Are there any legitimate uses for TempleOS?
Is it easy to get online with Shrine? I've been wanting a really minimalistic browsing experience and it looks interesting.
Are there any legitimate uses for TempleOS?
Is it easy to get online with Shrine? I've been wanting a really minimalistic browsing experience and it looks interesting.
Other urls found in this thread:
Its useful for learning OS development
The code is a fucking mess. You may think he's intelligent. HE. IS. NOT.
brainlet detected
CIA niggers can't track you
it is very secure as there is no networking.
CIA nigger detected.
cia nigger brainlet detected
do you even know what a random number is?
t. cia niger
Not going to hell
New archive channel
Also what happened to that gofundme for a drumkit? Did a neet steal the money?
HolyC is actually pretty interesting. The way hyperlinks are used, too.
lock him up and throw away the key
security through obscurity (and lack of functionality)
also this
looking at TempleOS is like looking at the early days of Linux, except it's more scratch-built
Let's see your OS and compiler Tripfag. Terry may not be the greatest programmer ever, but for a schizophrenic neet he's pretty good.
Fuck, what a poor guy.
I wrote a fucking compiler. Linus has not finished his compiler yet and suffers humiliation from Stallman.
print paper plesee
Elon Burgers is me lol
I feel a bit mean doing that knowing it would set him off.
Fucking horrible.
He's talking about Risperdal, the med he is on. He is describing the side effects accurately.
Thank you.
Holy shit this is great. Terry's dad confronts him about his drinking.
Jesus Christ. This guy needs a documentary. Truly some sad shit. I feel for that family.
somebody call trappped
Dude, I am with you. I've been calling for a documentary on Terry for years, ever since I found out about him. One day this will all be gone and forgotten about, unless a documentary is made. I've tried posting to /r/documentaries in the past to no apparent avail. I don't know who to contact. This is prime fucking content here, perfect for an in-depth documentary. It needs to be done right though, not by some amateur fucks.
He's definitely more intelligent than me, I fucking hate programming. If you talk to people who work in the field and actually do shit like this they're more impressed by how ridiculous the whole thing is, not the technical aspects of it.
I hope so. His parents don't need that shit.
i feel like whoever you got to do it would inevitably end up getting accused of being a CIA nigger and the whole thing would be a bust, unless you only interview his family and peers. i don't think they'd be interested though.
Who are you fucks replying to, I can't see the post, what's it say
some dude complaining the code is a mess and Terry isn't intelligent.
The code is very probably a mess, idk enough to evaluate it. But Terry is obviously intelligent.
Fuck this is hard to watch
also check
wow the drumz *just* explodes, mr god wants new drumz?
> Are there any legitimate uses for TempleOS?
Oh, there are many. ATM machines, advertisement boards, routers, IoT controllers...
Of course not.
> legitimate uses
Show off running it in VM.
what did he mean by this?
holy shit did this actually happen?
that's what I call
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Holy fuck that ending
This guy is some CWC level autist.
Terrible drumming technique.
people use "legitimate" too much. there are no good uses of templeOS, but what the fuck is your criteria for "legitimate"?
it's a filler word, and the more acutely people notice it's a filler word the more retarded you're going to look.
you are legitimately a faggot
Post some of his code. I'll be the judge of that.
We need something like the chrischan wiki for terry.
let us know
this is the guy Sup Forums and neo-Sup Forums worship?
shit, nigger
>Is it easy to get online with Shrine?