64.
But only 56 is worth it assuming you can OC memory.
too much, too late, for too little performance
Yes. Too bad SSG are so good at raping Quadro while RX Vega don't even touching top of the line GeForce
not for anyone building a new machine, those bundles are tempting. freesync is also loads cheaper
Quadros are niche and barely profitable for NVIDIA. It's gaymen GPUs that bring money.
>tfw you buy an r5 2 weeks before vega drops and miss out of the bundle
so the aftermarkets will probably be around 450, 550, and 650? The Vega 64 needs to perform better than the 1080 then...
how long is the bundle going to last for?
Hey can I see those SSG vs quadro benchmarks of yours?
where is the info on the bundles?
its 2tb that acts as though its ram, but a secondary ram, like I said before, 2tb of ram alone would add 14000$ minimum to the cost of a computer,
Intel, Nvidia, and AMD are actually all bros to each other because they all make a lot of money when one of them releases a product. The hype surrounding any release drums up interest in computer hardware in general.
>buying an i9
lol yeah...
It doesn't matter what it acts like, it's still just an SSD and saying it's 2tb of RAM is the same as saying that because I can access my NVME SSD as ram when I need to I have 284 GB of ram
Daily reminder that there are no raping benchmarks
Literally just shitposting and falling for the memory marketing
Even if they did tweet that, they would be recommending two inferior products.
Did Nvidia also made a similar tweet?
here it is, but I'm wondering why they recommended a 1080ti instead of a titan Xp, since threadripper is not for gaming but also for consumers, simular to the titan Xp. whatever, I'm probably looking too far into this.
The one in OP is fake
if it is ill just save up and get a 1180ti Volta when i build my ryzen 1800
isn't Nvidia skipping straight to the 20 series? I hear that from time to time.
Same but im not sure
2080ti does sound better doesnt it
For a $900aud/700usd
Even NVIDIA knows the people who are mainly gonna buy threadripper are gonna go full "MUH GAMING CPU NEED IT FOR MUH GAMING MUH THREADS".
Professionals will probably buy some massive 2P EPYC system to have it tear apart their programs.
>Nvidia shits the bed in multi-threaded games
>Try to push gamers into buying Threadripper
What did Nvidia meme by this?
I wish shills like you were dead on arrival.
its not unless someone uses the ISA that is built in and doesnt require any addition..
>not on the twitter
>a RX vega
>not "an" RX vega
You fucked up OP.
>not for gaming but also for consumers
Even if the gaming performance is lackluster, miners will still buy all the stock.
its not niche its just better since every single fucking middleman is being cut out and the card can work at full speed the problem with gcn is that they were always understressed this way they just fire up the engines and just lift off..
also titan xp is by all means and ways a disabled quadrop thus why that "magical" driver came along
i doubt amd intended vega as a gaming card navi will be since its going to be a 7nm mcm chip
but vega even from the early leaks it was all compute and compute and compute
>Honestly nothing Radeon would ever sell unless it performs ~30% better than competitive nVidia offering at any given price point.
That explains why their GPU division went bankrupt years ago. Oh wait, that didn't happen, you're just retarded.
>its not niche
yes it is
hawaii was all compute and compute and compute too
no its not niche its just a workstation card
>That explains why their GPU division went bankrupt years ago
you mean the GPU division that was formed from a company they bought out of near bankruptcy and it drove them toward bankruptcy?
no it's not you fucking moron.
oh ok its not
i bet you know better than amd maybe you can email them and tell them that they dont know nothing
why does the wx 9100 exist if the ssg is just a workstation card and not a niche product?
you know not everyone buys a workstation card for scrubbing 8k content right?
go back to that youtube playlist of amd marketing videos you absolutely clueless fanboy
professional content creators are not workstation class
as i said Sup Forums knows better amd does not
amd never claimed it wasnt a niche product, if anything they know it is a niche product thats why the original prototype came in a $10k kit
you do know there are many applications that just shit themselves 100% if you don't have the ram needed to do it right? as in they do not function at all.
>1499 USD
why would anyone do this?
most graphics cards are since architectural changes in polaris were fuckin gud
As long as it's cheaper than the green Jew for 1070 performance I'm excited.
>Caring about power draw or die size on their own
As long as it can be cooled it really doesn't matter. 300W is less than a penny.
How, even youtubers like linus gonna buy these
Those are the Vega FE prosumer workstation cards for game devs/content creators etc. that have been out for a month already.