I made a german anonymous online bullying site

I made a german anonymous online bullying site.


It is page based meaning you can create a page for your own school to discuss and share gossip about classmates.

VPS is located in Russia, IP is protected via Cloudflare. VPS was bought with fake identity just in case.

Any potential in getting this shit popular? I got a few posts already but I'm rooting for more..

Hail Hitler

You know someone will get really upset because they are bullied, and then this site would just be blocked by the ISP's


They can't even block the real ip since its hidden behind cloudflare, I can simply request a new one in the cf control panel. Or if they somehow get my real ip, I'll simply buy an additional ipv4 for my vps.
If they block the domain, i'll get a new one etc.

ISP blocks are pretty useless and will only slow down traffic temporarely until my traffic finds out the new domain.

Fuck you faggot. Hand over your lunch money before a shove you in your locker, nerd.

as long as there are no lewd pictures of teen sluts, nobody will care.

It doesn't matter if the server is in Russia, you will still get v& for it.

Nope, the Hoster only responds to court orders from the russian goverment.

It's not a bad idea OP but best of luck keeping the site running if it does get traffic. Once some kid tops themselves and it's tied to posts made on your site then you will be in deep shit no matter what, they'll find other ways to track you down

Brb reporting it to the feds, with the new anti bullying law you gonna get sued for mad $$$

>sjw and concerned mother legislation

Should have made it U.S based. The germans are too busy being TRUCKED to bully people.

Use https m8

It supports both http and https.
I should redirect everything to https tho.

Genau, was der Welt gefehlt hat, du Hurensohn! Fick dich ins Knie und dann fang was sinnvolles mit deinem Leben an

Was gleich so aggressiv :) ?

Someone is trying out SQL injections kek.
This site isn't even running on a sql database lol.

>he doesn't know about little Bobby Tables

You need to expand this to many countries. This would be the bomb in Brazil.

What about supporting real addresses? Real hate, straight to your home.

This. Retards here love that kind of shit

Lies. It's not in arabic.

Also, make it english if you want it to succeed, abdul.

>How to encourage eugenics: The site
In serious, why is this necessary if the kid can simply move to many schools. Until he/she commits suicide because parents don't have anywhere for their child to go to.

German teacher here.

We had a case like this where some idiot started something similiar on Instagram. Some colleagues who got insulted wanted to file a charge, but no idea what the current state of affairs is, summer vatacation and all.

That said, even if it is anonymous, there are enough retards who think that they're "save", posting shit that makes easy to identify.

Can't say much about the technical details, but if you're ever to be caught, you're going to be in deep doo-doo.

>defaults to http
>rounded borders everywhere
>super edgy dark theme
Your site is shitty, your country is shitty, and you should kill yourself.
In America we just bully nerds like you to their face, because there isn't anything you can do about it, twink.

Enjoy your school shooting :^)

Enjoy your muslim invaders. ;o

And you think the the Russian government is not going to send a court order for the eventual CP that is going to get posted by stupid teens on your site?

Does russia even give a shit?
I'll just hire a few mods at some point I guess.

You should have made a coalburner registry.

When did germans become so shit? Adolf come back

That's better than dying to people of your own race.

You're an idiot. Cloudflare will sell you out the moment someone makes a complaint.

Probably one of the butthurt little bitches that are defending immigration or kids who get bullied. Make this shit English and spread it through the U.S it could get mad popular

Make an English option you fucking nigger

good, rather get killed by something that isn't inferior to me

Not OP but I'm building a coalburner registry.


if anyone wants to help (been kicked off hosting once already while it was still a "under construction" page i can be reached at drpiss at obscura dot pro

probably just start as mediawiki site but a better system for letting people submit coalburner identities + evidence would be appreciated

A lot of posts here already about possible consequences. I only have to ask you one thing, is it really worth it?

what is twitter?

this already exists in different forms

This. Think about it.
The consequences will never be the same.

ITT triggered burgers

Get fucked

I made imageboard for my school and currently it has none visitors and I want it to remain that way.
On college I will make it public.

I like the idea but can you make an English language version? I can't undestand germanian.

Oh user naughhty naughty

That doesn't prevent them from finding you using something else, like this thread.

your have none

>VPS was bought with fake identity just in case.
I wish I knew how to do that

no college normies use imageboards pal

Possibility 1: You have a site which doesn't get popular and you've wasted money and time creating it.
Possibility 2: It becomes slightly popular but not enough to get banned and you make a solid $12 revenue off ads after 3 years.
Possibility 3: It becomes really popular (good luck) and the parents off the kid get mad and your site ends up getting blocked or taken down. Cloudflare doesn't mean shit, they're protecting their business, not yours. As some cunt said above, they'll sell you out in a heartbeat. In this scenario you make no money and possibly get boned by the law, though I doubt it.

In every scenario, there's no great reward. What's the fucking point?

>www.goroast.me doesn't work
nice job user

Hale Hortler

"Cyberbullying.com" seems like a pretty funny idea desu.

Maas and Merkel will try to get you for this.

Forgot a cname record, will fix asap.

The point? Creating something relevant.

No risk no fun user.

100 visits a day. Nothing amazing, but it can only get better.

I will start an English Version this weekend.

Anyone competent enough at basic social engineering can make a request to cloudflare and they'll cave immediately, giving out your true IP.

Yeah, its not the most secure protection, I know. But I can request a new ipv4 anyway if this happens.

You should set up HTTPS

email me dr piss at obscura dot pro i may be interested in buying ads

Send mail using my alt account.

>bulling is relevant to help improve person
>this approach possibly records victim's details to the point they may not be able to find job/have sustainable life just because said victim is born failure

>school bullying site
You need to be +18 to post here

mericans are too busy getting shot by niggers on minute by minute bases

Reported to the BKA.

>implying I have any morals and even give a shit about possible victims as long as I am getting ad revenue.

Pretty sure those people aren't responsible for cyber crime.

Richtig, bin mir sicher dass sie das nicht sind LOL

Nimm die Seite lieber vom Netz bevor du dir die Finger verbrennst.

>being literally ten years old
Good job

Who is even responsible for shit like this? We had a guy recently talking at our university and he was from the police but mostly responsible for child porn and material of rightwing extremists (aka Hitler pics).

Disable image posting, cp flood is the fastest way you'll get vanned

This is Europe.
People get arrested for "hate speech".
Specifically, Germany where you can't deny the Holocaust happened.

If it was America, you'd be right for the government and certain organizations that allow anything but fraud, "legit" conspiracy to commit a crime, commercialized crush porn, copyright infringement, and child porn

since Russia won't hand over high profile targets, you should be fine. unless you break Russian law.

I reported you to German counter-hate-crime police so wait until getting caught and sentenced to prison for 200 years

>Any potential in getting this shit popular?

>filing charges against minors
cucked nation.

Source or gtfo

But one nazi kills someone and it's a bigger problem than all of BLM and ANTIFA acts of terrorism combined.

can you write up a guide on how to set up something similar? EU laws regarding the internet are getting stricter by the minute.

>No. 666111 3hours ago: Bernd
>Title /Matthias der Nazi/
> /Matthias der Nazi General/
>Ey Leute, ich hab von Gülcan gehört
>Das eine ihrer Freundinnen gesehen hat
>Wie Matthias aus der 8 b vom Babenhausener Gymnasium
>Den Hitler Gruß gemacht hat.
>Lasst Mal nach Schule Treffen Brüder
>Nazis gehört verkloppt stimmt's???

Wow thanks OP. Some inoccent souls want to thank you beforehand that they will suffer because of hearsay.
You really contributed to society with your idea! Greate contribution

URL bar?

I wrote the whole thing in php and its a godamn mess, there is no way I'll be able to setup a guide.

Just go for it OP
Here the bitter nerds will mock any and all ideas anyway, unless it's about the next terminal-based web browser.

op's site literally is for highschool outcasts to call each other faggots

pls no bully

>VPS was bought with fake identity just in case.
Ok Lan anzeige ist raus, viel Spaß in der JVA

I mean github link

not a guide for your actual application, just for the process of anonymously registering the vps and hiding its IP.

>Implying you can't just spam cp image links

they block the domain, not the ip you nigger

You doesn't need even a court order to get the IP behind cloudflare, did you read the ToS?

They will give it without any questions if police asks. It isn't crimeflare anymore.

How would you promote your website?

Hurl Shitler

Was there a time that cloudflare protected criminals?

So it's a Sup Forums clone

> Von: NotChildPorn

Good luck user, hope you've got good lawyers.

make it so that you can attach webm's and pictures

Already possible, atleast pictures.

Has anyone told OP that cloudflare is MITMing his site all the time, and that therefore if anything dodgy happens he's going to get reported to the authorities?

I'm a teacher as well in Germany.
I use startpage, Brave and a good VPN with 256 AES all the time. I cant be tracked by anyone.

I would love to use this shit to use create a thread on my uni.

Come fite me fggt

I would contribute roasties

>try to register
>botnet captcha
>failed to register because of inferior language
>have to do botnet captcha again
>want to post something have to do captcha